How to Price Your Original Art 🎨 4 Step Process

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Are you an artist creating original artwork and you're completely confused on how to price it? Stick around because today, I’m giving you a completely customizable formula for how to price original art.

I believe that pricing is one of the most important aspects to running your business. It doesn't matter how high quality your item is, or how interesting your item is, or how much great marketing you do. If you are not charging the right price for your art, your business is going to struggle to be a success.

You should be charging for your item based on the materials and labor that have gone into it, but all of those tips and tricks fly out the window when it comes to something like original art. People aren't paying you for the amount of time you spend painting, they're paying for the end value it brings to them.

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Thank you soooo much for this help! I’ve been an artist for years but haven’t had the confidence or belief that people would really want my art, especially not enough to live on what I would make with them. But I’m taking a leap finally at 43 years young. This video inspires me and helps with the pricing as it has been a pain over the last bit of years just trying to here and there figure it out and sell my artwork.


This is very straightforward and helpful! Now the hard part of actually figuing this out starts lol


Omg I emailed with you so recently about questions about all this, thank you for making this! this is so perfect


What if I’m making sculptures and they’re small but highly detailed? I also started a month ago but I’ve already made 40+ mini sculptures and $700+ in sales. I was back logged for two weeks actually.


Thankyou for all the information you share. I’m looking forward to join your a sale a day course. I’m barely gathering every information on how to start my handmade soap business and by far you’re the best I’ve found. 🙃☺️


Hi - I love that you are doing this! I stumbled across this and I wanted to share my perspectives as a collector and someone with some business experience. I am NOT disagreeing with anything you said- I am not an artist and it is important that I stay as humble and respectful as possible to honor yourself and the many artists I get to enjoy for the time I have been given here. ALSO- I have never purchased art online- so that might be a legit disqualifier for my opinion. I like your idea of perceived value- that is important- plus the more expensive something is, the better the clientele; that being said- a sound business practice is market entry pricing>>>be honest about how many other artist you are competing with ( style, media, subject matter etc.) do an average price comparison, then consider going in a bit under that. Its OK to negotiate- many famous artist have and do :) Your prices can fluctuate- why not? Give a little more when you can ( like maybe a card or a picture of the work before it was complete etc..)- but always think cost/benefit ratio. If you are NOT making a profit, you do NOT have a business; factor ALL capital costs- everything- a pencil, a gallon of gas, electricity whatever; that will help you decide what you can handle and once you get good at it, uncertainty will become less and less a part of your thinking. Your patrons know what they can can handle too-respect that and learn from it even if your don't get every sale that way you imagine it. Art is personal, sometimes VERY personal; sometimes YOU will be the greatest influence on a buyer and the art you have created will embellish the memory someone has of your site or some communication they have with you etc...even commercial art purchasers are very human when it comes to their selections. I am very often surprised at what folks WILL buy and what they WON'T buy (are you ?) the end of the day its art for art's sake; might as well get a chuckle out of it I still can't figure out pet rocks-but boy did they sell!!! Gosh that's all for now- sorry for the long comment; feel free to delete it if you think it's offensive in any way Creative Hive. Much success and thanks to all artists;our lives are better because of you- so let your light shine for all to see !


Many people who advise on the price of their art work don't take in to account the commission a gallery or exhibition might ask. Many galleries charge 40%-50%, by adding the price of the commission the gallery owner will take more. Frame price can fluctuate but will go up over time so don't charge at a cost price for a frame, add a bit more. Personally I cost up time and materials then add 50% for the average exhibition, for a gallery 100%.
If you price your work too low people will just assume you are a hobbyist and not want to buy the work because of the insufficient prestige of the work hanging on their wall.


I’m a beginner so thank you for sharing your information.


Love your channel, such great content 👌🏾


Thank you for this advice; its very good.


Great insight, very complete, thanks!


Thank you for these! They are super helpful to especially an amateur self taught artist still learning!


Absolutely love you and your ideas. Thank you so much!


Thank You So Much. This is good for beginners.


Thnx for the info... Your so beautiful n i learn a lot from you...


Ok I have a weird question. So I want to sell my paintings but don’t want to sell the originals and can’t afford to print them myself. This means I’d have to outsource printing. And pay for those prints. So, I’d have to price my actual work separately and add it on to the price of the print to make a profit. the advice I’ve heard is to charge an hourly wage for the work, then add on the price of the print. Here’s my predicament: some of these paintings are years old and I don’t know how much time I spent in them. And I like the idea of the formula here, BUT when outsourcing my printing, I’d like to sell several sizes. So would it be appropriate to price the piece based on the sq inch formula, but sell it on a print that’s smaller or larger than the original piece? I hope that makes sense. 😖 I just really want to sell my work but I don’t want to sell my originals since they mean a lot to me but also can’t afford to print myself.


hI Mei, new suubbie, thanks for sharing all your knowledge.


Watching this really emphasizes exactly how much I diminish my own worth when it comes to my art


Thanks for this video. figuring out the figure for the inch price has me stuck. I've been gradually moving to do my art for years but the technique I used to draw years ago is one I came up with, I haven't seen much like it. Having said that I am now going back to the foundations of art to improve my art skills. So do I price my art as beginner or as unusual and what does that translate to. This question has had me stuck for years.
