Answering TOUGH questions about the hijab 🤔

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I converted 3 years ago from a very religious catholic family. I was doing modelling back then and had my social media all full of photos and things I used to party and hangout with guys and I was very proud of being attractive. After I converted to Islam my life changed forever I started dressing modestly immediately after wanting to convert ( only covering my body) 2 weeks ago I chose to wear the hijab overnight I had been collecting hijabs for months before because in my heart I wanted to wear it but I was scared about the way family and friends would treat me. After putting it on I literally didn’t care about what anyone said. I am so happy with my decision and I feel so much more beautiful now.


I put on hijab at 31. Honestly it was harder on the people around me than it was on me.


Jasmine I am a new convert. I said Shahada during Ramadan. I’ve enjoyed all of your videos, but this one hits home currently. I actually started wearing a scarf on National Hijab day and didn’t take it off until feeling pressured to take it off while on vacation where most are not dressed modestly. Honestly I was feeling pretty bad about it but this video has helped. Alhamdulilah, thank you. Now that I’m back home I’ve put the hijab back on. I will say I’m proud of myself for wearing a burkini while on vacation and was actually asked to get of the pool because only swimsuit attire was allowed. I’m so happy I stood up for myself and stayed in. Being a hijabi does have its up and downs. I’ve only worn hijabi for a few months and feel like it’s part of who I am already. The hard part is getting the people around me to accept that’s who I am. I am also struggling a little with transitioning my clothes to more modest, but still keep a somewhat of a western style. Do you sell your clothing line in the US, I’ve tried finding you but have not been able to.


my mom is catholic and my dad is muslim. I was always raised as a muslim, and when I was 16 years old I decided to wear the hijab. No one ever told me to wear, or talk to me about it. When i was younger I didnt even know that the hijab was mandorty, subhanallah, lol. I edcuated myself about islam, by the will of Allah. And so now I wear the hijab, and my mom dosent because she is a non-muslim. And people look at us and cant beilve that I wear especially because my mom dosent and we live in america. i am just proud of myself and thankfull to allah for gifting me with a father who is muslim and raised me as one, and for increasing me in knowledge.


as a new muslim (i converted about 2 weeks ago) this means so much to me. i come from a catholic/christian family so having a muslim daughter must be tough for them.


I want you to know that this video meant a lot to me. I converted back in Nov 2021. Both sides of my family are Christian, and they still do not know I converted yet because I just don’t know how they will react. I appreciate your friend being in the video as a non-hijabi. I love that you, Jasmine, are so welcoming and not pressuring. Obviously from my photo you can tell I have not put on hijab yet. It is something I am very reserved on doing for the specific reasons y’all have said. I’m 27 years old. I have 2 bonus daughters and a bio-daughter plus other family and friends. I feel like it would be so weird one day if I showed up wearing hijab when I haven’t my whole life. I do have the desire to wear it but I want to make sure that I am in the right head space before doing so specifically because I don’t want to put it on just to take it off. I am in the USA, so in the western world where it is not as familiar. I will say that I am blessed with a MIL and her friend that are both hijabis and they truly do inspire as does Jasmine.


I LOVE how kind and respectful you both were to each other. Especially jasmine being the hijabi, because alot of hijabis now adays have started to act superior to non-hijabis, but they forget having pride like that will become their gateway to hell.


I would like to say when I worked for Corporate America it was very difficult to start wearing Hijab I was in my early 30's. Then one day my 3rd grade child asked me if she could start wearing Hijab. From that day forward I have never taken it off. By the way I am now 69 years old.


I started wearing the hijab at 23 and it was only difficult for me when I’d start looking for validation and acceptance outside my faith. IMO surround yourself with supportive people and strengthen your faith. Also if you start feeling insecure just know there are plenty of beautiful way to wear ur hijab that are easy to find in Instagram and other forms of social media.


I actually think that when most people know you're a muslim but see that you're a non-hijabi they are more curious about why you are not wearing the hijab. That's why I think it's not a big deal to slowly start wearing a hijab occasionally to becoming a hijabi. This is something I have witnessed as well, don't worry the world is filled with people who will judge you for no reason at all but also filled with people who don't judge you and love you for who you are.


Jasmine you speak beautifully. I am half Lebanese but raised very western. I have a black mom, my dad is the only one who married outside of Arabs. My entire dads side wears hijab. I see some girls around my college campus and I feel that hijab is so beautiful and it reminds me of my cousins. I wanna wear hijab every now and then to see how it feels


I converted to Islam one year ago and the thought of wearing hijab comes to mind every now and then. I want my beautiful Muslim family. It is so natural to be modest in the Middle East, I feel like my soul is home when I travel. However since I am latina living in Miami, wearing hijab in Miami is still so foreign. Inshallah my journey will get easier but I really do pray that I am able to one day, maybe moving to another state or the Middle East to start a family. Thank you for your video! You girls are so kind and relatable! ❤


