I Tried RED LIGHT THERAPY To See if It ACTUALLY Works | Doctor ER

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I Tried RED LIGHT THERAPY To See if It ACTUALLY Works | Doctor ER. Doctor Wagner explains red light therapy uses, benefits, and risks aka low-level laser therapy (LLLT), low-power laser therapy (LPLT), and photobiomodulation (PBM). A real doctor explains and reviews red light therapy benefits, infrared sauna, what is red light therapy, red light therapy hair growth, red light therapy for skin, benefits of red light therapy, red light therapy lamp, LED red light therapy, infrared light therapy, and more. What does red light therapy do? Does red light therapy really work? How long should I do red light therapy? What are the side effects of red light therapy? Red light therapy (RLT) is a treatment that may help skin, muscle tissue, and other parts of your body heal. Red light is similar to infrared, but you can see it. Infrared therapy is a method that uses light to treat acute or chronic pain. Red light therapy limits the inflammatory response and reduces oxidative damage by reducing inflammatory cytokines (TNF-a, IL-1A, and IL-6). This spurs healing in skin and muscle tissue. Red light therapy may help with muscle recovery, weight loss, dementia, dental pain, osteoarthritis, tendinitis, wrinkles, and other signs of skin aging and skin damage, acne scars, burns, dark spots, and signs of UV sun damage. Have you ever tested or tried a red light panel? What was the best home red light therapy you found? What has your red light therapy experience been like? Leave your red light therapy reviews and red light therapy before and after experiences in the comments.



@Hyram - LED Skin Care: What Is It & Does It Work?


@Thomas DeLauer - Red Light Therapy | 5 Reasons to Try Photobiomodulation | Bio-hacking (Scientific Results)

@Karissa Pukas - I tried Red Light Therapy for 1 YEAR- WHAT benefits did I notice?

@Dr Brad Stanfield - Red Light Therapy for Anti Aging | 2021 Research



Doctor ER Dr. Jordan Wagner, DO

#RedLightTherapy #InfraredLight #DoctorJordanWagner


Red Light Therapy Benefits

What to know about red light therapy | MedicalNewsToday

A Controlled Trial to Determine the Efficacy of Red and Near ... | Photomed Laser Surg.

LED lights: Are they a cure for your skin woes? | Harvard Health Publishing

Does Red Light Therapy Work? | Joovv

Phototherapy with Light Emitting Diodes | J Clin Aesthet Dermatol.

Efficacy of phototherapy to treat facial aging when using a red versus an amber LED: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial | BMJ Open.

The impact of wavelengths of LED light-therapy on endothelial cells | Sci Rep.

Photobiomodulation: The Clinical Applications of Low-Level Light Therapy | Aesthet Surg J.

A preliminary study of the safety of red light phototherapy of tissues harboring cancer | Photomed Laser Surg.

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Рекомендации по теме

I've had a RLT device for 10 days now (a Hooga 60 LED Pro series) and have used it every day. Here's what I've noticed so far: pain relief - I have rheumatoid arthritis, and this completely takes away the morning stiffness and pain; increased energy levels - I don't feel the need to nap in the afternoon so much and can get more done; clearer thinking - I'm diabetic and the brain fog issues this creates are mitigated by this treatment; lower blood sugar - I sometimes see (not always) a significant drop in my blood sugar levels - which in my case is a good thing; I have a mole that appears to be getting smaller - it's too early to say for sure what is happening here, but it looks better than it did. I am hoping for many other benefits too, but I will need more time and medical tests to confirm whether some of my other goals have been achieved.


I tried Red Light therapy in Amsterdam. It was awesome. They even had a special district set up for it!


As a PTA, I have used this for a lot of peripheral neuropathy patients. Improved circulation and angiogenesis. Eventually will help awaken nerves, but takes a consistent schedule for about 3 months to help. Can be used to regrow hair also.


