The ULTIMATE ‘Beginner to Marathon’ Training Plan (5k, 10k Half Marathon AND Marathon)

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Here it is... the ultimate training plan for ALL distances. You could start from complete beginner and get to a marathon. You could jump in at 10k and get yourself to a half marathon, or 5k to marathon or anywhere in between. This is a 41 week plan that can take anyone, at any level, to the next level! I'm so proud of this plan and hope it helps so many of you. Download the PDF from our website.

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Рекомендации по теме

Started this plan at the start of 2021 and finished the Melbourne Half-Marathon 2 days ago in 2 hours. Excellent Plan


Running saves me of being a suicidal person. Running makes me feel free, helps me to overcome lonwliness, helps me to overcome my depressions and anxiety. I am very thankful to the person who encourage me to run.


i can't even begin to imagine how long it would take to put something like this together. thank you!


Last year, I cannot even walk 3km below 60 min..but now after much exercises I had reach of doing briskwalk 5km less than 50 min. I will try my best to be able to run 5km within 30 min..I really needs the motivation to be better 😄


The drone footage is really taking your videos to a new levels. Love it


Started this plan yesterday. I cannot run for more than a half of a mile. I have a 5k 6 months from now - I hope to finish it in less than 35 minutes. Check back in in 6 months!


Hello! It´s me again. I first knew you when I was thinking of running my first 10K. I followed your training plan and it was great! My next goal was a half marathon which after following your 12 week plan, I ran it yesterday. My time was 2:02:12. Looking forward on making it again but now on a sub 2 hours run. I just can´t thank you enough for the quality and the effort you put into making these videos. Thank you! Greeting from Mexico City.


Genuinely can't thank you both enough for the motivation you have given me do run. Went from doing 30 second runs because my knee was sore to now at 60k a month. Your plans have helped me so much


The ONE and ONLY channel on YouTube that is actually provide to the viewers instead of posting tons of silly and time wasting content. Wish you the best bro really!!


I completed my first marathon while using your plan (3:51:34), thank you!


That intro totally resonated with me. That's why I started running at the start of November and I love it! The freedom to run if I want (or need) to is such a great feeling.


Signed up for a full marathon on a whim yesterday. I have exactly 22 weeks and 5 days to go from couch potato with a history collapsed lungs to a 42km Champion. I'm excited for this journey


im now doing the "begginer to 5k" mid week 4, and i was thinking about what i'll do next. thank you so much for creating this! oh my god :) you really help me ben


I almost never leave any comments around YT but I have to make an exception here. Gave this plan a go after thinking about finally taking up running "properly". 5 weeks in and I felt so good during my 4k run yesterday that I ended up running the first 5k in my life. Feels amazing and I'm super excited for the future. Thanks for putting so much work and knowledge out there, mate. Absolute legend!


I like to come here from time to time. This training plan is my plan for 18 months now.

Will be on my second half marathon this weekend and considering dip into the marathon block for the first time.

About a year ago, I drop the gym and started calisthenics as cross training and I love the blend of training with gym rings and running.

I cant thank this channel enough for providing this material.


Just done the 10km plan and got an 8 minute PB last week 🙌🏻. Gonna continue training after my cruise and get this marathon done 💪🏼


Started with this 6 weeks ago. Just ran my first 5k. Slow and steady but I did finish it. Thanks for this! Onwards to higher targets!


This is honestly so generous. Thank you very much. Heres to 2021. LETS DO THIS! 🏃‍♀️


Started this program about 16weeks ago
Tomorrow im heading towards my first marathon in Montréal !
This was a good guide so far, time to shine now!
Thank you


Just started running a week ago, did my first sub 25min 5K yesterday, not much but the thrill of it motivated me to want to continue trying to improve, will follow this plan for a while for sure! Might aim for doing a marathon next year, so about 12-18 months I imagine. Not massively bothered about the end goal, just massively hyped for the journey!
