How To Run A Sub 90 Half Marathon | Run Training & Tips

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Completing a half-marathon at any time is a huge achievement, but there is something special about being able to say that you have dipped under the 1 hour 30 or the 90-minute mark. Let’s be clear, this is a very quick time for anyone but today we’re going to be helping you to run it too.

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Down For The Long Run (Instrumental Version) - Da Tooby

Photos: © Triathlon / Getty Images

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At my best, I completed a Half Marathon in 1:32:48 - but I was very fit and I was racewalking. My best 20km is 1:28:07 - but I am most proud of my recent Half Marathon of 1:57:59 - an 8:59 mile pace, at age 62. Life is good!


Did it three weeks ago: 1h27’22” at 53 yrs old yeah


Saw this vid yesterday, today was my first half marathon.. was planning on doing 1:35. Had my running legs, finished 1:29:29.


Still working on going Sub 1:50!! Full credit to any athlete that dips under 90, is a great run


I did a sub 40 minute 10 km last year, so this year, in addition to upping the number of tris I'm doing, I'm also targeting a 90 minute half. Very excited.


Hit 85 minutes HM at Oxford 2018. Have struggled to get back to that since, but that's the beauty of running - It's not linear. You are constantly evolving and changing and growing.


My best half is 1:35 so decided to chase the 1:30. I'm 56 years old and following an 80/20 HR HM plan. I tested a 30 min lactate test at 4:09/km HR lactate 158 so I know I can run that speed for 30min. 7 weeks until my goal race which is a flat course. Enjoying your videos and what you have just told me is very close to what I'm doing. 80/20 16km run today has me doing mainly zone 2 with 8x 400m zone 3 with 1200m zone 2 recovery. Keep up the good content guys.


Hey guys! Thank you for the tips. I got my half marathon time at 1:27:02.


I couldn't go 6:47/mile if you threw me out of an airplane. 😄. I'm shooting for a 2:30 half marathon in November, but I'll be happy to just finish running.


Great video and tips! Just completed my first ever half at 2hrs 5mins - have some work to do but will get there!


Took up running in April when went in to lock down and loving it. Going to be running my first half marathon on Sunday and aiming for 1hr 50.


Without any special preparation I am able to do HM in 1h 59min. For sure 90min is huge step up from there. Cheers to all who can do it. I shall stay with my <2h for the time being. Running for fitness is enough for me ;-)


Going to start in Berlin in the beginning of April. I trained for a sub 1:30, but now im ill since the beginning of February and couldn't run. New goal: Getting well and finishing it healthy :/


I've been training for my first Marathon and while doing so ran my first Sub-90 Half! Thank you for the video!


That 10 mile time is incorrect, it's more like 1:08


I’m at 1:33. This December is the sub 1:30 attempt. Thanks for the training tips


Did 1:47 in my local half marathon last year. I’ll be aiming to go 1:45 this year.


After watching 5 minutes if this, I looked when my scheduled half marathon is and bought a plan.


The two main elements that helped me achieving my current PB of 1:25:55 were not mentioned in this video : practice your nutrition plan (no 1, for me, fueled properly with food I know I can digest properly has an impact of at least 10 sec per km) and follow a training plan that keeps you motivated to go out and run (no 2, I shaved around 20 seconds per kilometre by running more on feel than based on a structured training plan that was rendering me miserable)


Got one in 2 weeks, perfect 😂🤭 Goal was 1h30, but can't hold that pace yet... 1h40 to 1h35 would be great 😊
