My Broken Wrist 'NO SURGERY' experience / Story!!! Update on fractured wrist with no surgery results

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Welcome to BenSamulakTV. I broke my wrist on July 5, 2021. This is a video to update what happened when I broke my wrist, but DID NOT get surgery. The doctor wanted me to get a titanium plate with like 18 screws drilled into my bone to fix my broken wrist. At first I was going to do it but then I thought twice. I decided to do research but couldn't find many videos on someone who did not get the surgery. There were many videos of people who did get the surgery so I decided to make this video because the whole time I was letting my wrist heal naturally I was nervous because I did find many videos of people who didn't get the surgery. So hope this helps. This video is for educational purposes only and is not for medical advice. Please consult a professional to get medical advice.

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Update: It has been over 4 months since I broke my wrist. I had a cast for 4 weeks followed by a brace for 2 weeks. I went to physical therapy 2 times a week for 6 weeks following the cast removal. Wrist was still swollen, very stiff and tender after cast removal. Physical therapy made a huge difference. I also did exercises with my wrist independently each day. Now, almost 5 months post distal radius fracture and my wrist feels normal with grip, bending and rotation. I am very thankful I did not get surgery and I want to thank you for your sharing your story!


Thank you, this is encouraging; my 77 years old mom broke her wrist and she refused surgery, was greatly worried about her recovery. Hope she gets healed completely in the natural way


Hi Ben Samulak, Thank you for your video. Though I came across your video after 6weeks of my right hand distal radius fracture, I am appreciating your effort in making the video for those who are in doubt if they have to go through surgery. In my case, the doc told me that there will be shift and I need to go through surgery. I did little research and understood the natures way of bone healing. I too went for just closed reduction process and just got the cast off . Now the doc is like, "Okay yours is not bad now" . As each case can be different, we must seek second opinion like you did. Now I am undergoing physio therapy and I can fully resonate with your ordeal. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for sharing. It took me 2 days of internet searches just to find someone who didn't want surgery for a broken wrist. I fell this past Thursday on ice I didn't see right in front of my apartment door. Fell forward, landed awkward on my right hand and bent it back. Like you, I knew the minute I felt the impact that it broke. And orthopedic wanted me to have surgery THIS Thursday. I called and cancelled it. I just don't feel that putting metal in my already small wrist would be a good idea. I'm in a wrist brace right now and in a lot of pain. The 5 mg Norco is like a tic tac, it doesn't help. But I'm glad I found your video and see others in the comments going through the same thing. I think with doctors, sadly, sometimes all about the Benjamin's! Take care and glad you healed well. 😊


Thank you for helping with this video,
My wife sustained the same injury . We were told by every doctor we visited we need surgery, but we were given any other options. Until a family member who lives in a Salvador, shared the x-rays with her doctor and orthopedic surgeon and he advised us she does not need a surgery. She just needs a closed reduction. We then took the next flight to El Salvador, and she received the closed reduction procedure. And her arm was set in a cast. With the information you gave us in your experience, we are now more confident than ever that she will recover better than surgery. Thank you again for taking the time to share your story.


Greetings everyone, I’m fortunate to find you, I was also looking for result from non surgery. My knee caught onto my Fannie pack and I fell down or should, say few down the remaining 4 steps. Fractured both sides of my wrist. Decided surgery, on Tuesday 21st. From the moment I saw the orthopedic surgeon, who convinced me to have surgery. My intuition was saying “no”. Be brave you were born with an innate healing system, trust it. So, I’m going to cancel my surgery, when they call tomorrow to schedule it. I thank you all for your encouraging journeys. All my cells organs and systems work together perfectly according to their purpose.


I broke my wrist recently and I felt exactly the same. Every doctor strongly suggest surgery but not even single one talks about natural healing process and diet to strengthen the bones and supports healing .
I watched this video today I got some hopes for not opting for surgery.


Mine is severely dislocated so I will have to have surgery. I think you made the right choice for yourself.


Broke mine 6 months ago. Badly (comminuted), in a fall. I'm 70. Had the surgery, only 10 screws and a plate. Scar is almost invisible now. Only had to wear a cast for a few weeks. Saw PT twice and did the daily exercises they recommended religiously for 10 weeks. Very little to no pain during most of the period. Now, some stiffness but almost full range of motion. And thankfully, Medicare paid the bill. That was no small part of my decision. Glad to hear you had such a good outcome!


Hello. a week ago i broke my wrist . And i decide non surgical treatment. Doctors want’s always you to have a surgery because they got a good percentage of the amount that health insurance will pay for you. You can get heal with cast too.


Currently on week 11 of my (no surgery) distal fracture journey. It's scary that so much of my wrist is restricted but I'm staying positive. Has been an emotional rollercoaster.


I think the most important thing here is that it is your decision, not the doctors. They can advise you to go one way or the other but that may be based on a cost-benefit calculation that is different from yours.

I was in the opposite boat to you. I smashed the head of my left radius bone, with a break on the joint splitting the radius in two. The initial surgeon didn't want to do surgery. It had moved but not outside his limits. But as he made this decision, I was being constantly reminded that "it won't be the same". I really didn't want surgery if I could avoid it but just to make sure I understood my options I went to a second surgeon at a specialist orthopedic hospital. The second surgeon did more hi-def xrays which the surgeon shared with me (the first surgeon didn't share them at all). Only at that point did I realize how bad the break really was. A CT scan showed a displacement of a centimeter, the bones didn't sit in the joint right, and when changing casts (I am on cast 4), and the wrist looked wrong and felt wrong.

