How to Knit a Scarf for the Absolute Beginner

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Learn to knit a scarf! In this video, I'll walk you through the full project--supplies, casting on, knitting, binding off, and weaving in ends!

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you know, i'm a 19 year old boy and i used to knit with my gran when i was really young, like 6 or 7 maybe? well when my dad found out he told me it was a thing only old women do, so i stopped it. i forgot how to knit at all (even though i wasn't great at it back then haha), but now i'm trying to pick it back up in her honour and this tutorial has really helped me get the hang of it fairly quickly! (even if i am painfully slow at the actual knitting!) so thank you!


"This is a really easy calming art"
*me literally dying trying to make a slip knot*


Notes for myself: 4:15 slip knot and start. 5:10 continue. At 8:05 we begin using both needles and knit! 13:20 cast off and _exeunt_ 🌹


me when i make first stitch when casting on: **screaming** I DID IT I DID IT



I started November 2021 and took many long pauses from working and only just now, on November 2nd 2022, have I finished. Definitely accidentally added a ton of stitches early on so it’s way too wide and therefore too short but it’s still definitely a scarf and I’m very proud and excited to knit more :)

Also I’d recommend that once you’re comfortable with knit stitch, you consider alternating some purl in this. Just to make it less monotonous and create a more interesting design.


If you click on the video itself and then click on the three vertical dots in upper right corner you'll find a button half way down the menu that will adjust the video playback speed. You can slow video down to 1/4 of normal speed and up to 3 times faster than normal. Faster speeds come in handy when listening to audio books. By increasing the speed by just one level will get you through material that much faster without sacrificing comprehension. This must be a recent YouTube feature. I just learned about it this past week. Hope this info helps you guys out there.


At the beginning I had yarn and no knitting needles so I used Pencils


"When you finally master these basic stitches, you can even do these without looking. So you can watch a movie..."

Me: **Already imagining me watching Harry Potter while knitting a Slytherin Scarf**


Starting my first scarf right now! Thank you for making it so clear!


I am a boy and I love knitting with my two grandmas and my mom but my grandpas want me to play lacrosse and basketball but I would rather knit or do ballet


Thank you for making this video. I am a 37 year old combat vet, and my 5 year old daughter wanted a scarf. Your video showed me how to make one without going (more) insane.


Made a scarf from your tutorial and it was really fun! thanks for making the video very simple. Just 1 thing - being a beginner, i missed lots of loops during the first section of the scarf, i wish you had a clip on how to knit the missed loops


Thank you so much for preparing this carefully instructed video. That last time I did any knitting was when I was in my late teens. Now, at 75, this craft is like starting from scratch. I must have torn out that first row so many times the yarn was getting overworked. Thankfully the next rows are going much better and definitely more quickly.


well I thought I was being smart getting the fluffiest whool. Now I can't continue because I can't see individual stitches


“I picked the red needle so you can see a lot of contrast”

Red-green colourblind people: -_-


I've watched this video 5 times & I cannot get this. I'm so lost. I can get to the slip knot but then get lost.


I’ve crocheted for years because my maternal grandmother crocheted and my mother was able to teach me what she remembered. My paternal grandmother knit, but she never taught my dad. Tomorrow I’m picking up some needles and am going to try to get in touch with that side of the family. Thanks for the video, it’s made me very excited to begin!


My knitting abilities are limited to scarves and pot holders.


Thank you, my mum knitted most of my life an tried to teach me. I haven't done it in years. She passed last year and the yearning to knit came back. Thank you for helping me get started back on this journey.


Jennifer,  during Covid quarantine, I thought I would give your beginner knit scarf a try.  I am sometimes taken back by projects that are described as beginner that don't seem to hold true to the definition of beginner but I  have had wonderful success with your crochet tutorials and have confidence that your projects are always true to your description.  I am happy to say today I finished my very first knit scarf and I absolutely love how it turned out..  I used a Caron Cake in the color, Blackberry Mousse so there is a deep purple, mauve, burgundy and some brown.  I love that my edges are aligned, I can definitely accomplish the Knit Stitch at this point and I was able to follow the binding off.  I have a new appreciation and love for such a beloved yarn craft.  I am hopeful I'll find additional knitting tutorials on your channel. You are a wonderful teacher and this is the perfect tutorial for an absolute beginner. Thank you so much!
