The Multi Health Benefits of Metamucil

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Metamucil® is the only leading fiber supplement brand that contains 100% natural psyllium husk, a great source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. It’s the #1 doctor recommended fiber supplement brand available in many forms — powders, capsules, gummies, and fiber thins (cookies).

Metamucil is produced and packaged here in the U.S., and all Metamucil globally is produced in Phoenix, Arizona. They source their psyllium from India, which is the only place where psyllium is grown. Unlike clear-mixing fiber supplements, the psyllium in Metamucil forms a viscous gel, which helps the body maintain healthy blood sugar levels* and helps lower cholesterol levels to promote heart health†.

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I was suffering from allergies and just before two weeks by taking Metamucil. My allergies cleared up. It was almost like a miracle. I was suffering from skin, rashes, hives, and the Metamucil help it get 90% better thank you Metamucil.


i feel so much better 😭 My cholesterol and sugar levels were too high for my heart


I've been taking teaspoon with 8oz water twice a week for the last two months. I feel lighter and feel good. My weight is down 15 pounds. My belt needed a tighter fitting. I think that's the reason.


I've been taking it for 2 weeks, and I do IMF. So far: BMs are regular, quick, and clean. I've lost 20 pounds. My heart doesn't race when I walk upstairs or overexert myself. My appetite is suppressed: I don't even think about snacking at night or eating more than one or two meals a day. I'm also more conscious of the kind of food I eat. Also, I've slept MUCH better. I went from sleeping, maybe 5 hours to 7 hours, and I feel better when I wake up. I have dried the berry and orange flavor. I like both but prefer orange because it reminds me of Tang. I weight train regularly so I try to keep an eye on my bidy composition when I fast and kose weight to ensure I am not losing muscle structure, and in the gym, that I am not losing strength. So far, I have actually gotten stronger (but I think this is because of the diet and better sleep) -- so, not a causation or correlation of the metamucil, at least I think its more the diet and bed rest.


I have been taking two rounded teaspoons of Metamucil in about a 12 oz. shaker of water every morning for 6 months. I highly recommend it. I'm ultra regular now (once a day, same time) & BMs are almost a pleasure... fast, smooth, clean. A roll of toilet paper will last a month. Your colon becomes like a self cleaning oven. The first week or two there was a bit of bloating/pressure but your system adjusts then it's smooth sailing.


Im a 53 year old type 2 diabetic..on the suggestion of a friend i started taking it 2 weeks before my 3 month check up...prior to taking metamucil my A1C was 11...after taking it it went down to 8...of course exercise and cutting back my portions helped as well but the metamucil played a significant role.. im down from 265lbs. to 251 and ive been exercising regularly and taking metamucil for almost 2 months and i feel as light as paper...i would highly recommend it ...but again it works well with a sensible portion controlled meal plan and exercise.


I started taking Metamucil about a week ago to help with blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, appetite suppression, and secondarily regularity. The first couple days, I had almost no BM. There was no discomfort or gassiness, but I just had very little BM. But, when my BM finally restarted, it came out very clean, with just one wipe needed. Of course, I have no idea yet if it helped my blood sugar or cholesterol levels, but it definitely helped controlling appetite. I have almost no urge to snack between meals. I take it once before lunch and once before dinner, but none before or after breakfast, because it might interfere with absorption of drugs and supplements. I actually enjoy the taste, so it's no problem taking it.


I am taking the challenge starting 12/27/23.


This stuff is good. it gives me intestinal cramps though as it moves thru my body sometimes, but i love the end results. My legs get all tingly after i take a dooky when using this product. i feel lighter and more energetic. Its great!


Metamucil, "Orange is the new brown"


I take psyllium daily 2tsp 2Xs/ day. The first 3 months my cholesterol went down 22 points!!! M.helps me be regular. I'm curious to see what my numbers will be on my next Dr's visit.


Only if you take and DO NOT EXCEED the recommended dose. People think more is better, but it will clog up your intestines which defeats the purpose of taking it in the first place!


How can you 'thumbs down' metamucil? What is these peoples' constipation maybe?


Delicious 🍊 especially with very cold water


I have major IBS. Going to start taking Metamucil today. Hopefully it will help me regulate bc everywhere i go i have to use it and thats irritating. Thanks


Thank you I suffer from major constipation. And I just started taking it. Am 50 and would like to know how long should you take for. I’ve had a Colonscopy. And it was normal so.


Metamucil is gross tasting, but it helps so much, but to make sure to drink plenty of hydrating fluids to keep the fiber moving throughout the body


Do you take it with food or without and if you do take it without food is it bad?


Her face @4:05 when she said “mm it’s actually very light, it’s yummy” 🤣🤣 this stuff does not taste good. It works though.


Lost weight with Metamucil. It works....