My gym has red light therapy. I use it to help my psoriasis and bone pain from a metal plate in my arm.
I love it and really think it helps.


I got one for my dad after he was being treated at a laser therapy clinic for a brain injury. it helped so much but he couldn't afford it anymore so I bought him one. it really helps!


I use infrared light therapy for my arthritic knees. I use it as I sleep overnight. The unit shuts off automatically after 20 minutes. As I wake up periodically through the night, I turn it back on. It reduces my knee pain significantly. I'm hoping to get sustained pain reduction from it over time.


It cured years of chronic lower back pain in less than a week. I have a thin disc and muscles were knotted up all the time.


Just started using infrared at my gym after working out and it has reduced soreness improved my overall skin, sleep is better I LOVE IT!


I've been using the red light booth at my gym after workouts and I notice my recovery is much faster, my skin looks much better, arthritis and inflammation from a medical disorder I have been much less aggravated. I am also sleeping much better. I like it so much I am buying my own red light panels for my home so I can have access anytime.


I have an infrared sauna at home. I have UNdiagnosed Parkinson's disease (with tens of thousands of internal tremors daily/ nightly) ... I do a 90 minute sauna at 130 degrees. Takes about 10 minutes and my tremors gradually STOP ...!!! Unfortunately after my COLD SHOWER... the tremors return shortly thereafter.


From things I have researched, there is the 'red light therapy' basically used for bacteria etc, then there is the 'infrared light and the Near-infrared light' therapy. The results would be different therefore using the 'red light' and using the 'Infrared/NIR light' therapy. Some of the comments use the term 'red light' when possibly they really mean 'Red /NIR light' which can be confusing to new users.


I use the Silicon LeD Face Mask at home on a regular basis. It has red and infrared, blue and yellow light, but mostly i use the red and infrared light. After 2 weeks i could really see the difference. My skin looks so much brighter and my pores have shrunk dramatically. LED therapy really works!


I cut the bottom of my leg on a screen door and it was deep and would not heal. Because of COVID I could not get a doctors appointment until a week after it happened and was told it was too late for stitches. Was given a tetanus shot, antibiotics, and silver sulfadiazine cream and sent home. After a month it was not much better so I pulled out the red lights I had used to use for acme and it finally started to close.


I have a friend who uses the red light and infrared light for his eczema. Works pretty good.


I had a horrific pain on the one side of my head the right side and would I did was put castor oil all over the side of the head that hurt me and I use the red light therapy bulb purchased in Amazon the correct size and within two days that horrific pain was gone it sees totally. I gave myself a total of three sessions of 15 minutes each, there is pain. There’s no aftermath pain in my head to the touch. It was painful and no longer is so yes I believe in the red light therapy. I’m gonna start to use it now in my knees and everywhere else I have problems strengthening the muscles of my face again, red light therapy is the way to go🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💝


Re: "eye protection" - I've seen a lot of vids where peeps said they used it to improve vision.
Hmmm ... I don't know which is the correct protocol.


Red light therapy is not new. I’m almost 60. I’ve been using red light therapy since I was in my 20s. It was introduced to me to my father who had been using it for many years prior to that.


Yes it does really work I have dealt with fatigue for a while. I was going through pain & suffering I was suggested Welbutrin I'm a Hypnotherapist I don't want to add another problem onto my existing so I said no to medication. I tried redlight therapy. I have a medical strenght equipment I do everyday. I'm back to my old self again, that I haven't experienced for almost 5 years. The
strenght of the the equipment matters I do 1 hour everyday or every second day sometimes. I have also seen skin improvements & appetite loss. Good luck 👍🏻 💓 ✨️


To be honest I tired for a week and my post workout recovery is much faster. I’m still a bit shocked as I initially thought it was a gimmick. I still want to see more research but I know for sure my muscle soreness recovered so much faster.


I love red light. It keeps me plump, and tight. It also helped my pains, I use a $8 LED 630mn flashlight from Amazon . I also have a light mask
