3 Reasons Raw Food Heals All Disease

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Everyday on social media I have people tell me that a raw vegan diet is dangerous!!! Why are people afraid of raw food? The irony in this is that raw foods are optimal for every living species on earth including humans. What’s truly dangerous is our over consumption of cooked food and a willful ignorance of how truly whole, raw, unprocessed foods promote optimal vitality and health in the body!

A raw vegan diet will reverse all disease! Yes, a raw vegan diet is different from the normal narrative of health but the truth remains, what we put in our body is the sole cause of illness and/or vitality! Raw food is the key to living life to our fullest potential and it’s amazing! I highly recommend you watch this video, 3 Reasons Raw Food Heals All Disease!

3:11 1.Elimination

7:34 2. Absorption and Nutrition

9:52 3. Purpose

12:26 Start With A Juice Fast

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Intuitive Detox Specialist
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I'm always tired...always sleepy... dehydrated...I'm started this tomorrow. I did it years ago and that was the best I ever felt in life. 🙏🏾🙌🏾


It is so funny, you could walk around eating process meat which is a known carcinogen and McD's all day long and no-one would question you BUT eat some fruits and vegetables and people become worried about your health <3


Went raw years ago for 2 months. Energy and clarity were amazing! It doesn’t always take years.😊


The more I listen to this guy the more I realize he is spot on!!


Your energy level and passion sold me and how absolutely vibrant you look!😊


I admit I still eat cooked food but I I don't have blinders on and I realize that raw food of course is the healthiest! What do people think, ( or perhaps not thinking at all), that mother nature made a mistake? We are the only beings on this planet that cooks!


Thank you! Keep up with your work and mission. You helped me once and i am so greatful.


Can you start with a water fast instead of a juice fast or does it require a juice fast?


I really enjoyed the recent video with Gillian, thank you for all the great information. I had a look at the Raw Vegan Heroes Membership. I'm 70 years of age, I've been mostly vegan since 2000, whole food plant based vegan for two years and am doing a 30 day raw vegan challenge right now, we're about two weeks in and I'm finding it pretty easy, no cravings for cooked. I'm wondering if your membership is suitable for someone my age, I would think my nutrition needs would be different than someone your age who works out a lot. Also, I'm not into savory, I don't eat onions or garlic, I much prefer fruit, greens, avocado and some nut butter. I'm struggling somewhat with dinner, how to get enough calories without making complicated recipes. Are the majority of your recipes fruit based and do you list how many calories? Thank you!


Your enthusiasm is really inspiring!!!🎉🎉🎉


About 10 years ago. I heal my self from coughing nonstop allergy. Doctors gave me so many medicine, nothing cured me. several years suffering i tried raw food because i watched youtube channel telling me it can heal after 2 months pure raw food. it try for several weeks. i think about 2-3 weeks. i am clear. stop coughing. surprise it faster than 2 months. Unfortunately i can not keep the raw food diet because of the expensive cost. i am back to normal food after healing. Now i have eyesight problem. i am going to try raw food again. Hopefully it can help.


I think I should have this video saved and play it daily for motivation!!!!


We praise You Lord God, please lead us in these eliminations of toxins. Please bless these raw foods to heal our systems to do Your purpose. 🙏🏼


Wonderful!! So joyous I found your channel


Do you not believe in going fully raw without doing the juicefast first?
Or can we do both ways? Thank you


Wow u are brilliant, very interesting thanks for sharing


Hi I have stage 5 kidney disease.been almost entirely raw for a year. Differebt things are better but kidneys are a little worse. I had 22 eGFE with 2.5 creatine last Christmas. I went raw with tood combining. Then I had bad migranes (i hadnt had since high school, ) and ended up in hospita with crazy super high BP and an aura migrane. ( I know detox!) I had no pain but my speech and coodiination made us think i was having a stroke. No sign of one on my catscan.
With an ultra sound i had clear arteries but my kidneys had dropped to 17 er gfr and 3.5 creatine. Ive been juicing since August. I have had some starchess bc it felt like I was detoxing too fast. Anyway, can you help?


Celebrating YOU and the 650 RVH's-WOOHOO!


I've been raw vegan for about a week and a half and I'm experiencing one issue after another that is actually way beyond a cold. Right now I'm experiencing feelings of an enlarged thyroid, like my thyroid is closing or swollen or something, I'm having difficulty swallowing and it's not as easy to breathe lately.

Do I persist? Not sure if this is detox or I should be concerned


I have a question, im a smoker, could the detox help me give willpower to quit ?
