Reacting to Insane Woke Liberals

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In this video we’re going to react to white liberals on TikTok. I’m focusing on white liberals because oftentimes, I find that they speak on behalf of black people and as a black man, I’m here to set the record straight that they don’t speak for me.

0:00 - Intro
3:17 - Check Your Privilege
10:15 - Reverse Racism
11:38 - Signs You’re Racist
14:40 - BLM Make-Up
15:39 - White Savior
17:34 - Woke and Racist Agree
19:20 - White Privilege
24:00 - Final Thoughts
24:33 - Outro


My main goal is to provide you the tools to rationally share your opinion on tough topics.

I've adopted the mindset that you can either be a victim of your past or a victor of your future and that at some point, you have to move forward in your life and accept that you are the present manifestation of the past.

I'll always be here to share my thoughts and offer a new perspective on tough topics. From politics to culture and self-development to new ideas, I'm here to talk about it all.

amir odom,amir,amir reaction,amir odom channel,woke liberals,woke culture,cancel culture,lefts obsession with race,liberals on tiktok,woke activists destroyed,woke activist owned,woke tiktok reaction,charlie kirk college,charlie kirk debate,white liberal racist,white liberal black man,white privilege,white privilege reaction,white savior complex
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reverse racism is just racism, no need for another term


Can we stop calling it reverse racism? It’s just racism…


I had all 10 fingers up. Im a black woman. Location and culture has a big impact.


There is nothing called reversed racism, it is just Racism.


Clenching a purse while in an elevator doesnt have to be because of color. It might be because a MAN is standing there alone with you, and youre probably not strong enough to resist him taking your purse.


I'm white and I had 1 finger left. Everyone has different experiences regardless of color. These people are ridiculous


"Yes. Wait! NO! NO IT DOESN'T!!"

The panic was palpable. She couldn't believe she said that out loud, especially to a black guy. 😅


I had 3 fingers left. ( For the 'put you finger down')
Im white. I literally got bullied so hard in school and was called racial slurs because I was actually the only white kid in my entire school. These kids literally told me that. They also harassed me physically and verbally. While I was trying to use the restroom. It was so bad I never experienced bullying on that level at any other school. I did have people defend me but I was surprised at how race oriented the bullying was. It actually opened my eyes more while I was a child on racism because I was literally getting called racial slurs. And I knew how terrible it felt. I didn't even know I was having racial slurs thrown at me. I had to go ask my mom what this and this meant. I was in second grade.
My high school I also was the only white student in my whole grade level. But at that school I never experienced bullying. I never experienced racism or anything like that. I actually had a very positive experience there. The students were wonderful. I made great friends that I still have to this day.

At the end of the day racism is learned behavior. 🤷🏻‍♀️


OMG... Losing friends because of "controversial" political beliefs is so real... Im struggling with that problem rn


As a white dude, I’ve been called bleach monkey, white roach, Krispy creme, can spray, cream cheese, bland man, blanky, canvas, milkman, white chocolate, and I just wanna say I have been followed in a store, I was raised in a heavily industrial area where you were either impoverished or living under a roof because people were working nine to fives in horrible oil refineries. I had to fear getting robbed just by walking downtown, HELL! Two homeless guys asked me if I wanted to see a fight for two bucks per entry to watch men fight each other with broken bottles and lead pipes, my windows were constantly tapped on, once had a woman being chased by a man with a knife in the parking lot down the road at a courthouse literally in front of my house. If I hear one more person say that I’m privileged because I’m white, I’m gonna throw hands; someone about to catch southern smoke.


I’m a young white woman, I couldn’t afford college, dad was a deadbeat alcoholic, mom another alcoholic who moved me around from place to place cause we were broke or cause she was in a new relationship. I’ve had to live with bugs, abusive men and even mold. So when I’m asked about my “white privilege” I can’t give an example of any privileged that has to do with my race cause I didn’t receive any. I just lived a rough life like a lot of people have and I also happen to be a white woman. Life is a case by case situation and no one can speak for everyone of a certain race…that’s just well, racist.


Watch videos of black Americans from 1970 and earlier. The way the average black American spoke then would be considered “sounding white” today.


The "clinching the purse" thing....

I secure my bag more tightly when I see *any* young man (regardless of skin color) wearing running shoes👟.

I mean, a young man in loafers 👞 or flip-flops 🩴are not as likely to snatch the purse and run off.


The term reverse racism to me is so weird to me. The definition of racism alone already defines what “reverse racism” means.


When my daughter was in school, one year the teachers organized a little "parade" for Martin Luther King Day. I figure "OK, that's cute." My daughter came home and told me that the whole class had to walk down the street yelling "Hands up, don't shoot!" and "I can't breathe!" She was only 9 years old!!!


I am a white woman with naturally curly hair. People want to touch it all the time. Is that racist? Of course not! It's annoying, but it's just because my hair is different from theirs.


Morgan Freeman had a great answer about racism he said the best way to get passed it was for the interviewer to stop calling him a black man and he would stop calling the interviewer a white man. Just a man talking to another man.


Amir I love your sayings 🤣🤣🤣"I'm blacker than 11:59pm." This world has gone mad & forgotten how to laugh at itself. Thank you for being one of the sane ones, asking questions, reflecting, reflecting on society, critically thinking for yourself. This country has lost critical thinking at a damaging rate.


I’ve been bullied in school because of my race, not by white people tho, but by other black people who loved to make fun of how much darker my skin was


13:49 I love y'all's hair. My bestie in middle school was a black girl and she noticed me absolutely admiring and adoring her hair, I drew pictures of protective styles for her that also fit our gothic aesthetic. One day she came to school with her hair all ready for me to style it with everything I could possibly need for her hair, she showed me how to do it properly and then let me spend the day doing the style she liked most out of my drawings. She wore it for a week and a half before needing to change the style. She loved it so we'd trade hair styles after that. I remember her spending 6 hours doing box braids on me because I wanted to do a lil shoot with dreads but my parents were all against me getting dreads so she gave me braids instead and honestly it looked so good. It was the most powerful thing I've experienced as a kid and teen because she let me admire her hair and shared cultures together. Now we're not allowed to do that, it's cultural appropriation. But if an Indian coworker sees you drawing on yourself and gets you henna because she's sharing her culture and encouraging your art that's not appropriation, that's sharing. That's what America is, it's a chopped salad/melting pot of culture. We get along because we share what fascinates each other. Every culture is different and has something to share and refusing to do so or gatekeeping is a disservice to what the USA is.