This was a great and open conversation about something so important. I really felt like I was listening to my best friends giving me their opinions! Thank you! 🙏🏼


A lot of people in the comments are stating that hijab is obligatory, and it 100% is, I don’t think anyone here is denying that. But we have to have adab and kindness around our discussions not only because there is no compulsion in religion, but because it is sunnah. I don’t think the prophet saw would aggressively yell at people that hijab is fard, especially when people know that, this is not proper dawwa. I’m a convert who started wearing hijab in the US with no Muslim family and I can verify that the best way to reach people is through caring, informed, and clear messaging. No need to sugar coat the fact that hijab is mandatory, it’s our job as sisters to help each other towards goodness, but use the best technique that will actually yield results instead of aggression. Jasmine asked Dunia really good questions, I’m sure she will continue to think about those questions, someone telling you “hijab is a commandment from God” and that’s all, which is something you already knew, that doesn’t realistically help people put on hijab (even though it should!!!) If we were created as angels, then yes, having a commandment that mandates hijab would be enough for everyone, and if humans were perfect then that would be enough, but we aren’t dealing with angels, we aren’t dealing with perfect people and that’s why we need nuanced discussion!


I'm a revert and I'm in my 30tys and I'm now wearing my hijab full time, it does feel strange at times but it's more odd for friends and family who saw me prior to wearing it, especially my male friends.

They don't seem to understand why I wear it around them now, they always say that they know what I look like without it so why continue to wear it around them so I have to constantly explain to them that it's not about them knowing what I look like, it's about modesty and representing my faith.

And yes I do feel like it makes you feel and act differently, when I wear my hijab in public I am alot nicer in the way I treat people and speak because I'm very aware that I'm not only representing myself, im representing other Islamic women and Islam


Absolutaley love this video!!! I'm a hijabi myself and hate when non-hijabis get judged because I truly believe everyone's Iman is beyond the physical hijab. Bless you two, MashAllah!!!!


I converted to Islam 4 years ago and I am a happy hijabi and I am so proud of my hijab! <3 Alhamdulilah! I put it on after 3 months and never took it down!


I am a convert and I used to think I would never wear the hijab. At age 33 I started wearing it and I am very happy that I did. I realized that I was making excuses not to and that it was partially vanity. I loved my hair and still do but I no longer feel that people need to see that for me to feel beautiful. For years before putting on the hijab I stopped wearing my hair down. It was always up in a bun. Doing that made me stop thinking so much about how I looked for others and focused more on me. We all have our own journey with it and I think these conversations are important to help everyone understand and not be as judgemental towards one another.


I wish most of hijabis were as tolerant as you are Jasmine ! Everything you undertake in life as a human being is a process and it takes time. Most of hijabis especially on the social media platforms are very judgemental towards non-hijabis. They think that wearing the hijab makes them of good muslim women whereas, they do forget that taking God's role and judging others is a major sin in islam. Are you God to feel superior to us not putting the hijab on!! Let him guide us or misguide us onto putting it or not! Why forcing or putting pressure on people?!!! They do not know the person and what her heart contains and what deeds she accomplishes in her life to state that she is not a good muslim or she is a bad one just because she doesn't wear the hijab. It's like saying if you wear the hijab, that proves you are a good muslim woman whereas hijab doesn't define your degree of piety. You can wear the hijab or not wearing it and pretend to be a good muslim whereas you commit sins all the time. The same way you can not wear it or you can wear it and be a good muslim. Allah didn't mention anywhere in the quran that wearing the hijab makes you of a good muslim or ensures you a place in heaven. He said those who believe, do salat, accomplish good deeds will go to heaven. We know that most of the scholars say that hijab is said to be mandatory for women in islam as a form of protection against men evil eyes and as a form of modesty even though, there is disagreement about the topic among them. We also know that God told Muhammad (pbuh) to tell his wives, daughters and believers women to put the veil on their chest to protect them from men molesting them but, again we are no way responsible of men wanting to molest us since God tells them to lower their gaze. Wearing the hijab is not one of the 5 pillars in islam and taking the decision to not wearing it, doesn't make us (non hijabis) of bad muslim women since God didn't state anywhere in the quran that not wearing it, is a major sin like zina (adultery) and there should be punishment for those who don't wear it like committing zina. I respect those who wear it and I'd encourage those who wear it to not point their fingers and belittling those who don't. Don't you ever forget that faith (imaan) is a matter between Allah and his creatures and not between creatures and creatures so, stop judging and be compassionate in explaining people to wear the hijab without being judgemental!! Engage in a thoughtful and deep conversation with people without reinforcing your perspective on them. We are all different and all our journey is different so, be compassionate. ❤️❤️❤️


We all need God’s guidance. Wearing the hijab is hard in some countries. But we need to remember that we are in this dunya for a purpose and anything Allah has ordained upon us is for our own good and protection.
We need to focus on that, it is not always about how we feel about something or somebody else feels. It’s an order and you need to follow it period. May Allah help us and give us proper understanding InshaAllah
