Defeating Adventism #57 – Seventh-day Adventist – Walter Veith and his Deceptive Gospel Message

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This is a critique of Walter Veith’s second of five “The Three Angels Documentary.” Videos. Walter Veith does the predictable and tries to make a link between Protestants and his false religion. This critique will show the folly of this typical Seventh-day Adventist claim. In true Walter Veith fashion, he makes claims with absolutely no supporting facts which need to be accurately given and corrected in this critique. Examples are: The gospel is eternal, Seventh-day Adventists are Protestants, the seventh-day Adventist gospel is salvation in Christ alone, the major religions of the world deny the atonement of Jesus Christ and Able preached a gospel message. These are just a few examples of the sloppy research that passes for knowledge in the teachings of Waler Veith.

The Three Angels Documentary - Part 2
Andrews University – Focus Magazine – Summer 2009

Walla Walla Invites Jesuit Priest to Speak

A Proposed Letter of Apology to Pope Francis from the GC President

Seventh-day Adventists, Roman Catholics and Evangelicals Sign a Historic ‘Ecumenical Charter’ that Affirms Faith in ‘One, Holy, Catholic Apostolic Church
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T.Y. ever so much, you've helped me weed through all the problems causing me excessive anxiety. I left the SDA church years ago, but thought listening to Walter Veth would help re establish old paths, BUT this all explains why I left SDA to begin thank GOD for ministries as yours and the HOLY SPIRIT to keep us engaged in the truth....I BLESS YOU, GOD BLESS YOU


I've said it before, I'll say it again... If you buy a counterfeit diamond, and believe it's real.. that doesn't make it real. God bless you Apologia for trying to tell Adventists they are buying a counterfeit diamond.


Your insightful statement that “the Sabbath is the idol of the Seventh-day Adventists” raises the question: what is to be appreciated the most? Is it love? Is it God? Is it truth? Since God is love & Jesus is the Truth, then, God & Truth stand as the medium of celestial power which I must give the greatest appreciation. Thanks to AcademyApologia for expanding our understanding of SDA & demonstrating to me that infinitely more remains outside my grasp.


Hey Academy, not sure if you're aware but there exists an EGW quote from the period of controversy after the 1888 Wagoner and Jones righteousness by faith guff. She was asked if the law in Galatians referred to the 'Ceremonial law' or the 'Moral law'. She replied both. LOL, she obviously didn't spend much time perusing Galatians because in replying honestly she completely destroyed SDAism and all its doctrines.


I attended the Santa Barbara Seventh day Baptist Church regularly until they had to close because the minister took a position in a different state. Anyway more then once SDA's would tell me I should keep the Sabbath. Seventh day Baptists " keep the Sabbath " totally different then the SDA 's but I didn't get into it with the SDA 's and would just tell them I attended church weekly on Sabbath. They would assume I was referring to a local SDA church and ask me what church I went to. I'd tell them the Seventh day Baptist. After their anxiety attack passed they'd say, " Well, you already have the truth of the Sabbath so now it's time to come to the full truth and become Seventh day Adventist ". Happened more then once.


Isn't is strange that he says salvation is by faith and the gospel of Christ and yet we have to revive the 3 angels message and preach it to all? Shouldn’t the gospel of Christ that saves be the one to preach to all? What a sneaky why to deceive!


God is eternal...His messages contained is eternal (everlasting) Revelation 14:6. How would you say Gospel is not eternal? There is confusion in your presentations Mr Apologia. Isaiah 8:20 "To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."


Q. Have you any other way of proving that the Church has power to institute festivals of precept?

A. Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her; —she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority.

—Rev. Stephen Keenan, A Doctrinal Catechism; New York in 1857, page 174

Q. In what manner can we show a Protestant, that he speaks unreasonably against fasts and abstinences?

A. Ask him why he keeps Sunday, and not Saturday, as his day of rest, since he is unwilling either to fast or to abstain. If he reply, that the Scripture orders him to keep the Sunday, but says nothing as to fasting and abstinence, tell him the Scripture speaks of Saturday or the Sabbath, but gives no command anywhere regarding Sunday or the first day of the week.

