Most Common Beta Blockers Side Effects | Pharmacist Review

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Beta blockers are a group of medications that are used high blood pressure, angina, anxiety, essential tremors, heart failure and abnormal heart rhythm. Beta blockers are generally safe to take, and side effects tend to be annoying and not life threatening. The incidence of the most common side effects is between 1-10% of the population taking beta blockers.
Abrupt withdrawal of beta blockers may cause rebound hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmia or angina (beta blocker withdrawal syndrome). It is very important that you only alter your dosage under the supervision of your health care provider.
Abrupt withdrawal of beta blockers may cause rebound hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmia or angina (beta blocker withdrawal syndrome). It is very important that you only alter your dosage under the supervision of your health care provider.
Most Common Beta Blockers Side Effects | Pharmacist Review
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