Using Beta-Blockers to Calm Nerves | Public Speaking

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How do you use beta blockers or other drugs to calm your nerves before a big speech? Here's the answer you're not going to want to hear. You don't. It's a horrible idea. Why in the world would making you not worry anymore about your speech decrease the chances of you giving an awful speech? If you're nervous about your speech, it's typically because you haven't rehearsed on video and you're not convinced you're going to give a great speech. If I take some relaxant, some drug, and all of a sudden I'm completely relaxed and confidant, but I've got grape jelly all over my face and my collar is like this, I'm thinking, "I'm relaxed. They're liking me. I look cool." It's not going to change the fact that I've got grape jelly all over my face and my collar's sticking up in a funny way. They're still going to notice it. I beg you, I urge you, don't take the easy coward's way out because it's not really a way out. You feeling good about your speech is the wrong way approach. Something that will actually make you feel good about your speech is giving a good, interesting speech and realizing your audience perceives you as interesting and useful and helpful. If you're simply relaxed about giving a boring speech, what good is that? You will have still bombed.
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Says the guy who has never had a problem giving a speech I bet. I prepare well in advance for my presentations at school and rehearse beforehand and anxiety and nervousness hits every single time to no surprise. I exercise and meditate as well. Such b.s. please don’t tell people who suffer from constant anxiety like myself that it’s a cop out to use drugs to help us a little bit to make it over such overwhelming things like public speaking. Everyday anxiety I can deal with but public speaking is one of the biggest obstacles for me and what’s held me back in so many areas of my life. If I wanna take a damn pill every once in awhile to get on with my life I will.


20 seconds into this I knew he had no idea what he was talking about, so was relieved to see everyone agrees 😅


He obviously never had any anxiety before in his life. Take this awful video off of YOUTUBE.


This guy has no idea what he's talking about! He's obviously never experienced social anxiety or true performance anxiety himself. Because if he had? He'd know it has nothing to do with not practicing enough! Also. Beta Blockers just take away the physical symptoms of anxiety. Your still emotionally anxious, but it goes away after a few minutes. Beta Blockers saved my life!! I'll say again... This guy has no idea what he's talking about!!!


Beta blockers don't make you feel any more confident. I think your thinking of stuff like xanax. Beta blockers just help calm your fight or fight response and adrenaline so your physical symptoms don't show but you will still most likely be nervous mentally. I take them and they definitely help me control my nervous pounding heart which helps me be able to deliver a speech a bit smoother.


This guy has no idea what beta blockers are if you are thinking of using then do not listen to him. Beta Blockers will not calm or relax you they will help you not produce as much adrenaline. And I think if you are here you probably know you can be very confident in your speech yet nervous to talk in front of people.

This guy thinks that beta blockers are a different drug, maybe Valium, and essentially made a speech that he felt confident of and wasn't nervous to give it yet still bombed and might as well as made the video with jelly on his face.


What does that have to do with the physical symptoms of public speaking like chronic blushing? Thanks for nothing.


This dude has no idea what a beta blocker is. Grape


It's for DURING the speech, not preparing beforehand. Having anxiety doesn't make you a coward. Clearly you don't understand the parameters of anxiety.


He doesn't know what he is talking about.


He must have been convinced he was gonna do a great video


You still worry and feel anxious but, it will help by lessening the physical symptoms exhibited. The lesser physical symptoms exhibited, the better you will perform and the better you will feel both about yourself and about the act of public speaking.


Wtf is he talking about.. I've had awesome material that I was passionate about and the audience wanted to learn. And I still had a panic attack due to bad experience during my teenage years.. meds for the occasional speech is fantastic. This guy arrogant and not at all empathetic to the reality of people with this problem.

My advice.. prepare for your speech properly and use meds where appropriate so you can deliver on your hard work


Because beta-blocker is a thread to his profession. LOL


doesn't understand what real anxiety feels like


No sir you making a mistake. Propranolo helps a lot in calming u down during public speaking.


Wow .. I was expecting build the wall at the end of that shitpost


Public speaking has never been my forte, but I didn't realize how severe my fear was until I got a new role in my company. During a Zoom presentation on costing strategy, my heart started racing, my voice shook, and my vision blurred, leaving me feeling like I wanted to escape the situation. After a 30-second pause, my heart rate came down, but after that experience I wanted to above public speaking and presentations at all costs. I don't know if it was a panic attack, but it was extremely embarrassing.

Following that incident, my fear of presentations became even worse. The fear of losing control while speaking and not knowing whether I would experience another panic attack made me dread public speaking even more.

Taking beta blockers was a complete game-changer. Although I still get nervous at the thought of public speaking, it doesn't feel like a death sentence anymore. With beta blockers, I feel more in control during public speeches and presentations.

I've shared a link to my wedding speech, where I took beta blockers before starting. When I started to speak and my voice didn’t start trembling It was such a relief. I used to feel trapped and incapable of public speaking, so if my video helps anyone feel more comfortable about discussing beta blockers with their GP, I'll be thrilled.


This dude is so out of touch lol. 9 years ago though. People get educated. He probably doesn't actually still think this way. Anxiety doesn't just come not rehearsing lol.


I don't much care about public speaking. I found this because I was looking into side-effects (or possible side-benefit) of beta-blocker prescribed to hopefully avoid another arrhythmia of the heart. So far about 2 years and no recurrence. Side benefit has been I think it has made be slightly less anxious. I think it has possibly helped improve my billiards game, though eye surgery may have had a more profound effect. Since I am on them anyway, perhaps I do need to find a pulpit to stand on.
