No.1 Secret to Running Faster Without Getting So Tired

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How to run faster without getting tired. If you want to improve your running speed, I'm going to show you the most important thing you need to work on to run faster, for longer. Whether you're a marathon runner, or a beginner training for your first 5K these running tips will help you to run faster.

🔥 Bulletproof Runners Programme - 7 Day FREE Trial (use code: RUN30):

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➜ Good vs Bad Running Form @ 10:00/mile (6:13/km):

➜ The 3 Key Things You Need for Running Faster Without Getting So Tired:




00:00 - The problem
01:38 - The solution
04:01 - Putting it into Practice



ABOUT ME: I'm James Dunne, a runner, sports rehabilitation therapist (similar to physical therapist) and coach based in the UK (Norwich and London).

Since 2007 I've been working with athletes focusing specifically on helping distance runners and triathletes overcome injury and improve performance through developing their individual running technique.

Running biomechanics and physical therapy are real passions of mine. I love to help runners run strong and stay injury free.

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#Running #JamesDunne #Fitness
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🔥 Bulletproof Runners Programme - 7 Day FREE Trial (use code: RUN30):


When I trained for my first and only marathon I noticed my speed automatically increased even though most of my runs were slow. Running more kms definitely made my running faster 🎉


I do all my Zone 2 running on the treadmill or a local trail (still not bumped into James out there yet!). I aim for 140 HR and have seen significant improvements in the last 8-9 months. It's easier to notice on the treadmill as you set the steady pace, there's no change at all in gradient or other external factors like ground condition or wind.

Last year I'd do 60-90 minutes on the treadmill and at first was around 7.5 kph. Which is properly slow but a) That's the point!, and b) I'd barely run for 25 years so give me a break! Last week I was pretty shocked as I was going along at 8.5 kph but just couldn't get my HR high enough. So had to get up to 8.9 to hit the target HR. I then did a really comfortable 10k. So this stuff really works and although it takes a while to deliver you'll see the results. I've had a few of those "wow" moments where I can really notice the improvement and they really keep me motivated. Next one might be my return to Parkrun to see how much I can chop off my PB. Aiming for at least a minute improvement as it's been a while.


this myself after years and years of running 4-6 times a week…I do a fat burn run of about 8k and then go for it in the last 2k or so depleting any glycogen stores and scoring that runners high at the end of each run…also I mainly run on a beach to minimise impact forces and almost never injured as a result


Yes! This is the type of content I am after on YT. Nicely done from start to end. Many thanks! :)


Brilliant video James, thanks for the information, I will give it a try.


Consistent effort over long time. We successfully identified the problem.


I feel this advise is great but you still need to occasionally sprinkle hard or fast pace sessions at least once or twice a week. Last year i fell into the trap of running easy and long for all my runs. At first my times improved but then they became stagnant. Added a couple of speed session in and my times improved again. Your body still needs to occasionally practice how to run fast if you want to run fast. Dont fall into the trap of running everything at easy pace.


Im a bit new to the methods of running more efficient. Running as far as you can at a challenging pace multiple times a week seemed super logical haha :’). After watching your videos I understand there’s much more to it. Thanks for the useful info mate! I now made a program consisting of 3 runs in the week, a challenging one (intervals mostly), an easy pace and a long run. On off days I do some core, back and leg exercises for some extra power and endurance. And most importantly sometimes do nothing at all!


you mention about using fat as fuel when running. does it mean keto diet help? i used to be on keto/low carb diet. but i switched to carb in the past few months when I prepared my 1st half marathon. when i was on keto/ low carb diet, i ran on empty stomach. i was able to ran like 60-90 mins without any issues. what would you suggest?


Hi James, I’m 64 and a basic runner, 3 times per week. Zone 2 for my age seems just too low at 116 to 121 Hr. I moved up to a lower zone 3, around 126 to 130. I’m not breathing hard and still through my nose. I feel this is a good number to train by. I am seeing speed pick up. All the HR calcs don’t apply well for my age. Thoughts??


How long would you follow a zone 2 program for to build a base?


I go out running once a week (have been running for 3 years now) - I do a 6K run. My HR is always in Zone 5 - 160+BPM and my pace is about 5'51"/km. Don't know if this is good or bad....!!


Something to talk about would be how to acclimate one’s self to an upcoming race in the heat. How long does it take the body to prepare?


Sorry James can I just double check I’ve understood correctly. I’m just going to start heart rate training and from working out using a guide online I should be running with a heart rate of 160 but on my Apple Watch that is within zone 4. When you speak about zone 2 is that what I see on my Apple Watch with heart rate or is this something else?


How to increase mileage if i do strength train my schedule is tough i am working out with combining running 6 days a week


The problem statement of this video: "gliding" over the ground, is from working out your stride/gate and having the strength and connection to be able to have the optimal running economy. Building an aerobic base and foundational fitness is generally independent of this. The ideal state is to build an aerobic base and leg strength/flexibility to be able to support this optimal gate at the heart rate/effort you are implying. This takes years and years of training.

Edit: seems like I was looking at the running gate a little too literally at the start of the video. Z2 hr training is more the focus of the video.


Great advice. I’m using a running training app for a HM but it does have both a Tempo & interval session in a week and also some harder efforts within the long run and I am concerned I’ll burn out like that. Thinking should keep my long run just as an easy effort to manage the workload? I guess is it okay to increase intensity leading up to a race but maybe when no race coming up to focus on base building and mostly easy runs?


My easy run or zone 2 is literally just fast paced walking 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hey James! Thanks for the informative video. How much do we increase the running per week? My long easy runs every weekend is now at 70 minutes. But my heart rate slowly increases the longer I run even at the same pace.
