Neuroscientist REVEALS The Top 5 WORST Habits That Are DESTROYING Your BRAIN... | Dr. Wendy Suzuki

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Рекомендации по теме

1. Lack of sleep
2. Smoking
3. Alcohol
4. Processed foods
5. Excessive screen time


Excessive phone use or anything similar such as gambling, pornography, video games, Tik Tok, etc. The more we enage with those activities the worse our baseline dopamine levels are going to be. What that means we need more and more to excited. We need more and more to feel joy. Also our attention span gets worse.

Another thing I'd like to point out is (based one of the previous episodes of this podcast), Steven apparently has ADHD so we also have to take this to an account. People with ADHD need more stimulation to get motivated/focus.

Myself as an HSP I actually need to stay away from stimulation. Reading books, meditation/mindfulness, writing helps me tremendously. I avoid the news. I am not on social media, Tik Tok, don't watch TV, Netflix, don't play games, don't watch porn, etc. With YouTube I put time limits on how much time I spend on it. I also sometimes have cold showers, avoid too much caffeine, I don't drink alcohol and I don't smoke either. My energy levels are high, quality of my sleep is good, my attention span is really good. And I really enjoy little things in life. I can also engage with difficult tasks and have motivation to do them.

There are many other things that can ruin our brains/wellbeing/mental health:

- loneliness
- unprocessed trauma
- suppresing emotions
- stress in general
- lack of sunlight
- sugar
- certain types of medication/drugs
- people pleasing
- not living a life according to own values
- negative core beliefs (hating yourself, being self-critical)
- not being authentic (no opportunities for self expression)
- being around negative/abusive people/environments (e.g. being subject to narcissistic abuse, DV, any other forms of abuse)


It's so nice that we have so many neuroscientist just re-iterating common unbelievable..


I am 51 and I still have a feature phone/dumb phone. And I still use my old digital camera to take photos.
I suggest you getting rid of your smartphone, buying a dumb one and start a new life!
You will still be able to use your laptop (almost anywhere), when you need internet access, but you won't be tempted to use your smart phone while walking or travelling!
And you will become a normal human being!


I have to say that I just started watching your clips and they are absolutely perfect for watching during a quick ten minutes of cardio. Love them.


Ever since the pandémie, I lost friends and relatives. No social interactions anymore. I used to have very good social life. In 2 week I will have to underground a heart operation. It's good to learn how to learn to live alone as well.


I think social media for socialising is akin to processed foods for nourishment. There will be a wealth of mental (and physical) health problems identified over the coming years (I’m sure many have already been identified) just as processed foods as caused so much health problems over the last 50 years.


family of 4 walks into same restaurant I am having lunch in. Family is seated after which all four proceed to fixate on their cell phones. Waiter approaches them and they put down cell phones long enough to order, then all return their attention to cell phones. Food arrives. Family eats, saying little to each other it seemed. Meal is consumed. Family returns to their phones briefly before leaving. what the F is wrong with this picture?? would these people be easy to manipulate by a technocracy? duh....


I'm not sleeping, addicted to the devices, no social life apart from work. I don't drink or smoke. Sometimes eat at takeaway. I try to exercise. I'm not mindful. ADHD.


What she says is true. I Have had insomnia since birth, gets worse by the decade. All my real friends were dead before the age of 50. All of my and my wifes acquaintances have dissappeared since covid. I now find it slow and difficult to collect the words together then format them into coherent language on the rare occasions that I do Speak to someone about something interesting or worthwhile.


What destroy your brain - lsck of sleep, no exercise, loneliness, smoking, alcohol, increase use in social media increases risk of anxiety and depression


I am 49 and see how social media destroys me.


Amazing This podcast just amazing!!!! Dr. Wendy is so engaging, interesting and Right after listening to this podcast, I put everything in motion that she said to do. That’s never happened before just amazing!!!


These talks are always meaningful and to the point 💙💙💙. Thank you tons.


Excessive phone use even if it is not social media, does huge amount of damage on me I think, like physically.. it hurts.. my eyes hurts and my head hurts literally causing me headache and overheating at times


French mathematician and theologian Blaise Pascal wrote in 1660, "All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone". This is a problem, and has been a problem, for a long time.


I like reading novels and comics online..but i am not sure about it whether it is good or not. Talking about moderation I would say I can read for 6 hrs if i wish to..but now i want to get over this habit of being a part of a fictional world which cause mere delusions and doesnt help me concentrate on my work. But the thing is it is hard for me to get over it...I just wanna have some peaceful work environment and not this obsession included in my day to day activities.


For once it's great to hear common sense being backed up by science


I quit social media because of mean post, ads, and scams.


Pretty sure watching YouTube health segments is right up there.
