SOLA SCRIPTURA vs. TRADITION {My View on the Protestant Reformation}

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This is a continuation of the Orthodox video I just uploaded! I wanted to make sure EVERYONE watched this part of the video, so I separated it. Going by "only scripture" is a myth. And I'm not saying everyone needs to leave Protestantism, but we need to have legitimate reasons to not be Catholic/Orthodox and this is not one of them.

Two videos within the video:

Church History: 5 Approaches to a Global Discipline by Dyron Daughrity

The Constitution & Law of the Church in the First Two Centuries By: Adolf von Harnack

The Case for God By: Karen Armstrong

👻 SNAPCHAT: LizziesAnswers
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I grew up missionary Baptist and I go to a southern Baptist church. A year or so ago I found a book of common prayer and it changed how I looked at Catholics, Anglicans, and Orthodox. It opened up my world to a more rich faith.


I am SHOCKED too that I am making this video!!! Two years ago I heard this explained to me for the first time and it made me uncomfortable, so I pushed it away. But now I'm thinking through it again and mostly just reading so much to understand what was going on in the Early Church, why the Protestant Reformation really happened, what Orthodox and Catholics ACTUALLY believe etc. etc. If you're Protestant, I understand if you feel angry or think I’m being influenced or going astray, but just try to understand. I used to HATEEE Catholicism. SO. MUCH. Not just it was wrong, but it was against God. I didn’t know that much about Orthodox, but I would’ve hated it too because they’re the same with the veneration of the saints and priests and confession and transubstantiation. If I can try to understand and start to trust this, you can too. For THE FIRST TIME I’ve been able to see from their perspective. And instead of judging and labeling them as heretical or worshiping idols, I researched and asked questions and listened and I read and I read and I read. And now I see how we look to them. Protestants threw away parts of the Bible and got rid of established traditions that had been going on for 1500 years and I don’t have answers yet, I just have more and more and more questions, but I want to know what we lost by getting rid of everything that WAS Christendom for 1500 years. We got our independent thought and we got away from “authority” but what did we lose??

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Jesus founded his church 2000 years ago, when almost no one could read.  :Solascriptura" implies you must be able to read to be saved, which would damn most of the Christians throughout history.


If there is **anything** that the Orthodox Church is NOT ambiguous about, it's the Trinity. That is one of the MOST articulated doctrines in the history of the Orthodox Church, all the nuances of the trinity are perfectly spelled out and defended throughout 6 ecumenical councils over the span of more than 400 years (4th-8th century).

And even beyond the Trinity, the Orthodox Church is not ambiguous about established Dogma. They do not depart from it and it is non-negotiable.. They defend dogma against heresy for the entire life of the Church.


I converted to Catholicism last week and part of what I took away from RCIA (We had catechists well educated in theology) was that there are certain parts of the Bible that are symbolic and some that are clear set messages for the people. The problem with the 30, 000 denominations is that everyone's interpretation is going to be different and because of that people will never agree on one set of rules. The other thing I took away was how people interpreted faith and works. My mother is presbyterian and she interprets works as novenas, rosaries, attending Mass. But many Catholics I know interpret works as charity, visiting the sick, as well as prayers and going to Mass. In the book of James the Bible pretty much says that faith without works is dead. Sola scriptura is like unequal sharing of love in a relationship. Jesus shows you that He loves you while you only acknowledge his existence with his faith. Proclaiming the gospel is another example of good works and yet there are people who claim to be christians that do not do this. Your faith brings you to God but your works is how you have a relationship with HIm.


They should not be seen separately.

They go together. (take tradition out, you will be left with a dry faith)


I'm seventy two and raised Catholic. I went to a Catholic high school and my freshman world history teacher, a priest, used to always quote the Bible with Christ's words on the beginning of the Catholic Church:"Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it." He said at the moment the Catholic Church was born...around 30 A.D.


Bravo sister .. I am almost broken my brain due to sola scriptura ... no love ❤️


Catholic teachings have developed more because it has been tried and tested whereas Orthodoxy hasn't been as much. Catholicism is more universal and has greater presence, it also did more to evangelize the world. The Catholic church reached lands that Orthodoxy would only reach centuries later in less hostile and more civilized societies. Catholicism laid the foundation for western civilization. It also in watch of the signs of the times, does more to address the problems of today that affect the lives of modern people like abortion, secularization, globalization, immigration, economic inequality etc. Of course it's not a competition and Catholics consider Orthodox as brothers, but what separates them would have to be that missionary spirit. Catholicism built western civilization and has always strived to understand the truth more clearly with the problems of every age, whereas Orthodoxy seems to have just been content with maintaining the original teachings which as a Catholic I can appreciate. Catholics don't hate sex. Catholic priests don't marry and remain celibate so as to serve only one master wholly. For a better understanding of Catholic teachings on sex read St John Paul II's Theology of the Body. But you're quite fair on your analysis except that part about Augustine, that was very brave of you.


You should really read St. John Paul II's theology of the body. You'd like it. Catholics absolutely do not have a negative view of sex. It is incredibly sacred and a very, very good and holy thing. It seems like you're reading about Catholicism from an Orthodox perspective and they're not representing it correctly. I totally relate to your search for Truth. I'm a convert to Catholicism from Protestantism. Theology of the Body is 90% why I'm Catholic instead of Orthodox. [The other 10% is Peter and the rock, just in case you're curious. Lol]


In Orthodox Church we say that our understanding of God is not we know what God is but rather what God is NOT
cuz what God is is certainly beyond our understanding


The Bible alone isn't in the Bible. it's a tradition started by Martin Luther. There was no Bible for hundreds of years. Everything was taught by word of mouth(tradition) by the Apostles and by their successors. Please read the early church fathers. especially Saint Ignacios
of Antioch.They matter.


