Raspberry Pi Pico VS Arduino Nano

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which one will the ? Before watching the video written in commentary which will be the best.

In this Video it will be a question for us of comparing the Rasperi pi Pico and the Arduino
which are both microcontroller.

Bu Videoda Rasperi pi Pico ve Arduino'yu karşılaştırmak bizim için bir soru olacak
her ikisi de mikrodenetleyicidir.

Dans cette Video il sera question pour nous de comğparer le Rasperi pi Pico et l'Arduino
qui sont tous deux de microtroleur.


Timming :

[00:32] - [01:21] Round 1 Specification
[01:21] - [01:47] Round 2 Programig
[01:47] - [02:31] Round 2 pin
[02:43] - [03:11] Final Round Which is the best ?

music :
Survive The Montage.

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Рекомендации по теме

As you said, Arduino family products are more numerous, and a clone nano is cheaper. On arduino family we can use Attiny 25-45-85 for funny projects. But in the future, if the Pico family groow, it could be a good solution. The only problem on both is non access to network 😕.


I think Raspberry Pi Pico is the smallest and cheapest original Microcontroller Dev board