If, then he neglects Saturday as a day of rest and holiness, and substitutes Sunday in its place, and this merely because such was the usage of the ancient Church, should he not, if he wishes to act consistently, observe fasting and abstinence, because the ancient Church so ordained?

—Rev. Stephen Keenan, A Doctrinal Catechism; New York in 1857, page 181

Question: Which is the Sabbath day?
Answer: Saturday is the Sabbath day.

Question: Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
Answer: We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.

—Rev. Peter Geiermann C.SS.R., The Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, p. 50

Q. Must not a sensible Protestant doubt seriously, when he finds that even the Bible is not followed as a rule by his co-religionists?

A. Surely, when he sees them baptize infants, abrogate the Jewish Sabbath, and observe Sunday for which [pg. 7] there is no Scriptural authority; when he finds them neglect to wash one another's feet, which is expressly commanded, and eat blood and things strangled, which are expressly prohibited in Scripture. He must doubt, if he think at all. ...

Q. Should not the Protestant doubt when he finds that he himself holds tradition as a guide?

A. Yes, if he would but reflect that he has nothing but Catholic Tradition for keeping the Sunday holy; ...

—Controversial Catechism by Stephen Keenan, New Edition, revised by Rev. George Cormack, published in London by Burns & Oates, Limited - New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: Benzinger Brothers, 1896, pages 6, 7


Instead of condemning what others believe, tell us what u believe in so that we could evaluate your teaching also.
I have observed that though we maybe condemned here and there there is no single church in Christianity which explains the Bible than we do - especially the prophecy (Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation) Most of churches don't even know if these books exist!


This is like cave diving, the moment you think you have reach the bottom, you find a tunnel that goes even deeper. THE SDA RABBIT HOLE


Let no one deceive you. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.


It's ironic that the SDA believe that their doctrine is biblical but can't substantiate any of it IJ is no where to be found in the Bible


I have known and worked for several South Africans and I enjoyed those people. I have watched many of Walter DVDs including one called a lamp in the dark. Very convincing very very convincing. But he's a hypocrite because most of the things he says the Catholic church is guilty of SDA is guilty of! Anyway keep up the good work. I have always said if the Bible doesn't bear it out don't go down that road it's amazing how many people won't pick up the Bible and see if what they're reading is what the Bible says. I think the Jehovah Witnesses have a built-in hitch that says if anyone is trying to convince you out of this there of the devil


First of all I want to commend James of AccademyApologia for his sterling efforts at unmasking this grotesque monstrosity called Adventism.


Outstanding study. You are right about Galatians by the way. I was an Adventist for 30+ years and Galatians was an absolute eye opener.


I started into some of your posts specifically calling out Walter Veith - thank you. I began reading comments on your videos here and there and I'm amazed at the inability for commenters to refute your reporting regardless of topic. At least my experience with Jehovah's Witnesses has been they will often know their programming or go get it from an elder. May your hard work bring fruit with some being convicted of their deception and find true saving faith.


On the Atonement, it is interesting that Walter does not critique the position of Ellen White and Uriah Smith who both unequivocally rejected the atonement. Ellen White even went further to deny the deity of Christ. Ofcourse Walter does not speak about this.

Adventist theology is a morass of contradiction and fraud. Walter is inconsistent with historical and biblical facts.


He is actually factchecked...The German Church doesn't allow him to preach there, although some local churches "sneak him through". But I learned the hard way that German Adventism is not the World-wide Adventism.


Walter Veith also believes that according to Ellen statements, Jesus will be back by 2027 or earlier due to what he calls the "6000 year timeline/prophecy". I can't wait for 2028 and hope we are all still alive so I can hear what he has to say them.


You can go to the Bible Sabbath Association and find the address and contact info and s brief summary of all Saturday observing churches in the US and Canada and some in Mexico. There's one in Louisiana that practices snake handling. It is a very interesting read.