Some of your commentary centers on what you see as, it would seem, an overemphasis on the Eucharist or Communion. As an Orhodox Christian layman, I can confirm that the emphasis in the services you seem to have attended is indeed the Eucharist. However, if you are careful to observe, what in modern times forms the first half of this service (the Divine Liturgy) actually focusses on the Gospel. Additionally, the Orthodox Church has many, many liturgical services, which, apparently, you are not yet familiar with. While the Eucharist is central to the life of the Church, the other services offer---call it an emphasis, if you like---on other aspects. These other services include a daily cycle of seven prayers, a weekly cycle, seasonal cycles, and so on. To give a specific example, in the first half of August, we gather to sing a lengthy series of hymns which honor the Virgin Mary. A serious inquiry into Orthodoxy will include an exploration of these other services. I thank you for sharing your frank observations. Overall, I would say that the factual information you have presented is fairly accurate, although it is clear to me that you are often explaining things in terms that outsiders would use. I encourage you to find out and present what the various groups say about themselves and understand about themselves.


Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Colossians 2:8


I converted to Eastern Orthodoxy, but I  have a PhD in historical theology which I earned while I was Protestant.  There is a tendency to caricature the Protestant view of atonement as an appeasement of divine wrath (a type on Anselmian atonement).  But you will find very few Protestants who teach that.  It is divine justice that is said to be satisfied.  Like any fair judge, God does not punish people out of personal anger or to avenge a personal insult.  But He does pronounce sentence based on His divine law.  (I am not necessarily defending the Protestant view of atonement in saying this.)  Karen Armstrong:  Since encountering her incredibly tendentious scholarship on Islam (which I have studied and written on for 5 years), I find it difficult to take her writings seriously.


catholicism isnt the origin of christianity, Jesus is the origin of christianity :)


I hardly ever comment on Youtube videos but I found your channel this week and just wanted to say that I love these videos so much! I was born and raised Catholic but I'm so interested in different religions and beliefs. My friends aren't really into any of this stuff so it's just really nice to find someone young like you who is also interested in the subject. Good work with your videos and I hope you keep making more of them!


I'm an Orthodox Christian and I love this video. Very well articulated. I was raised in a Baptist church with firm roots in all the Sola's. Once I had matured, I began to struggle a lot with everything. After exploring other denominations and bodies of faith, I discovered the Holy Orthodox Church. Upon investigating the Church Fathers and Tradition everything became so beautifully and mystically clear (I know that's a paradox, almost everything in Orthodoxy is a paradox, hahah.) The fullness of Christian life and of Scriptural understanding is found only in the Orthodox Church, truly. I love seeing other Protestants step outside of the box they've been placed in and explore ancient Tradition and faith. Even if you aren't considering converting, I commend your exploration and respect for the Orthodox Church! I will keep you in my prayers!


Actually, the Catholic Church teaches that sex is sacred, and that it is good (when experienced the way it was intended, between man and woman in a valid marriage). So when the priest (or other consecrated religious) gives up sexual intimacy it is believed that he is giving up something good for the sake of the kingdom (the Church does not teach that sex is bad). I'm not sure if you are reading about Catholicism from the Orthodox perspective, but if you are, beware that they often misrepresent the Catholic position & teachings.

Priestly celibacy is just a discipline of the Latin rite, and is not Church doctrine. Discipline can change as long as it does not conflict or contradict with any doctrine. Remember, when Jesus set up His Church, He gave Peter the "keys to the kingdom of heaven" and the legislative authority to "bind and loose" which were rabbinical terms for "forbidding and permitting."

It's a man's free will choice to answer the call to the priesthood, knowing he'll vow to live a life of celibacy. Celibacy is a discipline of the Latin rite. Eastern rites of the Catholic Church allow married men to enter the priesthood, and It is possible fo some married Protestant pastors to receive a dispensation which allows them to be ordained as Catholic priests in the Latin rite. Married men can also become deacons.

Celibacy is supported by scripture, both Jesus and Paul taught about it. And, Jesus was unmarried and celibate, so priests and religious also strive to live in imitation of Christ.

(Matthew 19:12) "For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to receive this, let him receive it.”
~ Jesus

(1 Corinthians 7:32-35) "I want you to be free from anxieties. The unmarried man is anxious about the affairs of the Lord, how to please the Lord; but the married man is anxious about worldly affairs, how to please his wife, and his interests are divided. And the unmarried woman or girl is anxious about the affairs of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit; but the married woman is anxious about worldly affairs, how to please her husband. I say this for your own benefit, not to lay any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord."
~ St. Paul

(Revelation 14:4) "These are they who were not defiled with women; they are virgins and these are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. They have been ransomed as the firstfruits of the human race for God and the Lamb."


What do you mean by tradition ? we are told to keep the Apostolic tradition but not the traditions of men . You do not have any understanding of inspiration, and who wrote the scripture .Nor does the young man whose video clip you showed .That he calls God a perverted deity shows he is not a true believer, but a rebel. Read Rev. 19 .15 "he shall rule them with a rod of iron :and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and WRATH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" .You DO NOT GRASP THE HOLINESS OF GOD .
