How to Answer Tough Questions

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I explain 10 techniques that Singapore's President uses to answer barbed questions:

1. Focus on good things (when asked about negative things)
2. Gives answers that anticipate counterarguments
3. Explains his reasoning
4. Uses humor
5. Keeps his cool
6. Questions underlying assumptions of the questions
7. Focuses on the larger points
8. Knows his stuff
9. Is well prepared beforehand
10. Calls out the questioner

Portions of video taken under Fair Use (commentary/education)
Trampoline video taken from Pexels
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Thanks for the video! As someone who has lived in Singapore for upwards of a decade and in the UK, this analysis you illustrate especially points out the different, yet equally valid approaches to government. The BBC and many of the western media and journalists prefer the simplistic, broad stroke approach to global issues, and ends up either coming off as condescending or outright accusatory. Anyway, it was an excellent lesson on staying cool.


Aren’t we all glad that it’s President Tharman now representing Singapore on the global stage


I like how he repeats his point on 'humility', which this interviewer obviously needs.


It takes an intellect to be able to stay firm and counter the argument in the world stage. Feel proud of having him representing spore. ❤


It is so much safer in Singapore than many Western countries, so much prosperity for anyone who work hard, so much religious freedom, people are generally polite, friendly and helpful. It is a much more better society than many many other places in Europe or U. S..


It’s extraordinary that a country like singapore that started off so poor and without natural resources has advanced so far and in many ways become more advanced than the country’s the interviewer is trying to emulate, yet the interviewer is trying his level best to belittle rather than appreciate.


I always remember what LKY said about foreign human right advocates and journalists use their own standard to measure us, “they have no stake in your wellbeing, they bear no consequences in our social harmony and we do not answer to their standard but to our own people.”


This supremely capable and humble gentleman just keeps raising the bar. Here's hoping he will be around for a long, long time, which can only be a huge positive for Singapore.


Knowledge wields influence! Mr. Tharman has not only thoroughly grasped the policies but has also delved into the foundational principles upon which many great minds among Singaporean leaders have laid their groundwork. His demeanor and response reflect a world-class standard.


This guy is amazing. Even opposition supporters respect him.


Where Tharman absolutely excelled .... He said the govt does what is best for 'THE COUNTRY', not 'the people' tho the v/o on the video paraphrased it as 'the people'. In calling Singapore govt as one that serves 'the country' he quietly and powerfully pulled Singapore away from populism which often shapes US style democracy and led to the lowest common denominator settings which can be costly to the economy. And Tharman was sharp to divert from populism.


I like how Tharman doesn’t allow Stephen to interrupt him and projects his points till the very end


What an impressive presentation by a charismatic leader! It's hard to envision Tan Kin Lian and NG Kok Song achieving the same level of composure and excellence. The potential for embarrassment, especially with Tan Kin Lian's focus on his fantasy about pretty girls, would be a concern for Singapore.


Most astounding of this interview was Thaman not pointing to the flaws of the UK and US economies and so called democracies .. at least not directly...


Tharman makes us Proud to be Sporeans. The interviewer lacked humility ... Talks intelligence puts him in place🎉😂


Singapore is one of the best countries for living. Very disciplined.


What a marvellous questions and answers performance of our newly elected NINETH SINGAPORE PRESIDENT MR THARMAN. Any questions he can give a perfect replies.


Those who says he's evading questions, he's not. The interviewer is asking ignorant questions that overly simplifies the situation in Singapore. Asking for a yes or no to "why do you like freedom" is dumb. So are the assumptions the interviewer makes of asking "authoritarian" questions. Why does it matter unless you're asking about comparisons to democracy? Why ask too, if you're already full of preconceived notions?


Singapore's political system has been very much misunderstood in the West. President Tharman had explained our stand as a country yet remained calm and humble to listen to opinions. There is indeed no need to defend what other others think is not right for us so long as citizens, we understand and buy in the ideas. There is no perfect system. We cant have everything. The way how the West often promotes individualism is frightening, which disintegrates the society and teaches to always put yourself before others.


He is well aware of happenings and more professional in social amd many related to our Singapore issues
