How to Price Your Art - 3 Mistakes to Avoid

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In this episode, I'll be sharing with you my top tips on how to price your art, and the 3 most common mistakes artists make that are only holding you back and not allowing you to reach your full selling potential.



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This was really a good video but like others commented, how then should you price your artwork?


A common question, though, is "How long did it take you to do that?" Another artist told me that his standard answer is whatever his age was at the time he created the piece. So when your answer is "45 years, " it pretty much negates that potential customer's attempt to base the value on the time you spent on the piece. Plus, it's true, since your skills have been built over your lifetime! My answer, by the way, would be more than 45!


I like the term "energetic match" really love that!


Great advice, I guess, but still leaves the big question unanswered: how to price artwork. I tend to vary my prices in accordance with how many boxes of unsold paintings I have in my garage. I vary them according to the venue of the sale. A painting on my side of the state (Connecticut) might sell for $50, but on the other side (the side near NYC), $300. I also tend to think that a cheap price makes the painting look cheap. A high price gives the browser the impression that there must be something good about it. Ultimately, I decide whether I'd rather have (say) $100 or the painting on my own wall. But of course my walls are full. But none of these strategies mean much. I'm not a very good painter, and, as I said, I have several boxes of unsold painting, and more every day (some attempts to do what Kelli does so well). I'm actually trying to earn (part of) my living at this, so I need to figure out what to do.


Thank you for sharing this video it’s everything I needed to hear right now 😭❤


Very informative and enlightening. Thank you


I agree 100% with all that has been said.
Cost of materials is the most ridiculous one. Some of them I could get for free, some I buy once and use forever, some last for a long time. How am I suppose to calculate that to begin with?
Time invested is also laughable. There were situations when artist invested so much time into a piece that completely lacks any taste or artistic value. There are plenty of examples on Youtube. You look at the end result and can't stop wondering why?
Comparing to others, not only it's a blow of selfconfidence, it greatly varies from region to region, and even town to town. There are so many artists that are much skilled than me, but I live in US, and they live in Russia fir example. Middle class Americans have a disposable income that could spend on art, majority of russians don't. So very skilled masters there have to charge much less and have very few sales, what I would charge for my simpler work in US and have sales.


You artists that make videos about pricing artwork crack me up . . You all talk about how not to price your artwork or what to not base your artwork on, But you never talk about actually pricing artwork


If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me "how long did it take you to paint that" I would retire tomorrow !
Question ! why do women paint flowers in the main ?


Art appraisers don't ever appraise art made recently by an artist nobody knows about. It's like in music, a one hit wonder can make millions but an art canvas gets shot down every time. Makes ZERO sense.


I think the VALUE to the viewer is more important. Da Vinci took 14 years to paint the Mona Lisa, but the value is not based on the time he took to paint her.


It’s hard to be objective when you watch people agonize over the cost. Then, there are other people that just walk and buy it. Plus, you feel like you need to move your inventory. There is only so much storage area.


OK, this sounds reasonable--so then, HOW do I price my artwork? Let them set the price??? LOL Seeing other artists work and what they sell for gives me an idea, that's what I do that for. I know what I'd be overjoyed with, pricewise, so I assume this is what you're saying.


? This seems pointless, as in as much as it tells you not what to do but gives no solution... its just yadda yadda yadda sorry. 😂
