Beginner Minimalism: 5 things I wish I could have told myself at the START!

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Minimalism as a beginner can be intimidating. Looking back, there are 5 things I'd love to tell myself in my first year of minimalism. Tips to help simplify our home quicker and to love our minimalist home even more. But despite how long it takes to get there, family minimalism is still one of the best things we've ever done!

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I’m 68 and looking back on so many years of wishing I could keep my house clean and tidy easier. But I am part of the “accumulate more” generation. I’ve learned so much from you younger gals and have been decluttering lately and also just cutting back on shopping. I can already tell a big difference in the way my home looks!


I find it addictive to declutter. Whenever I'm feeling lousy and emotional, my first thought is what can I throw out.


Sometimes I wish I could “love” a YouTube video, not just “like” it. Your channel is so helpful, educational and inspiring. Thank you!


“Tipping Point”!!! I am on the “downhill” side! How has it impacted our life? Wow! I’m playing the piano again after 40 years of not. I sent Valentine cards and have Easter cards ready already! I REST more - as real rest, not as escape from mess but as rest! My health is improved. I lost weight. I am not “finished” yet but I am so happy that I found you and the Take Your House Back group!


I would tell my past self that what I was left with after decluttering was all the BEST stuff, all my favorites. So when I open a cabinet or closet, I only see my very favorite clothes, tools, linens, etc. So refreshing and happy!


Just started minimalist journey, I'm 62 year old, widowed, mother of three grown children, who works at my local hospital and have downsized to a 2 bedroom basement apartment. I've managed to keep/accumulate too much stuff. The purge is happening one cupboard at a time, one drawer at a time. Wish me you and god bless and stay safe.


Enjoy your insights & I am 81. I have downsized & wish I had done it sooner. Stuff does not equal happiness♥️🙏


I became a minimalist by accident. I lost every thing I owned in hurricane Harvey but it turned out to be a blessing. I have four children as well and this more simplified life is sooo much better!


When you were tearing up, it was clear how passionate you are about the benefits of minimizing. Thank you for being so real about the process.


This is a wonderful presentation. Well thought out, not condescending or arrogant, great spontaneous feeling delivery. I feel as if I learned something worthwhile here.


I have literally gotten rid of about 20 bags/boxes of stuff😳
And it does feel like I haven’t made a dent👍
But I’m NOT giving up!!!


Well said! I feel the same way. I have found that I needed to declutter and simplify when I became a mom. My husband was very supportive. My in-laws were often very unkind, calling me anal, picky, and OCD. Now, years later, I realize their judgmental attitude toward me was from envy. The meanest ones were also the the ones with the most debt and the most clutter. We have recently retired at a very young age, middle 50's, and are happy that we set our priorities when we were in our early 20's. You are doing a great job! You are teaching your children how to live a good life without debt...true peace and joy.


Last week I started using my grandma’s tea cups - they are lovely and have always been hidden in a cabinet.


“Keeping everyone afloat, but it isn’t pretty”. LOL!
Love it, it’s so apt!


I was like you, I didn't feel that I was making any progress, but several times my husband friend would Stop by early in the morning to drop off some things, I got up one day because I heard the doorbell, and my husband was closing the door, and said oh my friend came buy to drop some of my tools off, I looked around and I thought the house looked messy, and I said to my husband OMG how embarrassing, and he said no actually he just told me today, wow no matter how early I come, or at what time I come, your house always looks clean.😊 Of course that definitely made my day.


"I'm keeping everyone a float but it ain't pretty" BEST motherhood description ever!!!


I think my regret is letting the “world” tell me what I needed—your house should look like it belongs in “Southern Living” magazine & your meals must look Martha Stewart cooked them, etc. I have wasted so much money & time. But it is never too late to make major changes. I spent several weeks last year going a major decluttering. And Dawn you are absolutely right—once you get started you want to get rid of more! Blessings to you!


I’m 62 and starting the process myself! I inherited a whole lot of stuff when my mother and father in-law passed, she was taking care of an elderly friend, which she inherited all of his stuff and since then my husband has passed. So I have so much stuff to go through. I’ve been so overwhelmed. I love watching your videos dawn and I’ve actually been taking little bite-size sections this week. You’re just so real and encouraging and your sweet spirit. I love your laugh. Thank you for all the inspiration and encouragement. You’re my favorite on the decluttering videos.


Lol people have asked me where is my stuff! I said "where it belongs". Peeling away the layers is so satisfying. I love the serenity minimalism brings. Thank you for the inspiration!


Thank you Dawn. I feel so great seeing my house getting simplified. It is great to hear that having less stuff brings space in other parts of your life. 🎉
