Top 5 WORST Pre-Workouts On The Market (SCAM ALERT!)

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Worst Pre-Workout Supplements Available: In today's video we're going right down to the bottom of the bodybuilding supplements barrel by covering the 5 worst pre-workout brands that deliver the very worst pre workout ingredients profiles on the market. Pre-workout supplements are a worthwhile addition to your muscle building supplement plan to increase strength and training performance (and the resulting muscle growth and fat loss you experience), but you need to choose carefully and avoid the various supplement scams out there to make sure you're truly getting the best bang for your buck. This video isn't just about entertainment value but also teaching how to properly read pre-workout supplement labels so that you can avoid the worst supplements for muscle growth (such as the Sculpt Nation V-Shred pre-workout, Six Star Nutrition pre-workout and Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy Pre-workout which are a few on the list today) and stick to the best of the best. Hope you enjoy this and find the fitness supplement information helpful.
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#5 Sculpt nation pre workout 1:27
#4 six star pre workout explosion 3:23
#3 Equate pre workout WM brand 5:55
#2 Amino Energy by ON 7:40
#1 Red Leaf Energizer 10:24


loving everything about this channel. definitely my learning/teaching style. no bullshit, just "hey this is wrong" but it also comes with a "here's why" and even "here's how to fix it".simple, straight to the point, and easy for even the average person to grasp. definitely been applying what ive been learning to my routine


Now we need the top 5 Best pre-workouts


That's an eye opener!! Thanks for that. It's almost unbelievable that companies can pass this rubbish off to the public and not be prosecuted or outlawed.
Thanks for calling it out.


Wait, V-Shred only came in at #5? He needs to seriously up his game.


Sean I just tried out your pre. One of the best workouts I've had in a while. No BS ingredients. Just what you need for a solid workout. Love the simplicity. Taste is a bit rough though.


Always make my own. Typical ingredients and doses I use:
Caffeine: 300mg
Citrulline Malate: 12g
Tyrosine: 1.5g
Beta Alanine: 4g
TMG (Betaine): 2.5g
Glycerol: 10g
Agmatine Sulfate: 2g

I mix it in flavoured water from my gym (could also use flavoured creatine) and costs very little as I buy the powers in bulk. Any other ingredients I should add let me know🙂


The only reason i have bought the equate pre workout is that it is $10 when everything else i've seen is $20 to $40 and i didn't want to splurge a lot of money on a first try on pre workout.


Just wanted to say thank you Sean for providing me with the information I needed to make the nessasary change in my life, your videos were a saving grace from all the other fitness YouTubers who genuinely dont care about helping their audience unless they make money off of it. you truly deserve more subs, more people would reach their fitness goals if they would listen to the simple info you say in almost every video, thanks man you helped me more than you'll know


The best pre workout I’ve used is green tea. It gives me the energy in the morning, not expensive, and unlike pre workout powders, and it doesn’t negatively affect my anxiety— actually helps it.


The fact you used the titanic song for vshred 😂😂


I hope people truly understand what this guy is doing. The advice he gives is not only science based and tried & true, but he's doing it at absolutely zero cost to us. Sure he may have a monetized channel (I don't know whether he does or doesn't), but most guys that give his kind of great advice wind up wanting you to pay for it. You seriously can spend 60 minutes listening to Sean on various topics and have a really strong idea what your entire regimen will be. I am 36, and was recently cleared to get back into the gym after about ten years of being absent due to bad arthritis in my joints. I still had the old school mentality of eat every two hours, lift to failure every time with about five minutes between sets, you'll never get bigger without knee damaging deep squats, spend three hours at the gym etc. I don't go a day without watching one of these videos and my workouts are more enjoyable, faster, less stressful on my joints. Best of all, this guy gets to the f*cking point! I hope this guy's channel is not only monetized but I hope he's getting freaking rich.


Watching Sean rip pre workouts apart is a guilty pleasure lol


I remember the last pre work out I used. The OG Jack3d with the DMAA. I was only 20 at the time so I did not really know what to avoid. I loved the energy, but my health has suffered since. I am 32 and have had to be on blood pressure meds for about 8 years now. I had to also take a medication to help regulate my heart beat for a couple years. Be careful and do your research.


Did you almost say "red queef" when you were talking about red leaf? 😂


🤣🤣🤣great info with some humor. Thank you Sean. I'm 46 had a stroke at 36. And I'm on a mission to truly change my over all health in the right direction.. keep up the good work


A fitness youtuber who acknowledges that entertainment is a factor? Wow. Like, wow. 😏


OMG RIP ME My first ever pre-workout was #4 on this list 😂. I just bought whatever they had at my grocery store and didn't know any better and felt tingly so figured it was working well 😬


3 eggs, 1 coffee dark, 1 banana, some dried nuts.

Some raisins maybe
I think it works. Maybe it would fit you too.


RS Pure Form is out of stock for several weeks now, any idea when will be available again?
Thanks for the video
