AMEX dropped my Credit Limit!!

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I’m here because it happened to me. Now I’m “over the limit”. It’s messed up because they do it without warning. Goal is to pay them off and never use them again.


Just my experience.... AMEX wants you to spend, spend, spend and pay it all off by the due date. That's their formula! If you've had a card a while that has a high limit you need to make sure you are using it regularly ( preferably heavy) at least half the time... Or you may run into this shrinking limit problem. Especially if you carry balances from month to month. AMEX makes most of it's money via point-of-sale interchange fees. That's very important to their business model. .. Good job on the video. 👍


Let me tell you. My mother is 84 years old. She is on SS and has no assets. She thinks if she pays off her card, 14, 000$ then she’ll “have that to start over to use ”. I’m like no lady, you’ll be lucky to get 1, 000$ 🙈They’d be dancing in the street that she paid off her balance.


Deep down inside, you KNOW why your credit limit was cut…


It would have been real nice if they gave you a heads up before they did it in case you were making travel plans.
I suppose it could happen to any of us.
The perspective of my own account is... It's the one card that I use the most. And it's paid to $0 on average 3 times a month.
Hopefully they have the ability to recognize that 😂😂
You know the difference between American Express and the Visa and Mastercards is that American Express is running the whole show on their own and they have all of the data on their account holders. They are not just seeing a dollar amount. I will look for more of your videos. I hope this works out well for you.


Amex blue from 20k to 6k, been carrying a balance and making payments. 31 years as card holder never seen this before. I seen this trickle since I closed the platinum, now they set a 1k credit limit on my gold card?! I will be paying off and put them on back burner.


By the way never call the bank asking questions and the limit as long as you have the card you good now get another credit card like 2 chase bank top tier credit cards that’s 20k to 18k on each card😍🤫


Did me like this last month. Completely unwarranted. 15k to 4100 and I did t even run up a balance. 800 Fico scores, 10 percent utilization.. F Amex!! Amex is garbage


They funny i called them told them downgrade


It just happened to me, I am so pissed. 15 years with AE, never missed a payment. They dropped two cards, just ridiculous. 790 FIC0, 4% utilization. Now what?
