Beta Blockers and Anxiety

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Beta blockers are a medication most commonly used to treat high blood pressure. Thanks to a new social media trend, however, people are turning to this prescription drug to self-treat other conditions like anxiety.

We sit down with Dr. Kevin Boran, interventional cardiologist, to learn the truth about beta blockers and how they can affect the body.
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I have constantly racing heart 24/7 because of anxiety, this medication is only relief. Anxiety is probably one of the most demonic diseases out there. People around me who haven't experienced it, doesn't understand me, which makes the case even worse.


I've had a psych here in the US prescribe it to me for off-label anxiety use. For me, my anxiety/panic attacks were caused by the fear of the symptoms themselves, causing a vicious cycle. Meaning, experiencing the physical symptoms of a panic attack (heart palpitations, shaking, sweating, dizziness) actually caused me severe anxiety and predisposed me to these panic attacks. I started avoiding situations I've done hundreds of times before out of fear that they might incite a panic attack. Benzodiazepines did little to help since my symptoms were primarily physical, not psychological.

Beta blockers, through interrupting the physical symptoms, broke the cycle entirely and I'm now in complete remission - and I don't even take the beta blockers anymore. Just knowing that I have a "cure" for acute panic on-hand that 100% works is enough to eliminate that mental state of fear. It's a fantastic medication IMO.


Helps with the physical effects of anxiety 100%


I’ve been taking beta blockers for a year now, it’s been amazing for speeches or any high stress activity


I'm not even gonna lie, I have GAD and I constantly have 105-109 heartbeat per minute, palpitation is a part of my daily life, I even got used to it along with my anxiety. Taken this once, and my heart rate drops to 69. Definitely calming, no racing/pounding sensation in my chest. I really thank God for this medication.


They are certainly approved in the UK by the NHS as a treatment for anxiety. I have a prescription saying so! FDA must be a bit behind.
I find they help to cancel out my fight or flight response. They bring me clarity


I have severe anxiety and have had for 10 years+. I've been prescriped Benzos and they often wanted to put me on SSRIs but I don't cause it's junk. Recently they gave me propranolol, and even 2.5mg a quarter pill works wonders for me. No more fight or flight. Sure mentally you'll have to fight but it helps a lot if the body stays chill. My mind slowly relearns that I don't have to worry.


I have had it prescribed for anxiety on the NHS. Had to ask for it but Dr more than happy to try me on it. Worked wonders.


Very difficult to watch this without my HR jumping this is the most beautiful human newscaster I’ve ever seen lol


I was prescribed propranolol for my generalized anxiety, this is my third day using it so I hope it works. My mind still feels anxious but my body feels much better, not gonna lie


I've been on BBs for 10 months and it's been like a roller coaster ride...feel good one day, not so good the next with same diet, sleep and exercise.


Buspar is a good medication for anxiety. Nadolol is hell to come off of and I'm living proof of both of these medications


To anyone sensitive to medications try a very small dose first. I tried this five years ago. 10mg and told my doctor that I had bad reaction and please never prescribe this again. Today I took 2.5 mg. 1/4 of the smallest pill you can get. It helped me so much. I had a work meeting and felt great. I’ll say almost zero anxiety. I do take Xanax occasionally and half of a 2.5 mg is all I need. Maybe that will help anyone who had strong side effects and didn’t like this drug. I was there and hopefully on a good path for social anxiety and public speaking anxiety help.


Yeah my psychiatrist put me on a beta blocker; but she said the exact same thing. There are two parts of anxiety, the mental and the physical one. The beta blocker is for the physical, in my case the blood pressure. For The mental one, they give you something else, CBD, benzodiazepine, therapy or a combination.


Literally saved my life. Fcked up my brain while high on many things and ended up with generalized anxiety disorder. Also being a naturally anxious person and quitting cold turkey was basically a living hell. Also bupropion was heaven sent.


I have a tendency towards depression and anxiety. Metoprolol noticeably increased these in me. The drug side effect sheet that comes with the prescription even warns of this.


I was prescribed Metoprolol for my heart after I had a cardiac event and it drops my heart rate like a rock, it runs between 50 and 55 at rest, and when I am up moving around it gets up to 63 to 65 at max.. they are a life saver for anxiety also, they have a very calming effect, you can feel your whole body just relax after taking one.. I take the Metoprolol Succinate ((extended release)) and it releases a little at a time.. they should just go ahead and approve them for anxiety... Thanks for the video.. Hope everyone has a blessed day..


I just started taking these now social anxiety is afraid of me


It's a wonder drug for anxiety. I have generalized anxiety and panic attacks, as well as hypertension and tachycardia. It's 100x times easier to deal with a racing mind when your body is calm. Highly recommend, although it can make people dizzy when getting up/sudden movements according to my pharmacist. I've tried so many bad meds, and I'm relieved that this one works. This drug proves that it's not "all in your head". And it's not psychoactive or addictive. It shouldn't have taken me a year and half to be put on this drug. Clearly state your symptoms to your doctor and ask for an ECG to be performed.


This things are miracles, they help anxiety so much, I got prescribed these a few months ago after suffering for years, they relieve basically all my symptoms and stop my worrying, try these if you haven’t please
