5 DARK Signs God Will Show You When Someone Has Bad Intentions

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These are 5 signs you will notice when someone has bad intentions for you. God is trying to protect you from a bad friendship/ relationship with someone who has bad intentions for you. beware!

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When determining bad vibes, be sure to confirm that YOUR insecurities aren't giving off the vibes


Dont forget another sign is that bad things always happen when you around them..


Sometimes they can be the very opposite of "depressed". They can be upbeat and "friendly" until you call them out on certain behaviors.
Be wary of people who only want to be your friend as long as you are putting them at the center of your relationship and you feel like you don't matter. Everything is great until you ask them to be there for you or reciprocate.


Having good discernment is THE key...trust your “ feeling”


A big one I've noticed is that have a issue with being alone. They need to be around people and tend to date people just because they need someone to be around but they don't want you. They will literally say I hate being alone. I stay away from people like this because you are only a place filler until they find another person they feel is slightly better.


18 and just graduated 3 days ago I love learning about the lord and holy spirit


SPEAK, SIR. “Don’t be afraid to loose people.”


I would definetely add dreams to the list! God gave me Bad dreams of the people i shouldnt Hang around With!


I have taken a VERY hard line against people who wallow in confusion in the past 2 years. Some people want to remain confused to avoid responsibility and play the victim.


FACTS! I was married to a Narcissist, run for your life and NEVER look back.


God warned me about this girl I was talking to for a while. He warned me though a dream, he used multiple Christians, and a random video about narcissists that came up on my YouTube. I never once knew anything about narcissism until I saw that video and after I watched it, everything made sense about her. I'm very thankful to God for protecting me


Reminds me of my last girlfriend she had all characteristics, she was the daughter of a pastor and also a succubus, I was trapped for 5 years but the Lord always opens your eyes when the time comes


Depression may not always equal to evil. They may be going through a grief period. I’ve been there. It was just a season. Psalm 34:18, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”


I have recently gotten out of a situation, in which I was dealing with someone who was incredibly charming originally. Slowly but surely, the mask fell and the ugliness within was too much to ignore. This was a deceptive, malicious, controlling spirit, and in my heart I felt such dread, such confusion, such mental anguish within when dealing with this person, or even thinking about them. I knew in my soul, that this was a really dangerous individual who meant me harm. And I could sense this through the way I felt around them; it was as if I was in the midst of a predator. Fear is a natural response, the way your body alerts you when you are in danger. My heart would race, I would feel sick to my stomach with total dread, it would tie itself into knots. I was picking up on a totally evil energy. I am so grateful I got away.


Your body (posture & your stomach especially) your emotions your mind and energy levels tell you everything about people. Please listen 🙏🏻❤️


The unhealthy obsession is so real, especially in fake friendship. One always need to know every details of my days.. thanks bro for this video. God bless you 💛✨✨✨


I cannot believe how good God has been to me for putting this video in my recommendations. I have been dealing with an ex in which our relationship was incredibly toxic. It has been a very mentally exhausting time ever since February of 2021 when we started dating. We have been off and on like crazy, more than I ever imagined myself doing, and in the last few days I've caught myself wanting to go back to her again. But this video, each of the 5 points you made have completely nailed my exact situation on the head and richly blessed me.

I have been praying constantly for an answer as to what I should do because I am terrified of making the wrong choice, and God has surely used you to help not only me, but also the many others who have and will see this video. We serve an amazing God, friends. Glory to Him!

God bless from Texas


Thank You Brother For This Video! I have been trying my best to avoid people who don’t worship GOD!


Wow ! I needed this so much. I have recently ended a 7 year relationship, it was very off and on. I can't describe it but everytime I was round him I would feel very irritated, aggregated, confused and empty. Whenever I was around his family aswell I would feel like I was walking on egg shells, such a bad feeling !

Everytime I would try to end the relationship he would become so intense on me and wouldn't leave me alone and bombard me with messages and calls till I found myself back again.
I found that my behavior would start to change when I was with him aswell, people normally call me sunshine but I found myself behaving terribly but only when I was with him and I didn't know why.
Whenever I spent the night with him something terrible would always happen the next day, no joke ! I thought it was a coincidence but literally awful things would happen and I didn't understand why.
I had plenty of signs along the way but I literally ignored them all, it's like I couldn't see.
Now the relationship is officially over I'm praying God breaks the soul tie cause I'm finding myself obsessing over what he's doing. I later found out he was in a relationship prior to me breaking up with him. I'm thanking God that he could see what I couldn't and I pray for forgiveness.
Listen to that uneasy feeling you get around someone, it's always a warning. Never ignore it.


God has being showing me these signs. It's also your family.