I went back to the first surgeon to clarify the surgery situation and understand the cost-benefit analysis he did. He made the decision based on my age, that it wasn't my dominant hand and how much use I get out of it (e.g. I don't work in construction, I am not a professional sports player). I "didn't need it" and the wrist would be "good enough". That may have been a reasonable cost benefit for most people but for me I didn't want "good enough" and I wanted a wrist which looked normal. So I decided on the surgery and I now have a honking big piece of titanium attached to my wrist. The operation itself wasn't too bad...but I had to endure a massive splint which also immobilized the elbow for a week and a half (thank goodness for WFH). When the cast was changed to a smaller one, even though the area was stiff the wrist now felt "more normal" and looked normal so at this point in time I am feeling positive about my decision. The final cast comes off next week.


I really appreciated your posting this. Thanks. I’m two weeks after a distal radial fracture (yeah I did gobs of research too on everything about broken wrists.). I couldn’t even get to an orthopedic surgeon afterwards (don’t ask, too nuts) but my X-ray in the ER showed a hairline fracture and a possible metacarpal dislocation. Started moving my fingers as soon as I could. Took off the soft brace often to lightly massage and gradually made a fist. I think I’ll be ok. I think the “dislocation” didn’t happen as I felt everything on the fingers and no pain no funny appearance. The only thing that bothers me is my pinky knuckle hurts a little - I think from the brace and I can’t lift anything. But, for two weeks into recovery - not bad. I’m skipping the doctors for now. Your experience with the doctors makes me feel more certain I don’t need them.


Thank you for posting this video, I broke my left wrist the day before Thanksgiving 2021. The moment it happened I knew it right there and then it was broken. As a registered nurse I was trained to remain calm, but to be honest I freaked out, mostly because my body went into physical shock, which got me real sick to my stomach and almost passed out. I figured my blood pressure dropped. I pulled myself together and drove myself to the ER, with one hand lol, perfect opportunity to challenge my driving skills! It was swelling by the minute and the pain was horrific. On X-rays Strangely they found no fractures, sent me home in a splint. A few days later I saw an orthopedic doctor who did several X-rays and saw no fractures. A splint for 6 weeks. After 7 weeks still unable to extend, flex the wrist without feeling pain. Two days ago I went for a second opinion and had a arthrogram with MRI, and guess what?? I did have a fracture of the distal radius. No surgery needed, it was a clean break, now healed. But because I outstretched my hand so severely, my range of motion is still limited and still painful with flexion and extension. The second doctor suggested a steroid injection but I turned it down. I will get some prolotherapy shots instead. I got prolotherapy in 2009 for neck pain and it was a God sent. Contrary to steroids which weaken your tendons and ligaments, prolotherapy strengthens them and is life time lasting. One more thing I would like to say, there are some types of wrist fractures that need surgery, no fractures are all alike, there are several different bones in the wrist and a several different ligaments, so every case is different. For fractures like mine or the person in the video, we could get away without surgery, but if you have a completely thorn ligament, or a displaced fracture, or multiple breaks etc, , you will need to go with surgery.


Hi! Ben
I mentioned last time that I was going to keep you posted of my journey through recovery. So far this week+ has been ok! Today; I had my first physio session and went well. I have been doing some exercises on my own too. My wrist still stiff but my hand grip is getting better. I have to do a lot of wrist exercises on my own now. I learned from my physiotherapist that he broke his wrist too. He said that he didn't have surgery and he is fine but he is young too. Young people bounce back faster than middle age. So; I think I have to be patient and do my exercises to regain all my mobility as my other hand. I am so positive now that things are going to get better. One day at the time! Greetings 🤗👋


12:25 I fell on ice and fractured my wrist, dominant arm. Had a closed reduction and then castes. 3 weeks down and three weeks to go after the cast comes off I go into a splint for two weeks and then start physical therapy. Very painful and the cast is so annoying. I hope for a good recovery at the end. 13:13


I'm so glad I watch your video it help me alot and I had no surgery because my Ortho surgeon was so rude and didn't give me straight answers I have a fracture wrist cast is off now comes physical therapy I hope my wrist and hand moves as good as yours and looks better thanks God bless you


That's quite the experience. Sounds like you made the right decision. The surgery sounds a bit dicey. Glad it is going well with physiotherapy and exercises after removing the cast. I enjoyed to the end. Thank you my friend.


Going on surgery is no joke and really a hard thing to decide especially if it's yourself is the one who would perform. Anyway it looks like your wrist is okay now. I'm hoping that you'd made the right decision. Thanks for posting. This might help others who'd want to hear some information. But it is just right that professional medical advice from the expert is a must because your case might be different from others.


Thank you for this video I broke my wrist almost 3 weeks ago and have went for two different rounds of x-rays. Today they told me it moved a bit and they are leaning towards surgery but my wrist has felt so much better and I have full mobility and all of my fingers with barely any pain to me it sounds like setting me backwards I will not be getting the surgery myself I am also pretty young in my 20s thank you
