What can trigger an anxiety attack?

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Join top psychiatrist Dr Abrar Hussain as he explains what can trigger an anxiety attack.

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im scared of my anxiety so much that im having an anxiety attacks because of it.


The worst part is when you have anxiety and you don't have anyone to comfort you💔


i have multiple anxiety attacks everyday yeah its bad..


I had my first panic attack/anxiety attack when I was in the last year of middle school. During break my crush (we are friends) started crying because his dad died days ago and he is such a strong person both physically and mentally that I never expected to see him cry and be vulnerable, I never saw him shed a tear in 5 years so I didn't expect to see him shed tons. When he started crying I felt a rush of anxiety, I was freaking out and I had my best friend telling me to calm and to breath;I started to cry and felt like I was out of breath. When I hugged him it felt like all was passing away slowly.


Love the suit. But he is right. Anxiety can come from lots of things. I knew that too. If only i could get that suit in green. Love green....


Some times u live with panic attacks for a long time that u forget wat it is to be normal


I had my first panic attack tonight. I was scared when a car passed to close to me when I was outside with my dog. I was terrified that they were gonna shoot me dead . I felt so sure that I was going to die my dog reacted to me and he helped calm me down I’m so grateful to not be actually dead right now and have my gorgeous dog.


I had my first anxiety attack yesterday. And it’s really hard to avoid the triggers when the triggers are the room you walk into at school every day. But I just started crying and hyperventilating and I didn’t know why at all. I was scared and I became dizzy and didn’t feel like I knew where I was. It was horrible.


I just got my first anxiety attack today 08/11/19 cause over thinking and depression....good thing my grandma is there to calm me down


my anxiety attacks happen at night when I feel dizzy from my meds :/


I'm having an anxiety attack! I feel like I'm having a heart attack. Also, racing thoughts thinking that I'm going to die.


I've been having anxiety attacks a little over a year now. I feel kind of lost about it, because its starting to happen almost everyday now & I cant always pull over to get myself together.

I started paying more attention to my body & noticed that when i water fast, I still worry & when I think an attack is about to come on, it never manifests itself. It is also this way when I dont consume much sugar & carbs. & I realized I may be sensitive to caffeine so every day that I have drank coffee, I've had an attack.

& as a truck driver I dont have to luxury of having an active lifestyle, so I try to walk when I can & it really relaxes me everytime.


I never knew how a panick attack felt until just now, I throught it was just getting worried but I was upset and thinking about bad things and then I got shortness of breath and I felt as if I was going to faint and I was dizzy and I tried to walk to my bathroom and when I got in I felt nauseous and sick and it felt like I was in a nightmare and going to die but I don’t even rmeber the rest but I’m fine now I just never knew how horrible and scary it was and I hope it doesn’t happen again :/


I’ve found that triggers can be really “sneaky.” Some of them are so small in terms of severity that you don’t notice that you’re being triggered. But once a little trigger is stacked on top of another little trigger, the anxiety escalates and becomes noticeable.


“Fear is ignorance” mixing intelligence thoughts and arrogance thinking you’re inferior. Say it to yourself until it stores in your long term memory. And say to yourself that “it doesn’t matter whether I die, I will not let it dictate my plans and isolate”


I would go to a therapist but I think they charge to much money. When ever someone starts talking to me my heart begins to race and also I avoid talking to people because of that reason.


people witness something that reminds them of the past traumatic event. .this mean that the trauma has not been fully processed and still affects people.


I've had heart pains and chest pains about once a month for a while now but I realise they could be panic attacks and anxiety


Do meditation daily,
Take a good diet,
Take a good sleep,
Listen relaxing and calm music
And remember, you are stronger than your problems😊


I started having panic attacks after my mom died. I will feel hopeless and overwhelmed and I start hyperventilating and crying. It feels like I will always feel this way.
