The Reality of Your Life is Always NOW - Sam Harris | How to Live and Enjoy the Present Moment

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Life is an emergency. The real question is: how can we truly be fulfilled in life? How can we create lives that are truly worth living, given that these lives come to an end?

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➤ Summarized Transcript:
"Life appears to be an emergency. It’s a long emergency, for many of us, but it is an emergency. You can’t help but notice that things are going very wrong in this place. No matter how much fun you are having, a glance at a newspaper will show you that it’s possible to have no fun at all. And everyone seems to have a round of bad luck, in the end.

It’s hard not to see the absurdity of the situation: you unwrap your shiny new iPad, upon which you hope to squander an unconscionable amount of time and attention, only to discover, and perhaps on the iPad itself, that the people who built this gorgeous device live lives of such unendurable drudgery, that they regularly hurl themselves of the rooftops, at the factory where they work. Nets have been installed to catch their falling bodies. Is there any sense to be made of disparities of luck of this kind?

To not believe in god is to know that falls to us to make the wold a better place. We have barely emerged from centuries of barbarism. It’s not a surprise that there are shocking inequities in this world. It is hard work to climb down out of a trees, walk upright and build a viable global civilization, when you start with technology that’s made of rocks, and sticks and fur. This is a project and progress is difficult.

So, real progress is a really recent phenomena. But, most of us know, that no matter how much progress we make, it’s very unlikely that we’re gonna make this world a paradise. We’re not gonna truly make it invulnerable to insult, and injury and death. It’s true that there a few serious people who think that we might cure all disease and even aging itself, or upload our consciousnesses onto some perfected AI (artificial intelligence). I think, when you look closely at those efforts, it begins to look like science enabled religion, at this point.

I think it’s safe to say that the reality of death is something we’re all gonna have to face, and the loss of those we love. There’s no perfecting this place. Even if you play your game perfectly, and you become as healthy as a vampire, you, if you just live long enough, you’re gonna witness the death of everyone you love. At certain point, the phone is just going to start ringing with bad news.

Even our memories are precarious. My daughter is three and a half years old and I’m astonished at how much of her life I’ve forgotten. To see a video of her taken a year ago is to be astonished at how unfamiliar it is. She is a completely different person now. There’s no satisfying way to hold on to the past. In fact, when you look closely, there’s no unsatisfying way of doing it, either. We are locked in the present moment, the memory is a thought arising in the present. We are locked in the present moment with our thoughts and our iPads.

Part of us always knows that we’re just a doctor’s visit away, a phone call away, from being starkly reminded with the fact of our own mortality, or of those closest to us. I’m sure, many of you in this room have experienced this in some form. The one thing people tend to realize, at moments like this, is that they wasted a lot of time, when life was normal. They cared about the wrong things. They regret what they cared about. Don’t you know that there’s gonna come a day when you’ll be sick, or someone close to you will die, and you’ll look back on the kinds of things that captured your attention and you’ll think: ”What was I doing?”

How can we live lives that are truly worth living, given that these lives come to an end? Life appears to be an emergency. It is always now."

➤ Speaker:
Sam Harris

➤ Source:
Death and The Present Moment

➤ Footage by:

iPad Factory scene excerpts from Marketplace APM:
Used to illustrate the message under the Fair Use. Fair use is a legal doctrine that protects your right to use a portion of copyrighted material without getting permission from the original copyright owner.

➤ Soundtracks:
Whitesand - Mistakes

Snowfall - Scott Buckley

Horizons - Scott Buckley


#SamHarris #Motivation #BeWhoYouCouldBe
Powerful Life Advice | Best Life Advice | Powerful Motivation


Рекомендации по теме

I occasionally search Sam's name on YouTube fearing that I might miss a talk that's not on his app works. His logic and clarity changed the way I think. I try to be a mini Sam Harris in my life.


I consider Sam Greatest life teacher and intellectual of our time.


Sam is incredible. Listening to his discourse with Jordan Peterson was so refreshing and eye opening. I’ve never seen Peterson get angry but Sam managed to tear down his arguments with compassion, clarity and deep humility. He is the singular voice of reason and wisdom in a world hurtling towards annihilation.


After you come out of a 3 month coma and 8 months of rehab your brain is hardwire to always live in the NOW even as you imagine away. Death becomes the ultimate reality.


Sam has a way of boiling life down to its basics, thoughtfully. Making the most of the importance, is each of us doing the best we can in the moments we live engaged.


The "now" needs a purpose, and that purpose is influenced by future. Without purpose, your now will lead u to more misery. Purpose - should be your peace not just accumulating wealth. Live minimalistic, less wordly possessions, help more, be kind. This will fix your now and future both.


My NOW is homelessness and terror that without hope and delusion I am 'forever' homeless and terrified, in a state of hopelessness.


I treasure Sam because he makes so much sense and that's SO helpful to me!


Sad commentary of my thoughts that possesses me.


How many people are struggling in this world?… i have to create my own happiness. Or rather i get to. We all have this great opportunity in life to follow our dreams and make our best life come true. It definitely is a struggle and feelings are hard to deal with.


Nature goes on forever for everyone and everything to return as everyone and everything an infinite number of times through evolutionary processes. 🌌


This is Wonderful...!
Gives you a true perspective on life...
Thank You Very Much... 😊


In a world of ever increasing, global, crazy, "now is the time to be great. FYI, it is always now"


Sam Harris has been a great influence on me.
But I feel that I should point this out.
"Now is the only thing that's real." Charles Manson.


The world is not supposed to be a paradise. you have to make your own paradise. you have to determine what a paradise means to you


Please don’t put music to this stuff. Defeats the whole purpose


I know that the reality of life is now, but these words cannot mend a person's mind (or soul) who has lost his/her beloved one. We had a life together NOW and we were enjoying our "now", as if it would go on forever. How am I supposed to live and "enjoy" the new nows, by pretending that the past doesn't matter?
Even the concept of "now" is a delusion, and the human mind doesn't live in the real-time, scientifically speaking! There are no real answers to our deepest existential questions.


I didn't know Sam played piano. lol


Anybody know when/where this was recorded?


That's why the smart ones of us we don't give birth to kids, to save them from pain and suffering and death. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
