9 Really Easy Phone Sales Tips

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1. Don’t wait to get motivated; just pick up the phone.
When I first started selling, I had to make around 50 to 100 dials every single day. I’ll never forget the feeling in those first couple of weeks, and how heavy that phone actually felt.
I would come up with every single possible excuse as to why I could not pick up that phone.
What we need to do is just pick up the phone. This is one of the most powerful easy phone sales tips I can share with you.
2. Set a daily dial goal.
I can’t tell you how many salespeople fail to set a specific goal for how many calls they actually want to make in an hour or a day. How many phone numbers do you dial?
If you can answer this, you’re on your way to mastering one of the most effective easy phone sales tips out there.
3. Make it a game.
Far too often, we salespeople dread rejection, and as a result we get really discouraged.Some prospects can be really mean. They might even curse at us, or just hang up the phone. Or, they politely end the conversation, but we know that they’re just trying to get rid of us.
Most salespeople, unfortunately, take that rejection very seriously. But it’s not serious!Prospects don’t know you. They don’t know who you are. They don’t know your family. They don’t know anything about you.Sales is just a game.
4. Call really early and really late.
This is one of the simplest easy phone sales tips I can give you, but it’s incredibly powerful. When do you think the majority of salespeople are making their dials during the course of the day? If you said something like between 10:00 and 11:30 or 1:00 and 3:00, then you're right.
The majority of calls from salespeople are made at those times. At a lot of organizations, this is call time.
5. Avoid the “sales voice.”
This is one of the most important easy phone sales tips I’m going to share with you in this article: Avoid the sales voice.Now, the sales voice is so pervasive in our industry that if I asked you, “Do you use an overly enthusiastic voice when you make calls?” you would probably say, “No, no, no. I sound normal.”
6. Pattern interrupt.
This is one of the most important easy phone sales tips you’ll ever learn. Sadly, it’s something that the vast majority of salespeople never even think about.Let me ask you a question: What do the first 6 seconds of your typical sales calls sound like? Most salespeople can’t exactly answer that.
If you’re like most salespeople, you take an off-the-cuff approach to opening your sales calls. While you may structure what happens later on in the call, you’re likely not really thinking about how to start the conversation.Prospects expect you to sound smooth, enthusiastic, and pushy. Instead, script out a call opening that’s unexpected—and then say it in a tone that’s slow, and almost a little bit hesitant. They’ll be thinking to themselves, “Is this a salesperson? Is it someone else? I don’t know.”
7. Have a contingency.
Contingencies are one of my favorite tools in sales. But most salespeople, when I teach them about contingencies, get really uncomfortable. In reality, though, contingencies are one of the most powerful easy phone sales tips you can implement into your selling approach today.In sales, contingencies come into play when you’re calling prospects who are really busy, and they try to get you off the phone within the first couple seconds of the call. What’s your contingency plan if that happens? This is your plan B, when plan A falls through.
8. Get them talking.
I want you to imagine what the typical prospect is experiencing on the receiving end of a typical sales call. The prospect answers the phone, and the salesperson says, “Hey, how are you doing?! You know, I want to tell you all about my company, ABC. We’ve got this incredible product!” And what are prospects doing while they’re listening to this?
9. Always close for the next step.
So, there you have it. Now you know 9 really easy phone sales tips that can transform your selling approach. I want to hear from you. Which of these ideas did you find most useful? Be sure to share below in the comment section to get involved in the conversation.