Minimalism For Beginners - How To Get Started!

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Minimalism For Beginners - How To Get Started!

I think I was a minimalist before minimalism was even a movement. In fact, my mother still hasn’t forgiven me for giving away so much of my “valuable” stuff over the years. But the idea of having less has always appealed to me. So I’d say I was probably born to be a minimalist. Don’t get me wrong I know plenty of people who live very happily surrounded by colour and things but it’s just not for me. If I have too much colour and clutter around me I feel stressed and anxiety starts to set in. And that’s one of the main reasons people seek out the simplicity of a more minimal lifestyle in the first place. It creates calm and done right is generally kinder on the planet too. So while minimalism may not be for everyone, but for those of you who are intrigued by the idea then today I’m sharing some of my top tips to styling your home like a minimalist.

If you have any tips on minimalism for beginners I'd love to hear about them in the comments below.

Thanks for watching



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What I ADORE about minimalism is that you have less stuff, but higher quality. Cause if you buy less things, you can spend more money on them.


The truth is minimalism It’s different for everyone it’s about creating a life worth living and always giving things that I value what


as a minimalist who is also an artist, I have some tips!
-don't be afraid of color. Use colorful plants like succulents, cool string lights, and even colorful walls. It helps to keep your house from looking like a hospital.
-keep things that genuinely make you happy. Art supplies, makeup, books; if you use them often and they bring you joy, don't get rid of it!
-touch up your furniture. Redo (or sell and upgrade) your furniture to give your home that extra push :)


Am I the only one who thinks throw pillows on beds are so annoying and uncomfortable?


I was originally a crazy hoarder but now I’m midway through my minimalist journey and it’s so much better and I can feel so much more value in the things I still have

My problem is getting rid of sentimental stuff - or what I think is sentimental.


my mom keeps indirectly insulting my room like “If I had my own room I would make it a sanctuary” 😀 can’t wait to move out


Going minimalist is the hardest thing ever when I share a room with my little sister. She has SO MUCH STUFF, random colors everywhere, and never cleans


Starting my minimalism journey and I have discovered that i've been a hoarder. It's difficult but so worth it already!


I love this whole thing, because color and clutter really stresses me out


I am part of the newest minimalist, we have just as few objects but all are Brightly colored. I've had my years of grey, white, black, taupe and cream now I find that color gives me joy.


I'd love to see a minimalist that didn't have white everything and pastel coloring in their videos. It looks nice, but every single minimalist on YouTube has the same style.


Last year my room went from pink shabby chic vintage cluttered look to black and white cold and bare clinic look. But maybe this time I’ll add a little bit of gold here and there for color...


THANK YOU. You have no idea how hard it is to find an interior design video with a real live talking human instead of tonnes of pictures, which are pretty much useless for educational purposes!


I wouldn t agree that things should not be visible. On the contrary, once you get rid of clutter objects we love can be visible.


Loved the neutral palette shown here. We've finished decluttering, but now we need to style our home and this was helpful. Thanks! For decluttering, we did KonMari, so one category at a time instead of room and we found that to be more helpful for us, but I can see how having one space completed would be motivational to continue decluttering.


Perfect place less cleaning and more time to relax and do the things you enjoy the most! Thank you for your tips and the video!


I liked the video and it was a good guide to achieve a really nice aesthetic. I'm a sucker for soft, fluffy textures. And I'm definitely that kind of boring minimalist who likes everything white and grey!

The "quality over quantity" tip was my favourite. Honestly, it's so amazing for your peace of mind to choose items with prudence, and have the confidence that they will last a long time and not cause you much hassle. Everytime I think about buying something, I ask myself: "will this make some part of my life considerably easier and less stressful?". I have enough pretty objects, now it's time to seek beauty in stress relief and simplicity :)

However, I'm surprised there weren't any tips on how to declutter. Especially for a beginner, decluttering first, step by step, seems like a good idea before choosing any storage systems or themes. Then again, you have other, more specific videos about decluttering, so I can see why you would go for a broader and more general approach here.


Achieve a minimalist look by keeping your walls, carpets and windows clean and fresh. Choose bolder colours for an abstract feel to each part of your house ( cushions, picture frames and small parts of seating ). Try not to use so many bold colours in one place because that can cause darkness and feel like you have a smaller living space.


If you have any type of sentimental value to a picture or an object that reminds you of something important. Try and feature it on a shelf or, on a side table.
