Is Red Light Therapy The NEW Miracle Skincare Treatment?

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Is red light therapy the new miracle skincare treatment? Should you try red light therapy? Plastic surgeon, Doctor Gary Linkov, covers all you need to know.

Dr. Gary Linkov on Social Media:

City Facial Plastics: Dr. Gary Linkov
150 E 56th St, 1AB
New York, NY 10022
(212) 439-5177

00:00 - Intro
00:29 - What is red light?
01:41 - Types of red light devices
04:38 - What is red light therapy?
05:20 - History of red light therapy
06:42 - How well does it work?
13:08 - Should you try it?

#redlighttherapy #skincare #plasticsurgery #beauty

The content of this channel is for entertainment and educational purposes only. This content is not meant to provide any medical advice or treat any medical conditions. Patients must be evaluated by an appropriate healthcare provider on an individual basis and treatment must be tailored to meet that patient’s needs. Results and particular outcomes are not guaranteed.
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What I learned with many years of aesthetic treatments is that more powerful or stronger is not always better.


Missed a chance to say “the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell”


My friend Roxanne asked me about this therapy and I told her, "Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light."


There is an NIH study where they actually biopsied skin samples and collagen was in fact increased about 35 -75% . Pretty amazing.


I love that you are unafraid to put the necessary details concerning these kinds of topics in your videos. It is much needed to see the research and sources when looking into these kinds of treatments. It's how you can tell that you are not just out there selling an image or just playing into hype. You are really showing people what they need to know and I am grateful for that.


Anecdotally, my gray hair stopped growing 🤷‍♀️ I know it sounds weird but I have a red light mask, and the hair around my temples used to be white, now it grows in my natural light brown colour 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


As a pharmacist, I really applaud you for using the results of clinical trials and studies as your evidence! It makes your opinions much more reliable and efficient.


Coincidentally, I started using an at-home red-light therapy treatment shortly after I had a thyroidectomy. My scar looks incredible. It's completely flat and unnoticeable from a distance.


It's so cool and crazy how people figured stuff out like that.


I really trust Dr. Linkov. He's like a great doctor, professor and Dad all in one! You know he's not BSing you into a product, just wanting to help us be in the know! THANKS!!


I have been using Celluma pro device since 2019 almost daily. My skin looks incredible, people think I wear foundation, but I don’t. That’s how amazing red light therapy is. Learned this from my mother in law who had parkinson and was using a Red light device for her tremors. Her skin transformation was unbelievable. This was in 2007. She got this machine from South Korea at that time. Red light therapy definitely works if we use it consistently.


There were so many videos about red light therapy on YouTube, including some by physicians like yourself. But this is the best explanation of the differences in wavelength. Thank you!


Dr. Linkov, I have had many IPL treatments over the the last 28 years, as I had a very advanced case of Rosacea. I had always had Rosacea, but entering my 4th decade it worsened dramatically. My dermatologist began IPL treatments and the Rosacea cleared. Later treatments also cleared the broken capillaries etc. My skin has dramatically improved as I have continued to have 3 or 4 Broadband treatments a year throughout the years.I have reaped many benefits from this technology!
My very oily skin has calmed and, although it remains oily it's not as bad. Overall my skin looks believe in this technology!!!!


I thought the red light is a scam. Thank you for covering this. I did not know the science behind this


It works! And apart from the above mentioned areas, it does so for muscle or joint pain, sinusitis, fatigue, inflammation etc. We've been using it for at least 3 years, have gifted one to all family members and we are so grateful for its existence.


Literally watching this with an LED face mask on.


I want to like this more than once. As a licensed cosmetologist, metastatic melanoma survivor, and a registered nurse with hopes of working in dermatology someday--I can very well say that I loved this! Thanks Doc. :)


Complete and credible info. Thanks Dr Linkov. ❤


I am so glad YOU specifically did a video about this. I like the way you present and explore a topic. Not hard to listen to or retain info from.


I love how your videos pop up on my feed whenever I'm trying to expand my knowledge or I need to talk to or teach a client even share information with colleagues. In my research on hair growth I started looking into micro-needling a few years ago. Moving from using it on the face and hands to the scalp. You and I even had a brief exchange on that subject.I've been following you ever since. Now this video! I just did a commercial shoot for hand held treatment devices. When the producer sent me the prodduct images and asked if I had ever heard of it, I sent him back a picture of my own device that i've been using for the past two years. Thank ubfor all your great information
