SEVERE GUT PROBLEM? How Can You Heal Gut Problems with FASTING and DIET

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00:00 Is keto good for gut health?
00:48 6 different types of fast
01:17 The gut reset fast
02:13 What can you eat to heal your gut
03:57 How does a carnivore diet heal your gut
04:56 Ketobiotic diet for good gut health
06:10 How vegetables are important for our gut health
06:52 Fasting and diet for a severe gut problem
07:20 Join me in our Reset Academy!

Gut Reset Protocol for Severe Gut Problem
✔More fasting for 24 hours
✔More bone broth to support the inner lining of the gut
✔Stck with the carnivore diet to help the T regulatory cells

The Gut Reset Protocol:
✔Fast for 24 hours
✔Break your fast with bone broth (marine collagen or amino acids for vegetarians)
✔Wait for half an hour before you eat your meal


👉Fasting alters the gut microbiome reducing blood pressure and body weight in metabolic syndrome patients

👉Gut barrier and microbiota changes with glycine and branched‐chain amino acid supplementation in chronic haemodialysis patients

👉Fasting boosts stem cells’ regenerative capacity

A drug treatment that mimics fasting can also provide the same benefit, study finds.

As people age, their intestinal stem cells begin to lose their ability to regenerate. These stem cells are the source for all new intestinal cells, so this decline can make it more difficult to recover from gastrointestinal infections or other conditions that affect the intestine.

This age-related loss of stem cell function can be reversed by a 24-hour fast, according to a new study from MIT biologists. The researchers found that fasting dramatically improves stem cells’ ability to regenerate, in both aged and young mice.

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I did my first 36 hours and broke it today with broth, Kimchee, kefir then later salmon and broccoli with greens. Omg I feel amazing. My ibs seems to have done and tummy feels like
A furnace burning all that food. Lovely flat tummy. Feel happy and light and back to my old joyful self. I was in such a loop of depression comfort eating, heaviness etc. i fee fantastic and will do the 48 hour fast once a month and 18 hours twice a week and eat healthy rest of time. I feel reborn!


Love your focus on gut health, people have no idea or support from drs about it and its importance


You had me at "carnivore"! I am on Day Two of a two-day fast, and have just subscribed, as I'm trying to heal a sinus infection that has lasted longer than it should have. Thank you for putting out such amazing info! I'm also menopausal, and look forward to seeing your videos about that. ❤


I can’t wait for your book! Fasting & carnivore diet has helped me a lot! I totally love Kettle & Fire Bone Broth.


Dr. Mindy I am so grateful to you for putting all this content out there for free to educate women about important diet and health issues. Thank you for all that you do!


Thanks for the encouragement, Mindy. I love it when you say, "Don't give up on yourself." I need to hear that from time to time. I've struggled with poor digestion my whole life! I've also been a vegetarian my whole life, too. I couldn't dream of going carnivore, but I take all your suggestions on board, and fasting has been a real game changer for me. Thank you so much! ❤




Please make a video on ulcerative colitis and a diet plan


This is exactly what I need for my major, long term gut problem. Thank you. With IF I am on my way to living well. Thank you. You are awesome.


Dr.Lustig in some of his books, one im reading currently is "Metabolical" he says to keep the insulin down
and feed the gut, gut wants fiber. The motto is "protect the liver and feed the gut"
Whatever you eat 30% of it is eaten by the gut microbiome, if they dont get fed they will start eating the intestinal wall
this is part how leaky gut starts.
I would highly recommend eating fermented foods to feed the gut, they are wonderful additions, you will not
only sleep better form eating it, but have a better mood and more energy.


Thanks for sharing and all you do 🙏🏽❤️


You make me be a better me with all your sharing information & passion! Thanks Doctor Mindy❤


Thank you so much for this video. I’ve had stomach issues most of my life and I’ve tried some of what you have recommended over the years but I love how you explain why certain things work and layout a clear plan. Love it. ❤


Thank you for the information Dr Mindy. I have terrible lethargy and brain fog. I notice when I fast towards the end of the day I feel amazing.


Breaking fast with bone broth is the best. From Johannesburg South Africa 👍💕


I just want to say thank you for all your videos it really helps me a lot.i feel better since I got back to fasting...


This is what im currently about to try as my gut is in a baaaad state (candida, mould, sibo, crohns, ulcers, inflammation) i'm going to fast from lunch to lunch and i've got a homemade bone broth cooking and after i break the fast with broth its onto carnivore.


Hi Doc Mindy. This is very informative for me who’s suffering from psoriasis since I was 15, now I’m 41. Hope U can have more videos like that. I’m into fasting and all you preach. I tried the 5 days fasting before ages ago and yes it did tame my psoriasis. I’m on biologics for 4+ years now, sadly. My son has psor as well, both of us are severe, on biologics. 😞🙏🙌. Thank you Doc Mindy.


Wish I saw this a couple days ago. I was diagnosed with leaky gut several years ago. I haven't been tested recently, but am using Keto and IF as if I still had leaky gut. I did a 24 hour fast yesterday, broke it with bone broth then a salad with roasted turkey breast. I did another 24 hour fast today (2 days back to back) and my bone broth wasn't ready cooking, so I broke my fast with fresh veggies (celery, broccoli, asparagus and cucumbers) with a little bit of hummus. I then followed with wild caught sockeye salmon over a bed of mixed greens. I don't feel bloated, but from what you're saying in this video, I kinda screwed up two days of fasting. I'm very bummed. I guess I have to wait for your book to come in so I make sure I do things properly.


I pre-ordered and am super excited for the release!
