Why Did You Leave Your Last Job? - Good Answer If You Were Fired or Laid Off

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In this video, I'll break down the ‘why did you leave your last job’ answer. Why did you leave your job is an important question and if you want to know the why did you leave your last job answer then I discuss that here. The best answer for leaving a job is always telling the truth. I'll help you explain if anyone asks why did you leave your previous job. Watch my video as I discuss scenarios and how to approach the why did you leave your last job answers. 

I will explain what you SHOULD and SHOULD NOT do when answering this question.

I’ll walk you through two examples:

Scenario 1: You were let go but not due to performance. So maybe it was due to a mass restructuring based on business reasons. 

Scenario 2: You were fired for performance reasons.  




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Also, to learn more about how to answer “Why did you leave your last job?” Watch these videos:

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Unpopular opinion: Aside from overtly lying, I would do whatever you need to do to get the job. Recruiters aren't private investigators. They're trying to place a ton of people. They'll verify employment, background check and *boom* unless you're a complete criminal you'll get it. This has worked for me and I'm up to 100k before 30. It's not that I'm dishonest it's that I focus on my FUTURE with them and not my PAST elsewhere.

Unpopular opinion #2: Some employers aren't so honest about the job responsibilities and what you're getting yourselves into. I've seen HR deliberately change the job title to attract high-caliber talent only to bait and switch them into something not totally analogous once they start.


I am pleasantly surprised you are doing this for free! You have to be the best job interviewing coach I have come across, thus far!


First she taught me how i will be hired. Second she taught me how to quit my job. Lastly she's teaching me how to defend myself in this kind of question. What a really flexible teacher!


I like the tip about not going into too many details


00:22 - You should not say things that express negativity towards your old employer.
00:45 - You should not overload the interviewer with details and in-depth reasons.
01:01 - You should not lie about why you left your last job.
01:25 - You should not look or feel awkward while answering this question.
01:41 - You should tell the truth.
01:51 - You should give sufficient details, but not a novel.
02:01 - You should go back to why you’re a good fit for the position they’re hiring for.
02:32 - Scenario 1 - You were let go, but not due to performance reasons.
03:53 - Scenario 2 - You were fired for performance reasons.


It's so hard not to express negativity towards old employers :) Not the best use of your interview time. Love your tips body language is important.


How would you say that you were in a hostile environment with a bully boss ?


I just had an interview and these tips worked!!! I was invited for an in person interview!!


I want to leave my current job because 1. It’s only part time and I need to work full time and 2. I don’t feel like I’m appreciated, the boss only says something if there’s a problem, and I’m never congratulated for the great work that I do. 3. I feel like I’ve mastered my current role and I feel like I can do so much more.


Hi Linda, I recently got laid off from my job due to the pandemic situation. I was asked the same question and answered the same pitch you gave. You can never go wrong by answering honestly 🧐👍🏻🤣


If you left your job because of sexual harassment from the boss; how do you answer without lying or 'bashing' the boss?


What if the poor performance was due to lack of training?


It's always good to know what the interviewer wants or does not want to hear. Great sample answers!


During the last recession, I applied to some restaurant, got the interview, and it was going well until the Head Boss came over. They asked if I had any "experience" in a very condescending manner. I paused for a second, took a breath, and said "This is the 10th restaurant in this town that's asked me that. If you're looking for an 'experienced dishwasher' then you should put that on the sign out front." they gathered up all their papers and as we were parting I said "Yes, by the way, at a pizza joint in Delaware. Anyone can wash dishes."


If somebody has been fired from last job and thinks if they are honesty informed a interview abt the reason for leaving job...trust me they will never ever hire you...all you can do is have a good relation with any of your last company manager and give the interviewer that managers references for any queries...


I am wondering how to explain if you had resigned from your last position because of a toxic environment and did not give 2 weeks notice. I was with this company for a significant amount of time, so i really can't leave them off my resume. It would leave a huge gap.
I understand now that it wasn't wise to just up and quit. I regret that now. I agree that you should never bad-mouth your previous employer.


I don’t think it’s any of the company’s business why I left a previous employer. The future is what matters the most and what I can do for the company moving forward. Ive been baited and switched by companies, hired under false pretenses, been placed in toxic work environments with people who were abusive. Bottom line im not with any of my previous employers because it simply didn’t work out. If i tell the truth then im being negative, bad mouthing, or coming off as a whiner. The real question is how do you tell the truth without coming off in these ways?


Hi, Linda. Maybe since some 7-8 years, I am coming to you for all interview related advice. Thank you for existing.


As for that first rule....here's another reason why you should NOT say things that express negativity towards your old employer. Because if you rant and rave about how bad your old boss was, your interviewer will think that you will also rant and rave about how bad the new boss is as well.


Linda I was asked this question in my interview I followed your advice exactly I know it helped me land my new position. Thank you.
