How to Cure Tinnitus Linked to Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (My Personal Experience) - Dr Mandell

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Millions of people develop congestion throughout their lives from bacteria, viruses (common cold or flu), pollen, or allergies. This commonly affects the eustachian tubes that connect from the back of our nasal cavity to the middle ear. When these eustachian tubes become congested they get inflammed, producing an imbalance of pressure that directly affects our middle and inner ear causing tinnitus and/or vertigo symptoms

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I have a severe Tinnitus condition since my 24 years old. I´m 42 now. Tinnitus patients are not understood. A word of strength to all of us.


Doc, you have no idea about the service, help, and favor you're doing to mankind. Thank you!


Thank you Doctor Mandel, I’ve been using your techniques for about 3 months, I’ve had a significant reduction of my tinnitus, which I’ve suffered with for over 30 yrs, god bless you for the help that you’ve provided to me, you saved my sanity.🙏☺️


Man I'm in tears right now. I haven't found such an explanation of my condition since this started a month ago. I'm praying for a complete healing, this has been all but maddening. God be with you Dr. Mandell. You are a godsend


Dr Mandell, over the last few months, your presentations have got me through a very difficult period in my life ( neck issues, and tinnitus) . Your practical help gas been and is amazing, but your words of support come from a kind hearted bloke who oozes kindness and care . God bless ya pal and thank you for all your help, John, from the UK


This is great. I started doing the blowing exercise yesterday and today tinnitus has disappeared. I feel great, thank you so much!!!


Thank you so much for your videos! I had new onset hearing loss with tinnitus that followed. I saw an ENT and was told my tympanic pressures were normal. Not until I saw this video did I try to make my ears pop. I found that the ear with the hearing loss didn't pop normally where it always had the rest of my life. The ENT blew me off, but using your techniques and instructions I've made progress in the ringing! All of your videos are helpful. I appreciate that you also responded directly when I contacted you for more info. I'm steaming now. You're right, no one suggested steaming. Have a great day!


Had Tinnitus for a month with a constant popping and ear drum vibrating, using your advice has all but eliminated it.Thankyou so much


U r really a special person dr mandell. U r giving so much without asking. God bless you with good health..💐


Nice to hear from a doctor who has some patience. Most of the doctors in Canada don"t have time to spend few minutes with the patient.


This gives me a lot of peace of mind. I’ve been experiencing ETD for months, just within the past week I’ve had tinnitus that won’t go away. I’ve been to the ER, an ENT, and even a dentist because the ENT said it might be TMJ. Of course, stress-googling doesn’t help one bit. You’re the first person who’s actually talked sense about this issue. Thank you deeply.


We are getting very positive results for which I salute, honor, respect and inspired with Dr M. for his knowledge, experience, spirit and humble nature. He is sharing his knowledge for mankind for health management. Also sharing his channel, so that really needy mass be benefited with is unique tricks and treats.
May God bless Dr M so he may continue his services for suffers and for mankind


I just did this and it worked. Tinnitus is no joke. It is so loud and it sounds like flies buzzing in my left ear. Thanks to your method I barely hear any of that buzzing. I was really feeling hopeless. I love your channel and I love you! God bless you brother.


62, musician, got T but learned to live with it. It took a major turn for the worse starting with a sudden hearing loss in left ear, sound came back after 15 hours but distorted with god awful T and hypercusis. Took a month to improve with alternating good day and bad days. Then it happened again after 3 months. I found your channel and started clearing my eustachian tubes with your techniques of spray, steam and opening eustachian tubes techniques and zinc. Huge difference after 2 days. T is cut by 50- 75%, hypercusis is gone, I went to audiologist after the first time and he said nothing on how to get better.. Thanks Dr. Mandell..


To ensure spraying into the eustachian tube, hold the tube with the opposite hand to the nostril you are spraying into while you are bending forward. This will help ensure that the spray is pointed outwards into the eustachian rather than vertically into other sinus regions.


Dr. Mandell, I learned more from this fifteen minute video than I have in the past thirty years of asking questions and reading! My struggle with tinnitus possibly linked to my previously diagnosed "shortened eustachian tube"??? Brilliant! No one had ever put the two together. I was watching and reading about lymphatic draining through gentle self massage when I came across your videos. You have actually given me hope that I may have some measure of relief from this life long burden. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! I subscribed to your channel and I'm looking forward to more motivational moments :-)


Dear Dr. Mandell, I just found this video a few days ago, and wanted to let you know how much it has helped me. This treatment has greatly improved my ear issues, to the point of being almost 100% cured from what has been a chronic situation for me over the past 12 years! I no longer have fluids in my Eustachian tube it is all due to the therapy you outlined above. Thank you so much and I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year! God Bless!!


This is a gift from a man who know what he's talking about. Best info yet!


I have had tinnitus for many years and have taught myself to associate the sound with silence. When there is no sound around me and it’s silent I hear the ringing in my ears which tells me that I have peace and quiet which is relaxing.
So in effect I’ve trained myself to associate the sound of tinnitus as something good.
I will however try your technique to reduce the volume or possibly eliminate the sound all together.


Makes so much sense why this doctor helps others like this he's been through it himself he gets it. God bless you Dr. Mandell for being human I can't tell you how many doctors ignored or just throw pain pills at you or treat you like your insane because of pain❣️❣️🙏
