Disconnected From Reality? This Might Be Why

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There it is again, that funny feeling. What exactly is Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder? How does it change your world?

What Is Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder?
Have you ever felt like you were living in a dream? Or like your surroundings seemed artificial? Or like objects were distorted in terms of their distance, size, and shape? If so, you may have been experiencing an episode of derealization, or maybe you’ve felt like an outside observer of your own body and thoughts. Or not in control of your speech. Or like your arms and legs were too big or too small. These are symptoms of depersonalization.

Together, they make up the components of depersonalization-derealization disorder., This falls into the family of dissociative disorders, where there is a disruption or a breakdown of awareness, consciousness, or memory. With derealization, the disconnection is with your environment, while with depersonalization, the disconnection is with your thoughts or body. But a key aspect of this disorder is that you know these feelings of detachment aren’t real, which is what separates it from psychosis. Passing episodes of derealization or depersonalization are pretty common. A 2001 study found that in just one year, 19% of the 1000 participants had experienced an episode of depersonalization and 14% experienced an episode of derealization.

Meet the Life Noggin Team!
Animation by Robert Grisham
Written by Ashleen Knutsen

Sources for this video on Derealization / Depersonalization Disorder:

#education #lifenoggin #mentalhealth
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Are there any other disorders you want us to talk about? 🧠🤔
Thank you to everyone who suggested this video! I know it's a rare disorder, but it's really important to talk about. These sorts of disorders can be debilitating. Definitely be there for someone who's going through this. 💙 Be nice in the comments.


When i was super depressed i locked myself alone for weeks and when i looked into the mirror i didn't recognize myself and i felt like i was living inside someone's body, my arms felt like too long and too light. Took me months to get back to normal


Man I've never really noticed that I've had plenty of derealization moments in my life.

They're not really anxiety inducing or stressing but it's just a surreal experience.


I feel like this a lot because it’s one of the many issues that comes with my disability. Most people think I’m really crazy or just being dramatic. It’s really really sad because some of my best friends don’t believe this is a real thing I experience and every time it happens it’s very terrifying. Even thought I had to deal with this my whole life, it still scares the hell out of me every time it happens.


I’ve actually had episodes of sorts where it feels like someone else is speaking from my mouth, and I didn’t know what it was. So now I have an idea of what might’ve caused those episodes. And I got diagnosed with depressions last year, so that might be why


I’m happy you’re spreading awareness about this!!! I’ve been experiencing derealization for 8 years because of my ptsd😩 therapy has been the best help for me (and meds)


I used to experience depersonalization alot in highschool. I have anxiety and autism and had been looking into those at the time so I assumed it was part of that. It was freaky but I had trouble putting it into words so I didn't talk about it. The best way I can describe it is the scenes in doctor strange when characters get pushed out of their bodies. It felt like I was literally a few steps behind myself when I was walking through the halls to my next classes. Happens occasionally now but not as frequently. Still startling though


So glad that I know what this is now. I’ve been dealing with derealization episodes since the beginning of last year. I have them about once every other month. This video explains it PERFECTLY! I know what’s happening, I know it’s not real, and I know how to stop it but I feel like I can’t. It usually happens if I think deeply about life itself, I start questioning if things are real, if we’re in a simulation, or if IM even real. It also sometimes happens when I get super stressed and am just in my room by myself. I think those are the only triggers I have. It’s a pain to live with, but I just have to ignore it and go about my life. When I’m around other people I don’t usually have it, but when I’m by myself and it hits, it’s the weirdest and craziest feeling.


Today's fact: Emma Morano of Italy was the last (documented and verified) person to die that was born in the 1800s. 29th November 1899 - 15th April 2017


This used to happen to me as a kid. I had to think of my family to "bring myself back" to reality. It's nice to put a name to it.


I've experienced derealization many times. One time, during a match with my friends, I suddenly felt like I wasnt in control of my body, or like I was watching some sort of first person movie. The feeling was so strong that I had stopped playing and just walked around the house.


I’ve experienced both depersonalization and derealization at different points in my life, I never knew there was a name for it until now. When I was younger I would experience depersonalization and it would feel like I was living in someone else’s body and when I would look in the mirror I felt like I was looking at someone else. I only started experiencing derealization after my parents divorced and I started having very vivid dreams and when I was awake I sometimes experienced derealization and was unsure if I was dreaming at the moment and what I had dreamt the night before was reality or if I had even woken up and I was still in the dream. I kind of knew I was awake but the dreams felt so real and life felt so fake that the lines got blurred sometimes. Now that I’m in my late 20s I rarely experience either of the two but when I get really stressed out I can sometimes feel myself slipping into depersonalization at times.


I used to get these A LOT before I was diagnosed with depression and ocd back in highschool, it’s gotten better since being on antidepressants and getting away from the person who was causing me trauma. Also I feel like also having adhd can play a part in it too. The brain is just wild.

Thank you for this video, it makes me not feel so crazy or alone.


This video made me feel funny... weird
Love the Bo references! ^-^


Hello! I had a couple episodes of derealization when I was in a worse place in my life. I am doing much better now and am recovering with professional help but I wanted to thank this channel for making and posting this video. It really helps me feel much less scared of what I went through


Thank you for spreading awareness about this I have been in a dissociative episode for 6 months and it is caused by anxiety in my case its really nice to see that others are experiencing what I am


I’ve experienced Derealization many times since I was about 13 (I’m 22 now for reference). I get it especially bad during panic attacks or if I forget to take my medications. It’s such a horrible, panic inducing feeling when it’s paired with anxiety and depression.


I have been going through these episodes since I was 15 something, many events happened during this course; some so traumatic that even I myself never dreamt of. I'm 18 now, I've came a long way and life is giving me another chance to succeed as I'm moving abroad to study next month. I used to be on drugs, but as they only intoxicated me now I'm on homeopathy and I'm finding it helpful, but the derealization -depersonalization episodes are so frequent that I've missed onto so many moments I would've enjoyed and I'm so afraid that I won't be able to live in the moment. Please share some activities or remedies that helped you snap out of it, for a longer duration, as mine always keeps coming back.


When I was younger I used to have this feeling that everything was moving super fast, sounds and everything around me. Later in my life I found it was called tachysensia. I feel like that would be an interesting thing to talk about


I’ve struggled with what I think are depersonalization episodes all of my life. I’ve always described it as “feeling like I’m watching myself through a movie/video game”, which of course not many people understood.
