How to IMPROVE IBS Diarrhea

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Do you have IBS Diarrhea (IBS-D) and want to improve your symtpoms?

In this video, I discuss 6 MORE things to avoid if you have IBS Diarrhea, which will help your symptoms and hopefully improve your quality of life! First, don't haphazardly reintroduce foods if you are doing an elimination diet. Start slowly and work systematically to know which foods work with you and which are triggers of your IBS-D. Second, I wouldn't be overly focused on cutting out gluten if you don't have Celiac Disease. IBS may be more triggered by fructans than gluten. But they are both present in the same foods, which makes people think they are sensitive to gluten. So figure out if fructans or gluten is triggering your symptoms. Third, don't eat too quickly. It causes you to not chew well and swallow air. That means you're bloated and either burping out or farting out the excess air! Chewing is so important so don't skip that step! Fourth, don't eat too much fresh fruit. It has a lot of sugars which can overwhelm the small bowel. Fifth, don't have too much fiber. Certain supplements and foods can make you bloated. See if your symptoms change depending on how you cook it and how you serve it. Finally, don't have too much peppermint - especially artifically sweetened peppermint. This is because they can contain additives that cause diarrhea.

Watch additional videos linked below which will also hopefully help your IBS, including the first video on IBS-D, which discusssed 6 more things to avoid.

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DISCLAIMER: While I am a Gastroenterologist, I am not acting as your Gastroenterologist. The information provided on this channel is intended to be general educational content and not directed towards any one individual. If you believe you have a medical condition that deserves attention please seek care from your healthcare provider. If you are experiencing a life threatening emergency, call 911.
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Found my solution. I can eat anything now. Deal with your trauma and anxiety! Next, 70-100 billion lactobacillus and acidophilus, regular over the shelf probiotics, megasporbiotic and s.boulardii at 10 billion. This combination of probiotics allows me to eat anything no symptoms! Took me years to figure it out. I still get a little diarrhea if I have too much anxiety though, but if I am calm, digestion is perfect. Oh, and you are absolutely right about chewing. It helps a lot, helps with the calmness as well. Also, chewing gives the body time to understand that it ate so it released more bile to help with digestion.


0:29 You are a great model Dr Cooper! I learned a lot of things about foods that I thought were good in all quantities. I also didn’t know about swallowing air but I alway try to eat slowly and take small bites. I knew about the importance of saliva for the start of digestion.


My body has gone through a lot!!
I had always been very dedicated to my body. I've never been overweight until recently. In my 30s, I was around 130 pounds now in my 50, I'm 150 pounds. First got diagestive issues when I moved to the USA. After living 3 years here, I contracted H. pilory. Then, ten years later, I started having issues with heartburn, and food would go to my mouth. The doctor found a hiatal hernia that measured 2 cm. I didn't know better, so I went under the knife. Then, 6 years later, the doctor found one gallstone that measured 2 cm, and they removed my gallbladder.😢
The reason they also got gallbladder out is because Bile was moving to my stomach. I was having bile and acid reflex. Then, symptoms went away, but I remained feeling bloated after meals.
Since then, I developed IBS symptoms, and just a few weeks ago, I started having heartburn again. 😫
I have avoided sugar for many years. I've tried keto, but the diet makes me have loose stools. I have done fasting, but symptoms don't change.
I saw a gastroenterologist last week, and he prescribed an acid blocker, but symptoms are not changing. The fact is, I told him that my right side was hurting, and he didn't say anything. Instead, he wanted me to get a colonoscopy!!
I just recently had a colonguard test, and it came negative.
If you tell a doctor about your symptoms and you get an upper respiratory infection because of the acid, how the acid blockers are going to resolve the problem? Why want to do a colonoscopy when right now my problem is at the other end?!!!!😵‍💫
I have tried to eat more meat than vegetables, and all I get is diarrhea, with lots of bile, and sometimes I get constipated too. It is so hard to follow a diet, especially when your liver is not working properly and there's not a gallbladder to regulate bile.
I sincerely regret both surgeries, but I didn't know better, I just wanted to get rid of the I did, but not for very long.
Today, I'm very discouraged, and I don't know who to trust. I don't even know if I can trust everything I watched on YouTube or the have tried everything. Did I mention that I'm 51 years old and that I have menopause symptoms as well? Yeap!!!
So. I get hot flashes, insomnia, and heart palpitations.
I don't know which direction to go. I'm lost and frustrated.


When im having a flare i have seen some improvement drinking powdered slippery elm in hot water, soothes it and calms it- i get mine from Holland and Barrett in capsule form then tip contents of 2 caps in hot water 😊


I religiously avoid sorbitol, mannitol, and, most importantly for me, xylitol; if xylitol can kill a dog (and it will!) I don’t want it in my gut! Besides, xylitol in particular, which is used in chewing gums and some candies, instantly, within less than a minute of consuming, gives me profound heartburn. I jokingly say I could toast a marshmallow with just one breath! I have been using Monk Fruit with erythritol, and though I initially seemed to do fine with it, I’ve been having problems when I drink my hot tea lately (I use an A-2 milk), but am wondering if it’s the sweetener or the tea itself. Erythritol generally does not have the diarrhea problem that the other “tol” sweeteners can cause in many people. I cannot imagine drinking unsweetened tea! Oddly enough, real sugar doesn’t seem to cause an IBS flare; but, since I’ve recently been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, i generally avoid it when I can. Does anyone know if there are any other non-sugar sweeteners that are not likely to trigger IBS? Thank you for these helpful videos!


I really want to bulk up in size but since I’ve been diagnosed with ibs-d it’s been difficult


I find eating meat and root crops only eases my ibs d, also sourdough bread is great.


Good morning
My name is Annelise from South Africa. A doctor diagnosed IBs syndrome more than 13 years ago. I have both diaree and constipation. I try now write down what i eat, but many times i can drink only coffee with one slice of toast, its just an example. Pls help me


3:26 but how else am i going to trick myself into eating broccoli 😢 is diarrhea a subtype of IBS? great video as always, Doc!


What about Pure for Men supplement?? Is it bad for IBS-D?


So what do we eat??? whats our diet look like?
