My Experience With Propranolol For Anxiety

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My Experience With Propranolol For Anxiety and how I have used this Beta Blocker.
Propranolol is a beta-blocker. Beta-blockers are used for the treatment of issues like heart rhythm problems, high blood pressure and performance anxiety.

Beta-blockers inhibit the action of adrenaline and noradrenaline. It slows down the fight or flight situation.

I first heard about beta-blockers in 2013 when a person using beta-blockers for performance anxiety told me about them. I got really curious and so I went to a doctor and asked them.

The doctor gave me propranolol medicine. 2 weeks later I had a presentation coming. 1 hour before the presentation I took one. After 1 hour I felt my hands getting colder and my nervous system slowed down, at least that’s how I felt.

I was still nervous in my head, but I had a calm demeanour. I did my presentation with ease, relaxed, it went pretty well.
I quickly learned that I could use them in anxious situations.

Propranolol is not like Xanax for example, that activates GABA and makes you relaxed. The medication just blocks your nervous system from going crazy.

 For me, that’s all I needed: not going insane in front of people. It doesn’t take the anxiety away, but it helps you be in control of yourself.

t is much safer than benzo medications, where tolerance builds up very fast and it's easy to get addicted.

Like always there are side effects with medications. With propranolol I had cold hands, some nausea and I felt lethargic. That is why I only used when I needed it. Daily use was not for me.

I haven’t used it in a long time, but I still have the bottle at my house. You never know when it comes in need. I recommend it before taking Xanax route.
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For me it helps calm the physical symptoms. The shaking, increased heartbeat, increased BP, etc. It's not good for the body to stay in such a state. If your anxiety is chronically effecting your BP or heart rate then this could help you tremendously. Once you get control of the physical symptoms it's easier to work on healing the mental part. It's not such an overwhelm to the CNS. You can handle it better & you're not as distracted by symptoms.


This drug stopped a 7 day panic attack for me. I was in pure hell,
Life was horrible, I could not snap out of it, could not sleep and was a total zombie. Blood pressure thru the roof. Managed to get to doctor and she gave it to me. Panic stopped within a few hours and the next morning I was ok. I never been so thankful


I like that it’s as needed. For mild to moderate generalized anxiety, if you want to truly learn to conquer it, you have to expose yourself to situations to build the mindset. This drug largely combats symptoms, but because of that, for me, it lends itself to generalized anxiety. You have to commit to exposing yourself to your fear gradually.


Xanax doesnt stop your adrenaline from pumping however when you are aware of a speech and you're nervously anticapting it. Propranolol is the better option for stage fright


I stops the overthinking part of anxiety for sure. I seem to worry that im not worrying, and just got prescribed propranolol recently, and it just immediately started making me think rationally, not having a fear of the unknown. Like i said i worry when im not worrhing and it seems to just eradicate all the nonsense feelings anxiety brings you. Nice one!


i just got prescribed these for my severe emetophobia and anxiety disorder. i haven't taken them yet so i watched this to make me feel comfortable 😅


Thank you for this video, very well explained.


This does help with the physical symptoms of anxiety attack/panic attack. However, I wish it was easier to be prescribed Xanax or something similar for on the spot relief for the mental and physical symptoms :(


I will take it at a party tonight. I have social anxiety and seeing all my friends and family after the pandemic makes me nervous. I still want to go because I will enjoy myself once there but I still get nervous


Propranolol did help me a lot. I had an fear of taking medicine when i say i mean fear i had these in my draw for 3 years and didn’t try them one day full of anxiety and adrenaline I decided to take one and oh my god with one hour all bad things gone and back to normal. I eat sooo much


Very good video. You said all the relevant things about this medication in treating social anxiety


I have just been prescribed this 50mg tablets for social anxiety, I haven't taken any yet as i have been anxious about taking them but this video has made me feel much more comfortable i may try half a tablet and see how i feel first. Great video btw!


I have health anxiety and was given Propranolol today by my GP but im too scared and anxious to take one 😫


I got prescribed propranolol 40 mg as when needed. at the time, l tapering off 200 mg Of sertraline that I was on ten years. I developed tinnitus and started to get cold hands and smell things that were not there. I started to get severe night sweats. I started to get audio hallucinations (MES) where any sound in my environment would repeat in my head. Even my mobile ring tone loops. I get none stop songs and music looping twenty four hours a day. it turns out it might have been the propranolol as others have experienced the same. I got severe night terrors and would shout in my sleep. I no longer take it now but the music is still very loud.and wakes me up. I found out I had ADHD as it made that even worse but medication was amazing I am not alone apparently but not everyone experiences hallucinations not sure if mine will ever go away. Great video Patrick


This helped with my social anxiety and fear. I feel more calm. The only side effect I get is a little dizziness 2 or 3 hrs after taking it but I rather have dizziness than the anxiety and high BP.


I appreciate sharing your experiences publicly


Thanks man. I get sweaty palms during social interactions and even gaming lol. I'll ask my doctor for these if possible


Propranolol is a life saver for job interviews for me


Propranolol is very useful for anxiety and PTSD. I recently ran out because once, I dropped a few pills accidentally. Then they were gone forever. I was supposed to get some today. Maybe I will get some tomorrow. I get my medications delivered.


Good, informative video. Yes, propranolol has a strong safety profile and doesn't build tolerance.
