Why Being TOO AVAILABLE Kills Female Interest (and what to do about it)...

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In this presentation, we talk about why being too available to a woman in the early stages of dating can cause her interest in you to fall and then we go over exactly how to make sure a woman you're interested in doesn't think you're too available so you can build a solid connection with her.

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Number four is 100% correct. I do that all the time when I first start dating someone. Send a text, then put the phone down and do some dishes, fix the bed, go for a walk, etc. Or, if you can’t put your phone down, at least don’t immediately respond.


It's not about playing games, it's about playing the game the right way


This mans attitude knowledge energy and perspective is the best I have heard and he is the easiest to listen to for
Me.. Thank you Dude. 💯


Sorry, not Sorry! I think some of these points are BS… For me, I appreciate help and quick answers from a man.

Further, I feel this is like playing games.

Honesty, Loyalty and helpfullnes is very important!


This is the only person on the whole internet who gets it spot on


Is there really any point in letting a woman know you’re interested in her if it’s only just going to kill her attraction for you?


Number two can happen if, let’s say, you’re on a date, and you see something fun, like a poster, or a restaurant, or a place that looks interesting, and you can say, maybe we can check that out sometime in the future? You don’t have to nail down a time and date. But you can definitely say you’re interested.


Super 👌!!! Confidence and high self esteem does it for sharing this gems 💎


Haven't watched the entire video but you uploaded this at the perfect time!


Thanks for being honest and giving real value. Most videos only want quick fixes but yours are genuine.


Jim u are my top three coaches, you are really spot on. These are not pick up artistry games..

This is just good relationship skills. It even works in business too!!

Don’t be a needy •••k!

Make them show interest 1st.

Then let her come validate herself.

Don’t kiss anyone’s ••s…

Thanks Jim I really really appreciate you!!

Thanks again Jim!!

-Coach rOwDy 😊


I love this video, you make me more high value, keep dem coming ⭐⭐🔥🔥


You are very good mahn. May the Lord bless you! You're a life saver for some of us!


Thanks so much, your every video helps us a lot.


Why Being TOO AVAILABLE Kills Female Interest (and what to do about it)...

1. It affects your value and standing in her mind (in other words the way she perceives your value as a potential mate)
2. Puts relationship PRESSURE into your connection
3. YOUR interest in a woman doesn't raise HER interest
4. SHE tends to fall in love SLOWER
5. Healthy relationships have boundaries
6. Asks HER to make your life good vs. YOU sharing your AWESOME life with her
7. If a woman has zero romantic interest in you, it doesn't matter if you're available or not

If you're too available, it puts her interest at risk. If she's not interested, it doesn't matter if you're available or not. If you're too available in the early stages of dating, you ALWAYS LOSE.

You're you're NOT too available, you always win, because if she's interested, you're not putting that at risk and allowing her interest to grow. And if she isn't interested, then it doesn't matter anyway.

How not to be too available:

1. Don't ask her out again if she declines without making a counter-offer (another day if she can't on the day you propose). Play it cool, then wait for her to reach out, or wait 4 - 8 days and try asking her out once more time. If she declines again without a counter-offer, move on.
2. If you're on a date, DO NOT ask her for another date while you're still on that date. Disappear for a bit, let her wonder, let her call you. Her interest grows in the fertile ground between dates when you're not contacting her.
3. Don't stare at your phone waiting for her text/call. Live your life, ask her out when you're ready. You're an awesome guy - act like it.
4. Reply to her text, then go do something else for a while. Do not be predictable - sometimes you can respond right away, other times respond later (30 mins to 3 hours later). Don't text back and forth too much/all day long.
5. Don't always reply to her immediately. Call her back in a few hours, or the next day. Be busy. If you're always available, it lowers your standing, your value, and lowers her interest. Don't ALWAYS the same amount of time to reply, be unpredictable.
6. Don't ask to hang out on a weekend or a holiday until she brings it up. Weekends are for your established friends and hobbies, holidays are for family and are heavy days. Let her ask about weekends, then propose a date.
7. If she asks you to hang out today, make a counter-offer instead of accepting (tomorrow instead?). You're an awesome guy - she can wait until tomorrow.


If there's an equal interest then don't play games. Conversation is conversation whether it's by phone or by text and if you're having one don't disappear or purposely ignore and wait a certain amount of time to respond. Just be real and if she's not interested she would let you know if she is mature enough and if she isn't then your intuition will tell you and you should always listen. I don't understand these rules or what seem like games to attract get back or lure in interest from someone. Energies should match and if they don't then that should be enough to know weather to move forward or move on. Seems that most of the advice on this topic whether it be two men or two women includes the reality and aspects of human nature but advises ways to manipulate the situation according to what's known about the opposite sex is nature which in turn is calculated and and doesn't seem authentic or even to work the way one might expect. Please just be yourself and show up authentically. Anything less is disrespect for her and yourself.


After stumbling across this video I realize it’s always been me that was the issue. Every single relationship that ended was my fault. Just too available and lost of interest and eventually just being cheated on. All this has led me to develop unhealthy expectations and habits in a relationship. As someone who’s currently pursuing and realizing I’ve been making the same mistakes. Should I just disappear for a while or just be honest that I need some things to work on before losing them completely by my unhealthy behavior? Any advice is appreciated


Agree with everything here besides the not asking her out on the weekend part. I’ve dated woman who work in the medical field and going to school during the week where literally the only time they have available was the weekend. I would say this rule would work best for women with a bit more of a fluid schedule. Just saying


Your videos are always amazing and on point. Where is the one about how to have conversations with women? I could not find it no where?


My issue is my friends are sooo boring and they never want to do anything. So I’m just always stuck not having anything to do. Then it makes me too available
