This Is How Men TEST You

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Ryan now offers self-guided *online courses* to help women of ANY age crush those single streets FASTER and more efficiently!

In this video, dating coach Ryan Patrick answers the question "is he testing you" by identifying 4 ways relationship-ready men and 4 ways relationship red-flag men go about sizing you up. This is how men test you with their guy tests.
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I now offer self-guided *online courses* to help women of ANY age and experience level CRUSH those single streets FASTER and more efficiently! 🙂


Guy called to cancel the date two hours before because he wasn’t feeling it and tried to make me reschedule with him for the next day. I told him I was busy. He said “all right I guess tonight it is”.. I called it off because I felt like I was being manipulated.


postponing sex is not for the passing men's-test-for-respectability, it is for a woman to get to know a man better before committing any intercourse


I showed my boyfriend this video and he immediately outlined how he gave me these 4 tests early on. So we can attest this list is legitimate.


Another good way to know if a guy has good intentions is if he calls you by your name instead of "baby" or something like that off the bat. If he doesnt say your name at all then he is not into you.


Everytime Ryan says his intro "I've got all that coming up for you, right now!", my hearts starts racing for a few seconds because i'm about to find out the possible reasons for my latest fuckups again. Thank you so much for your videos.


I could've saved myself a lot of heartbreak if I had seen this video years ago. I'm gonna stop accepting the overt sexual innuendos just to date someone who ends up ghosting me anyway.


I could teach this myself! The key is to love yourself and spend time with yourself and build your own life. It teaches you who you are, what you like and don't like and most of all what you expect or will accept from others. The key is to need nothing from anyone else. Anything you gain outside of that is purely a bonus. Happy dating everyone and remember these are life's lessons and we can only gain from them ❤


I wonder why this video showed up in my recommendations. I no longer date or even actively looking for a man/mate. I gave up a long time ago. Women work on being the best you, you can be. Be happy with your life and LIVE IT TO THE FULLEST.


I find it highly a turn off when a guy gets to you know right away he says “come over” like yeah that’s what I’m going to do why do guys think it’s okey to talk to a girl this way


He literally tested my sex boundaries! We're not dating tho, but both of us confessed that we are interested in each other but we just don't have the time to invest on each other for dating rn. When I told him I am not going to act on my attraction to him and need emotional bond before sex, I feel like his respect for me increased. He looks after me, opens up to me and just behaves with respect around me.


I need this because these guys be testing rn 😂


I find myself watching some of these videos retroactively slapping my own forehead. “Ooohhh, THAT’S what the eff that was!” Good hindsight makes for better foresight, lol. 🙏🏼❤️


Yooo Lowkey I’ve had guys test me on all of those but I unintentionally ended up psychoanalyzing them instead.... they wanted to test me but they ended telling me more about themselves than they intended. Let’s just say that it never got to a meet up and I unmatched


This happened to me a few weeks ago so I thought I'd share and give you some entertainment. This guy was staring at me at the gas station. He came up to my car told me how beautiful I was and wanted my number and told me how good in bed he was. I said good for you. I'm just here to get a drink. He asked if I would buy him a drink. I said I would if he would forget getting my number. He followed me in, I got him a tea and went back out to my car. He said I bet your good in bed too. I said you never know. He then said maybe you could help me out I just got out of jail and am homeless. I said you need to work on your game a bit and if you want all that from someone maybe you should ask them their name first and drove away. Some people.


Eh I’m too lazy to be doing any tests. I think imma just keep to myself and stay single


I wish I found your channel when I was in high school!!! I literally could have prevented wasting my time on guys or even being able to look at the red flags !!


One guy I was talking to told me to "Shut up, " as like a joke. He did it again, and again like he thought I found it hilarious or something, until I shut it down. My only regret is not calling him out on it the first time. Oh, and if you're wondering he's blocked!! I really don't have the patience to tolerate being provoked and having my guard up all the time.


The thing I like about Ryan is that I feel like he doesn't try to lure us in for his content....I feel like his videos are soooo free for us....its not hyped up with drama to suck you in (even if its true). He keeps it simple. Love it.


I find that when I put the sex boundary and put it off, guys just SCATTTER! Of course, I understand that then they're probably not the people I want to be with but it sure is hard to find relationship men
