All About IBS-D

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About IBS Treatment Center

Dr. Stephen Wangen, co-founder and Medical Director of the IBS Treatment Center, and his staff have successfully helped over 10,000 people resolve irritable bowel syndrome and chronic digestive problems since 2005.

Some patients have had IBS symptoms so severe that they spent a considerable amount of time in the hospital. Others are suffering alone at home and are no less frustrated with the impact that it is having on their lives. The thread that tied them all together was that they had never seen an IBS expert (much different than a gastroenterologist), a doctor whose only mission is to help people solve IBS.

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My doctor said i had ibs years ago . I explained my symptoms and he didnt send for any tests . He said yup thats ibs .. bit un assuring but i found i started drinking " the right fibre 4 " and its helped me alot. I still have my ibs d flare ups. But i also struggle with health anxiety. So i am my own worst enemy . I love your channel and it calms me down watching because i have every symptom you explained at the start of the video . I always assume the worst . Cancer, tumor etc.


Was on the toilet 20 times a day liquid with undigested food particles. Looked like soup. Bloating, Gas, Pain. I had no energy and felt like I was being poisoned. I now very rarely eat processed food and if I do in small servings. I cut out sugar, reduced carbs to the lowest I could and still feel good (didn't do well on keto), but the magic for me is 100 billion sfu of probiotics, yes, 100 billion plus megasporbiotic. The regular acidofilous, bifidus probiotic for the diarhea, but the megasporbiotic for the bloating. I have heard people have success with s.boulardi probiotic for traveler's diarrhea. Anyway other than being on $100 a month of probiotics that I can't afford, I feel a lot better.


❤❤❤ i have low acid, no motility except for diarrhea, under great pressure all summer, son went abroad, brain fog.I self diagnosed my self with SIBO after a food poisoning with pork mince at a holiday.I want to detox with ginger, asparagus, nettle capsules but still dont dare.Thank you, doctor for your efforts


I had my gallbladder removed 2019. Few months before the removal I experienced diarrhea on and off and attack pain in the middle upper back. The pain and fever made me go to the ER. They said I had a polyp in my gallbladder. So I removed my gallbladder ever since then I have iBS ! Major cramps ever single morning regardless what I eat 😢


Hi, you discussed abdominal pain in a variety of locations associated with IBS-D. Is pelvic pain (located around ASIS or more localized to anterior pelvis/vaginal region) an associated pain referral pattern with IBS-D? Thank you for sharing your knowledge - your videos are very helpful!


I also live with it after I didn't eat gluten or milk it almost went back to normal, so I almost think that gluten sensitivity triggered the irritable bowel syndrome. Despite it I sometimes still notice when there is an emotional stress that it's not as bad as it used to be. Unfortunately you feel like the doctors Not really taken seriously here, medication is prescribed without completing the examinations 😢


Hi, really grateful for all your videos.
First important question..
I have diarrhea every morning for the last year along with panic attacks and feeling drunk in the eyes, poor memory and tinnitus in my left ear and an itchy right ear. If I have IBS-D, can the candida cleanse cure me?? I started a cleanse 5 days ago and have major fatigue going on.


Here in Brazil, where I come from, I've been having a hard time finding a gastroenterologist who can figure out the cause of my IBS-D and provide an efficient treatment. I've been taking Amitriptyline for over a month, but none of those doctors seem to know what to tell me about the health of my gut. It's very frustrating and very upsetting going back home after hearing a "You have nothing. You should seek a psychiatrist."


Thank you. Is having fluctuating levels of energy a symptom of IBS-D? eg, days of fatigue/weakness/shakiness then normal levels of energy then days of restlessness, pacing & insomnia?


I just had a episode of IBS it all started when I decided to ingest a medium size cup of coffee with 2 creams and 2 sugars and immediately what followed was excruciating cramps and bloating followed by a bout of diarrhea which was extremely foul smelling the stench of the watery stool was so horrendous that my cat started to howl and groan in agony and torment.


Sir, I am 25, had little pain in lower left abdomen, sometimes it is right side. I searched online regarding changes in bowel habits and these gave me severe health anxiety. I saw a doctor online and gave him my CBC reports. All normal and I am healthy, I have no weight loss. I was afraid of Colorectal cancer or bowel obstruction. The doctor heard my symptoms and gave me probiotics and reflaximin. I tried to push for colonoscopy but he did not recommend it. I am suffering for a week and as you mentioned starts with a normal bowel and then semi-solid. However, can I really trust my doc? Is it just health anxiety? (All started when I had blood in stool and that resolved within 2 days, doctor said anal fissure) everything in CBC is normal and so is my weight, from then I monitor every symptoms and changes in stool shape gives me anxiety. Can I really trust my doc that it is IBS? If you spare a moment to reply, I'd be grateful.


I’ve been told I have IBS. Sometimes diarrhea and sometimes constipation. Some reflux and always moderate abdominal pain. But along with this, every time I have an attack (4-9 times per month) I have severe vomiting. Is vomiting a symptom of IBS?


I had my gallbladder removed in 2013 and now I have ibs. Everything I eat triggers ibs. Heard bile salts would help….is that true?


How do you know if you have IBS -Dand not something else?


I have diarrhea only I went i out of the house for any work, I feel an urgency to poop and also just after having a meal outside, is it IBS D?


Is yellow stools common with ibs-d? Even my non-diarrhea stools have become yellow. I am worried 😢


Has anyone with an attack, had very frequent large amounts of diarrhea and flatulence each time?


Is sloppy or twisted/not well formed classed as diarrhea?
