blender addons vs cinema 4d plugins

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blender vs cinema 3d addons

Lighting addons

crowd simulation addons
c4d mograph

particle simulation addons

vfx addons:

world creation:
vue c4d plugin

motion graphics;

plants and vegetaion:

procedural generation:

motion design:

character rig:

cloth addons:

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C4D and Blender are awesome! They are already 10/10 score for not being part of an Autodesk products!


i use both(blender and cinema 4d) Ican say without a doubt that the only thing Blender has the advantage in is, character animation. C4D is probably the weakest 3d package when it comes to character animation.


The last time I came this early my girlfriend cried!

This is peak blender content, keep enlightening us to the good stuff


great video man, why these comments seem negative or to say users of these softwares are like this and that? c4d, houdini, maya etc have been around, have millions of dollars invested and prob hire the smartest programmers and engineers on planet earth while blender are small studios, grass roots crowd funding, hobbyists, volunteers, free software licenses, etc the fact blender is competitive at all is a huge accomplishment from the devs and it can only be a good thing for the underdog to learn from the best of the best

and for plugins compatibility again c4d, houdini, etc have decades long pedigree from expensive projects demanding stability and plugins made by teams of pro software engineers while blender, again, is mostly hobbyists constantly breaking compatibility as major features and changes are made and its tested mostly on short films funded by the blender foundation itself


Can anyone tell me, which option's rendering is better, regardless of it's price ? I will learn one of them and license fee is not an issue for me.


Also C4D had the squash & stretch deformer, very useful for animation, Blender has none of such features. Even the amount of options available in the C4D default camera are light years in front if Blender. And i could continue for hours giving more examples if needed.


do you use both cinema 4d and blender?


Heh, vanilla Blender don't have chance even with vanilla R19, software from 2017.


Mograph is Not a plugin, its Part of Cinema 4D


C4D = over a thousand dollars a year. The plugins - over a thousand dollars. Yikes.


C4D will always win because blender breaks their addon every update.


Blender doesnt even have a proper AOV and ACES workflow, essential in professional work, and is not capable to restrict lights from affecting only certain objects in the scene, or appear or not appear in diffuse, reflection or refraction only. The main render of Cinema 4D now is Redshift which pulverizes Cycles at any time. Cycles can’t even do proper glass reflections and refractions, let alone fast caustics or proper dispersion or SSS. The animation graph editor is one of the best in the industry, of course behind Maya but far above any other DCC on the market currently. Do you want to speak about the C4D noises compared to what Blender has to offer? Mediocre self-proclaimed 3D artists make silly comparations between different software which have different purposes. Blender is ok for what it offers and because is free, but in terms of good animation workflow and professional state of the art renderings is far behind. Just open Behance and look at all those fancy commercials for laptops, smartphones and other high tech devices. All are done using C4D, X-Particles, Houdini and Octane or Redshift. I didn’t see until now not even one professional smartphone commercial done in Blender for big companies like Apple, Xiaomi, Samsung, Huawei etc etc


Mograph is not a plugin for C4D, is built in C4D and comes with C4D. Also, when it comes to animation, takes system, playblasts etc, Cinema 4D is far more advanced than Blender.


What silly Blender fanboys don’t understand is that in the professional 3D world, good 3D artists use a wide variety of software. They never limit themselves to just one DCC or render engine, instead they use the best features of each program and plugin in order to create very good 3D animations and renderings.
