Why Do They Come Back After Rejecting You? Law of Attraction | Must Watch

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Why Do They Come Back After Rejecting You? Law of Attraction | Must Watch
They will come back after rejecting you for 5 reasons. These reasons can help you make the right choices for your relationship. Robert Zink reveals what to do when you are about to get your ex back or save your relationship.

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Because the universe loves giving you what you want when you don’t want it anymore 😭


- I just want to let anyone who’s reading this comment know. I wish you great success, health, love and happiness! ✨


Run from them.
They drained you and brought you down.
Their attracted to good vibes but kill it.
Let them keep gone.
Most have issues if not narcissistic.


When they comeback, just make them chase your validation,
And make them chase you like the way they did to you in the past


1) their energy field feels you
2) you're doing well in the vibration without them and they feel that energy shift
3) smorgasbord blues - being overloaded with options leaving your partner feel insecured
4) they are wanting to get back with you in a fear of you finding someone better
5) they realize their mistake for letting you go


No matter who you encounter in your life, Love yourself and you will be alright ✨️ 💛 ♥️


You are right! People see so many options online. So they cherish less the people in front of them. They don’t realize that it takes time and energy to build a meaningful bond. They think they can have that with anybody and that is not true😛. And if someone don’t think that you are that important one, that you are special. You don’t prove to them actively. You be yourself and you respect yourself, and let go of result. You won’t stop for people who doesn’t value you enough. Let them go 😗


Dear person whoever reading this, we may not know each others but I wish you all the best in life ! Stop blaming yourself, accept things and go forward. Your smile is precious 🥰
All the keys of happiness is in your hands, so open it up 🔓


“Words are cheap! Actions say it all!!” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Also because you drop out the negative pressure once they are gone and you allow all your previous positive manifestations to come once you let go


The real question is, do you even want someone back who was not able to see your worth the first time?


This video could not have come at a better time. While I’ve been raising my vibration to attract my specific person, I’ve had two different guys that have rejected me in the past come back and say that they had feelings for me all along and they want me to give them another chance.


Joy creates a magnet. That’s why you can even pretend to be happy and good stuff starts. Just dance and watch comedy. It works.


True love never speaks ! 😊 But unfortunately, some ppl realises this fact later & come back post rejecting.


Leave people alone if you don't want them.


You know what?! You're so right. My former husband was the one that wanted the divorce and now he calls to flirt. He admitted that he screwed up. He has since remarried, but it gives me confirmation that I was a DAMN GOOD WIFE.


I get what you're saying, but the problem with a person coming back to you just because your energy happens to be up with a happy high is superficial. Not very many people can keep their energy high 24-7, emotions and energies always fluctuate up and down even when they are working on themselves. So if that person only comes back when your energy is good, they are only with you for superficial reasons for your high energy and they will not stay with you if your energy goes back down low again. When shit hits the fan they will be gone. It's totally conditional. It's better to find someone who loves you unconditionally regardless of where your energy is at, instead of trying to maintain an unrealistic constant happy state of mind to keep them interested, that's sounds stressful. Those people are not worth it. Just be careful, don't hurt yourself with people that only stay with you when you are at your best. Add logic to your mind and face your fears and face your pain. Heal yourself so you won't need these people. 💗


Guys I wanna tell you all that never lose hope god and universe is working for you manifestation really works..!! My ex texted me after 1 month..!! You just need to have patience bf trust on universe


Live your life at your highest vibration with humility and reparations but never settle for someone who lives their life at their lowest vibration and just wants to play with your precious vitale only to use you and cast you away. May the Divine be received by all


Or sometimes when they do reject or ghost you they might think that they feel like they aren’t good enough for you and to do so by keeping you at distance so they don’t hurt you because they don’t trust themselves from their past relationships. They need to heal before starting something new with you.
