Unreal Engine to Unity or Godot in SECONDS!

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In this tutorial we are going to look at multiple different ways you can export from the Unreal game engine to Godot, Unity or even Blender, some taking just mere seconds to complete.

UE to Unity Plugin on Unity Asset Store:

Feature Unreal Engine Military Asset Humble Bundle:

Overview on GFS (with more links):

0:00 Exporting from Unreal Engine Intro
0:52 Exporting a Model From UE 5.1 to the Godot Game Engine
2:49 Importing into Godot
3:58 Importing into Blender
4:20 Exporting an entire game level to GLB then Blender
5:58 Exporting a game level from Unreal to Unity using "Exporter for Unreal To Unity" 2023
7:57 Importing into Unity Game Engine
10:54 UE Viewer
12:00 NVIDIA Omniverse via USD Export
13:23 Overview

Links above contain affiliate codes that pay GFS a small commission if used (and thanks if you do!)
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UE to Unity Plugin on Unity Asset Store:

Feature Unreal Engine Military Asset Humble Bundle:

Overview on GFS (with more links):

0:00 Exporting from Unreal Engine Intro
0:52 Exporting a Model From UE 5.1 to the Godot Game Engine
2:49 Importing into Godot
3:58 Importing into Blender
4:20 Exporting an entire game level to GLB then Blender
5:58 Exporting a game level from Unreal to Unity using "Exporter for Unreal To Unity" 2023
7:57 Importing into Unity Game Engine
10:54 UE Viewer
12:00 NVIDIA Omniverse via USD Export
13:23 Overview

Links above contain affiliate codes that pay GFS a small commission if used (and thanks if you do!)


I'm the creator for the UnrealToUnity plugin and I wanted to let you know the 2 bugs seen in the video (purple objects and odd texturing on the ground planes) are fixed in version 1.25. I cringed a lot on seeing those but thanks a lot Mike for the review and kind words ! If anyone has any questions about it just shoot


You can see that they are doing an excellent job at Godot when you see that those assets from the EU maintain a good quality, they are giving the engine love. Like ever, thank you for other video GFS.


With quite a few simple tricks, we used the old Source engine to create a cell-shaded style game we just released. Its called Treason, based on TTT/Murder modes from older games :)


Ah Mike. The age old question.
I've got my coffee ready and am eager to hear your take on this. 😊😊😊


I admit, I stopped getting the free monthly assets from unreal simply because trying to export them was terribly slow in earlier versions, and didn't work very well. What's noteworthy is that there is a FAQ (somewhere) on the unreal site going over that you're allowed to use assets bought (or received) from its marketplace are fine to use in any game engine or external software, the exception are marked with having a separate license. In particular the assets made by epic directly for the unreal marketplace are all marked with a separate license which disallows them from being used in another game engine. There might be other exceptions, but the standard license only disallows reselling the asset by itself or in a bundle.

In short: So as long as you check if the license of the asset is the standard one, and use it in a creative project of some sort, including animation/film/game in another program, you're fine. Just don't make it available for reuse in someone else's project.


This opens up so many avenues to work on projects.


It's unfortunate how underrated this channel is. Good upload schedule, decent high quality content, your voice doesn't make me want to rip my ears off.

Best of luck, have a comment for the algorithm


I think the only assets that are legally allowed for this method are the assets sold by individuals in the market, and not the studio owned assets, aka ones that are owned/provided by epic games themselves.


Assets on the UE store will be listed with "UE-Only Content - Licensed for Use Only with Unreal Engine-based Products" in the description if you aren't allowed to export. So no free Quixel Megascans or Epic Games content.


Unreal 5.1 has some great new additions for asset management and exporting. In the past I had flipped images on texture exporting, sometimes images having color channels swapped, and occasionally broken fbx files on export.


Man you are such a life component that I haven't even looked for this


This is an awesome quick video. I love the protability of assets we have now, but I can't help hoping for an exterior self-contained assest management system w/viewer and the ability to connect to source control... but that doesnt exists(or at least i havent found one)


Thanks for the useful content! From some reason the quality of your video - especially the menu names and numbers are not as clear as they should be - not even with the best 1080p Premium HD option activated.


About the low FPS viewports in UE4, are you using hardware accelerated video encoding? I know it can have issues if you are recording something with 100% GPU usage.


Great video it would be nice if a rigged model with physics would export to unity3d or even particle effect would be a game changer but great video


Hi, this looks really promising and am interested in using it for Unity and Blender. Is the unity asset store version different from the one on gumroad? Thanks!!


One question, on the Unreal asset store there are these military vehicles by Vigilante which are free and look great, those however have an Epic megagrant, from what I can gather and as you mentioned you seem to be able to use assets on other engines as long as they are not from EPIC, but what about megagrants? Couldn't find any info on the author site or the asset's info page


I get a black mesh and no texture data for some reason when doing what you showed for UE -> Godot


In unity you may want to disable the mesh renderer if you see a black screen
