The #1 Way Men TEST Women

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The #1 Way Men TEST Women... In this dating, love, and relationship advice video, I will show you one of the 7 ways men test women and explain how to win him over. You may see men test women on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to this dating advice and ensure you watch the entire video.

If you are asking yourself, do men test women? This relationship advice is meant for you. I don't want you to get confused when a man tests you. I want you to know how men test women, why men test women and the things men test women for, for you to pass these tests and attract great guys to have fulfilling relationships.

I want you to know how to pass a man's tests and how to win him over. I want you to know what men want when they test you. Ensure you embrace this relationship advice to understand men better and know the different ways men test women.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- How men test women
- Ways men test women
- Do men test women
- Men test women
- Online dating
- How do men test women
- Things men test women for
- How men test you
- Why men test women
- Why do men test women
- How to win him over
- How to win him
- Attract great guy
- 3 ways men test women
- Dating advice
- Dating advice for women
- Relationship advice
- Relationship advice for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



I hope you enjoyed my video: The #1 Way Men TEST Women

Watch this dating advice video next: He's LYING To You If He Does THIS!


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❤ Here’s your chance to get your personal questions answered by me for FREE


My Mum always said, "Start off as you mean to continue" so be yourself; don't change for anyone; the right person will be attracted to the real you.


Why are some men so concerned about women who wants their money but those same men just want her body


Don't test me because I am going to fail MISERABLY every time. I don't have time for the games. If your car is poor I'm going to assume that YOU are bad with money. If you "forget" your wallet I am going to assume that you are irresponsible. No wallet, no ID (learned this in high school). If you show up looking like a "bum" and I put effort into the date I am going to view you as a low effort/unambitious man. Not saying that I would be accurate but I don't have time to find out. I can stay home and be at peace. My patience are already thin when it comes to games, so I am better off single if these are the games that's going on right now. Come as yourself or leave me out of your mess.


One time a guy picked me up and his car was so messy. He had a box of tissues on the passenger side and all these documents on the floor. I picked them up and threw them in the back seat. When I turned around it was an even bigger mess. Ski equipment (it wasn’t even winter), books, paperwork, paper towels. It was so gross. I feel like it’s disrespectful if you’re picking a girl up at least organize your car. I’d be embarrassed to show up like that. Imagine I dressed up in some sweatpants, a hole in my t-shirt, muddy shoes, stinky breath. It’s disrespectful to the person who put in the time, energy and effort into getting ready


When I feel that a man is testing or 'training' me I will do everything exactly opposite just to confuse him.


If a man tries going Dutch with me that’s his first and last date with me. To me if a man has me reaching for my purse on a date that’s like him publicly humiliating me. I don’t need someone with a bag but I do need a gentleman. To me going Dutch doesn’t equal a gentleman.


This is why you should have multiple conversations before agreeing to go on a first date. You have to be vigilant with your listening skills bc they will tell you who they are. Detach yourself from the outcome and look at as practice 💅🏾


Why does relationships have to be so complicated smh Lord pray for us singles.


I think as a woman of Integrity we deserve a gentleman. And if a man is going to try and test a women out, it’s because their lack of self esteem. - us woman are worthy of a great gentleman in all the extension of the definition.


Some men try to make the woman jealous to see how she acts. I went through that. It was hurtful the way he did it. But I remained a lady. We were not dating, he was my crush at church. I forgave after I realized what he was doing. The following Sunday, all eyes were back on me. But I still pray for him. I think you can do a longer video on this topic. Huggs


It’s so said especially as a independent pretty successful woman to have to deal with games! I don’t understand why you just can’t be your authentic self.


Stephan, I'm a 51 year old woman. I'm sorry, but these are NOT tests, they're games! I'm in a relationship, but he didn't "test" me to see if I was playing games. We're both too old for that. I believe that whoever you are or are pretending to be will eventually show up. You can't hide the counterfeit but for so long. Time is a story teller! God bless!


Be warned ladies. Men that do this are childish. It goes nowhere and these ridiculous antics will never stop throughout the course of the relationship.

He’s not looking for genuine ways for you to win.
It’s only satisfying to him when you fail the “test” so he can psych himself out of doing right by you.
Couple that with he’s definitely seeing multiple women at the same time and just confused.

Besides that it’s selfish and he’s not in a space to learn anything about you and who you are.
And he’s just unintelligent.


I can definitely see how these tests can back-fire with men. :) It's always best to be real and present the real version of yourself, not be a counterfeit. :)


I wouldn’t think twice about someone’s car. Some people aren’t car people. They go down in value, they are actually negative investments.


If a man is tripping over paying for dinner, a simple plate of food…he dern show CANNOT afford groceries…pass on him sis…PERIOD


What you put out, you attract. Be genuine, be kind, practice discernment and get that in return… the games are a waste of time and reflect underlying trust issues that the person has not healed from. Maybe instead of testing other people, they should self reflect and see what they are doing to constantly attract those types of people.


That’s like a woman showing up with no makeup and raggedy pjs trying to see if a man likes her more than her looks. 😂


How's this man gonna feel if a woman shows up on a date with the same kind of a car and dresses up looking unattractive, will he still go on a second date with her?, There's so many ways to get to know someone instead of being an imposter to test someone.
