Crohn's vs Ulcerative Colitis

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In the spectrum of inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are the two heavy weights. They share symptoms, but are very different. A key distinction: ulcerative colitis is localized.

"It always starts in the rectum and then proceeds up the colon. It can involve part of the colon or the entire colon," says Dr. Michael Weiss, a gastroenterologist on Lee Memorial System's medical staff.

In Crohn's disease, inflammation can occur anywhere along the digestive tract.

"Crohn's disease can affect the small intestine. There's more issues with potentially malabsorption of nutrients," says Dr. Weiss.

There's also something in the way they move. Ulcerative colitis progresses in a continuous pattern, while Crohn's skips around to different organs. It can also form lesions while leaving neighboring tissue untouched. It leads to what doctors call a 'cobblestone' appearance.

Both these illnesses are autoimmune diseases each characterized by chronic inflammation.

"We don't know what causes that. The theories are that it could be a virus or a bacteria, maybe food antigens," says Dr. Weiss.

The inflammation is responsible for the associated pain, cramps, diarrhea and bleeding. Other symptoms are weight loss and fatigue. Treatments for both are meant to control inflammation.

"We have these newer medications which are given either by IV infusion or injection. And these are medicines that are developed as antibodies against some of the factors that really promote that inflammation. Generally we can get somebody completely in remission and retain them in remission," says Dr. Weiss.

Doctors believe patients with either form of bowel disease can lead a normal and productive life.

Lee Memorial Health System in Fort Myers, FL is the largest network of medical care facilities in Southwest Florida and is highly respected for its expertise, innovation and quality of care. For nearly a century, we've been providing our community with everything from primary care treatment to highly specialized care services and robotic assisted surgeries.

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Awful disease to have I as a sufferer can't trust my Colon one bit ! I hate it hope they find a cure bc it's insane the amount of anxiety it causes


Suffering from chrohn's disease myself, this video is an excellent description.


I don’t feel like me anymore this is taking over my life


I don't feel normal I'm not even the same person.


I once worked with brick masons and got internal hemmorhoids. They became infected. Then I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitus and proctitus. I have found that I have flare-ups when I pressure wash old mildew from the side of my house and also when I have toe-nail fungus (appears white underneath the large toe's nail). I have also found that if I use hydrogen peroxide to soak my toe's in (bought a little toe-nail foot bath tub) the toe-nail fungus dies quickly. I scrape out the fungus first from underneath and then soak them in hydrogen peroxide. I looked at some youtube videos on getting rid of toenail fungus and the hydrogen peroxide method seems to work for me. I suppose the fungus gets in the bloodstream and goes to the old damaged rectal area where I had the internal hemmorhoids causing UC flareup. I use rowasa prescribed by my gastroenterologist and the peroxide toe-nail treatment and UC usually goes away in about a week. I really only have flare-ups when I pressure wash the sides of my or my parents house in the last few years. I notice that when I get the flare-ups my digestion is not as efficient and therefore I get backed up so I use glycolax or miralax laxative 10 mg/twice/day. I also take a tumeric/curcumin supplement. If I drink beer it seems the yeast gives me a problem so I don't drink it. Liquor also not sure if its the thinning of the blood that causes flareups. I eat ground flax seed meal every morning with two boiled eggs (for complete protein) along with some pineapple slices. I stay away from breads. I mostly eat meat, vegetables, and pineapples. I sometimes take a multivitamin, and a Vitamin C tablet, along with Complex B vitamin. I try to walk at least 4 times a week. Doing situps and jumping jacks seems to help things move along in my bowels. Hope this information can help someone. Take care.


Got cramps, bleeding, diarrhea and fatigue. No weight loss though. Thanks God


Informative video. My niece had ulcerative colitis since 2017. She refused to take allopathic medications then she heard about planet ayurveda and started taking ayurvedic medicine and she is alright.


My cousin brother suffer with ulcerative colitis from last 5 years and tried many treatment but with no long term relief and many side effect with long term steroid use . Then he came to know about Ulcerative Colitis care kit of Chandigarh Ayurved Centre through internet and buy it . He is now fully recovered with no episode of the disease in between


Ulcerative Colitis is a serious problem. One of my friends facing this from the last 3 years. He is tried lots of medicines but no effects and no relaxation but after Planet Ayurveda Ulcerative Colitis care pack. Now he is feeling well & also he can overcome


Hi does anyone with crohn’s feel like needles and pins under ribs on both sides almost at waist line, pressure not pain and its most of time after eating?’!?!!??


I gave up ages ago. It's just unbearable to live with


This video really explains well what I have faced. I took ulcerative colitis care pack before 6 months ago, now I'm fine with the help of Planet ayurveda's ulcerative colitis care pack & the diet chart also helps a lot.


Thanks for sharing the video, sir. I was also suffering from Ulcerative colitis disease and tried many modern medicines which had no effect on my colitis. After that I started the Ayurvedic medicines of Planet Ayurveda, these medicines helped me to get recovery from Ulcerative colitis in just 2 months. Thanks to Planet Ayurveda.


I have done piles operation 5 month age and I have been taking antibiotics for a long time and now my toilet is not clean 3 months I face this problem what can I do now


At what age does both Crohn's and colitis begin at?


First you find the best correct medicine to cure the inflammatory. Then you can call yourself a gastroentologist. Don't just give lectures. You are ashamed of being a gastroentologist


very informative ... mere aunty UC k patient the unka UC initial stage pe tha unki Halat bhot khrab this vo bhot pareshan the fir unhone youtube pe planet ayurveda ki videos dekhi for planet Ayurveda ka VATSAKADI CHURNA try kiya ab meri uc ki problem thk hone lag gyi ha thanks for planet Ayurveda


Who else here has both Crohns and ulcerative colitis and have been steroid dependant and immunosuppressed?? Just wondering if I’m alone 😂.


मुझे 3 साल से ulcerative colitis था पर में 3 महिनेस ठीक हूं।

सुबह : पोहा + अनार का जूस2 बार + श्रीखंड
दोपहर : मूंग की डाल और चावल
रात को :- मूंग की डाल और चावल
करेला की सब्जी, टेंडली, लौकी सब्जी मैं
: दिनभर में 1 बार एप्पल खाता हूं
