Running Routine for Half Marathon (13.1 miles)

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you will get injured if you jump straight into this. Start slowly at your own pace and listen to your body.


Guys: it’s not that complicated. Your body was made to move. Go for a run. Run at a pace that makes you feel good and that you enjoy. Listen to something or nothing, that you enjoy while running. Then run again the next day. Or don’t. Move your body in a different way. It’s not rocket science. I ran 14 miles after 3 months of training by cutting out the crap “I needed to do before starting” and just starting. I’m down 35 lbs and I feel so so much happier about my body. Ignore the video. Especially ignore the comments about needing to do a 5k and 10k before half marathon training. Our ancestors for 1000s of years didn’t make sure to run a few 5k’s before they “trained” for a long distance. Just get out and run however you want


Damn bro, you got them doing a 7 mile slow run on the first week for a half marathon training.


First of all. DONT do this for first half marathon. Especially for first 1-3 weeks...start slow with eaey runs. After few weeks add small intervals sessions not too wild, then build up your interval/strides into harder&longer ones.
Long run should be little faster tham HM.
Easy runs and Up-tempo runs should be your focus for first 2-3 weeks if you are doing your first half marathon.
Depends on a runners experience really. But still if a beginner sees this video. They will probably end up with injury or really slow recoveries


As a person who hav ran a half marathon twice, I recommend running the same distance, 3 times a week, and slowly increase it.


He’s making the assumption that you can already run a half marathon, this is training to speed it up


Just said screw it and sent it for my first 1/2 the other day in Toronto, amazing experience, definitely going to train for my next one 🤣

I was fine till 11/12km, legs cramped up like crazzzzyyy, finished at 2:24:40


This is more like 5k training. Half marathon training should mostly be long slow miles with a quality long run and a variation of a tempo run or tempo intervals from week to week.


A 5 day half marathon training plan is crazy


I feel like new people don't realize when people say "easy 5 miles" or "easy 10 miles" THEY DON'T MEAN IT'S EASY. They mean to do those miles at an EASY PACE.


I see a lot of people saying injury and what not. However this is doable for anyone. Obviously one thing you need to learn about this long distance thing is that you want to really slow yourself down when you run specially at the beginning. Follow what he says and take test days in between those days until you can do these without getting sore and then you can add speed


I did my first half marathon on a whim after I ate a big steak lunch. I had alot of exhaustion and discomfort around mile 10.5-11 but I finished it out. I think most of my issue was the fact I didn’t hydrate and became very dehydrated through the run. So if you do somewhat long distance like that bring a water bottle


love this bro thank you

My first half i did last month was 1:48 and i run another next month. XC season is also starting so this helps w that too


Bro this would kill most people jumping into that week not knowing what they’re doing


Says the guy who’s already in elite shape…got it bro!!!


I am from Colombia roads with holes and no park close luckily ive found a nice flat road ..about 500 m Long training up and down that


I just signed up for my first half marathon. There is no way I’d be stupid enough to try this routine. And I currently run 7 mile stretches. But this workout is a great way to burn out completely week one.


First half marathon interval training should be near non existent.


Tip: if you unclench your fists your hands will be more relaxed and conserve some energy. Pretend you’re holding a chip in your hand and you can’t break it.


If you are at 0, just run. Not at max speed. Check time.
Make sets of that time running and that time walking/ stretching.
Say you can only run at a decent pace for 40 seconds, run 40, stretch 40.
Do this for 4 to 6 times. (2 to 3 away from home and back.)

As you adapt you'll notice you run further and easier.
Start with 2 or 3 a week.
Either build times per week, or sets, or time per set.
Not more than 1.
So week 1, 2 days. 6 times 40 secs.
Week 2, 2 days 6 times 45 secs
Week 3, 3 days 6 times 45 secs
Week 4, 3 days 8 times 45 secs
Week 5, 3 days, 8 times 1 min

You could also change it up as long as yhe total is the same

Week 5, 3 days, 8 times 1 min.
Week 6, 3 days, 4 times 2 min.

Seems slow.
Is even slower to do this, get tendonitis in the foot for 6 months and give up buy now also have a permanent injury
Go slow.
