Are There Contradictions In The Bible?

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This is coping 101. Christianity is so embedded in this guy that there’s no amount of logic he would accept other than showing him a body that we also can’t prove where it went


Lol look how hard they try to support a book with errors


An all-knowing, perfect God should have a Perfect manual since it was “inspired by Him”


They went from 3 = 1 to 2 = 1 …

I guess that’s an improvement 😂


The thing is though is that even if the contradictions are minor, the Bible is still supposed to be the infallible word of god. The fact that there are statements that contradict each other across different and even same chapters puts its infallibility into question.


To me its not the contradictions, its the BS, and errors.


Ahaziah 42 or 22??
This guy: “Not a contradiction, follow it blindly”


Story of Saul going to Damascus,
Did the people with him saw the light and didn’t hear anything or, heard the voice and didn’t see anything ? Acts 9 and Acts 22


Mark 13:32 . "But concerning that day or that hour,  ino one knows,  not even the angels in heaven,  nor the Son,  but only the Father. If Jesus is God or even a part of God, he know everything since God knows everything. Micah 7:18 says that God's anger doesn't last forever whereas Jer 17:4 says that God's anger lasts forever


There ARE contradictions in the Bible and this DOES prove that Christianity is wrong because God is perfect and His speech is perfect, so why would there be mistakes???
We all know the Bible has been corrupted by people in the past aswell as the Torah hence destroying the true word of God.
God then sent down the Quran as his final word and promised that he would never let it go corrupt, nevertheless, 1400 years later the Quran has been preserved !!
Also, there are no contradictions in the Quran. Whoever is reading this, feel free to read the Quran in whichever language you understand and see the beauty of it yourself ❤


The inspiration of the bible depends on the ignorance of the reader.


Dude... "We don't have a body so he is god"

That kind of "logic" is demented.


But the Bible is The Word Of God, and if there’s 2 contradictory statements, that means at least one statement is false. If even one statement is false, this brings into question the entire reliability of the book, and how can the word of god have contradictions and false statements? Because it’s the word of man.


What about the scientific errors?
Genesis 1:16
It says god created two lights. The greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night.
Does ur “god” not know that moon doesnt have its own light? Does he not know moon light is reflected?


Plz don’t be fooled by this man there are hundreds of contradictions in the Bible here are a few

1. **Genesis 6:3** vs **Genesis 11:10-32**: The lifespan of humans before the flood is different between these verses.

2. **2 Samuel 24:1** vs **1 Chronicles 21:1**: The inciter of David to take a census is different in these accounts.

3. **Matthew 1:16** vs **Luke 3:23**: The genealogy of Jesus differs between Matthew and Luke.

4. **Matthew 8:5-13** vs **Luke 7:1-10**: The centurion's interaction with Jesus is described differently in these accounts.

5. **Matthew 27:5** vs **Acts 1:18-19**: The fate of Judas Iscariot is described differently in these verses.

6. **1 Kings **4:26**** vs **2 Chronicles 9:25**: The number of Solomon's chariots and horsemen differs in these verses.

7. **2 Samuel **6:23**** vs **2 Samuel 21:8**: The number of Michal's children is different between these verses.

2 kings 8:26, 2
choronicals 22:2

2 kings 24:8, 2chron 36:9


There ARE contradictions in the canonical bible, even from a contextual perspective. It's been proven time and time again. We DO NOT have to produce the body of Jesus to prove Christianity is false. YOU have to PROVE your claims to us, not the other way around. Producing facts, contradictions or whatever else isnt going to convince anyone of anything if they're not seeking unadulterated truth.


You don’t have to produce Jesus’ body to ‘prove Christianity is false’. The belief that the Bible is the inspired Word of God is hard to defend when the teachings of the book are not consistent, as you would expect from an omniscient being. It doesn’t matter that it was written by humans if it’s still supposed to be the word of God. Were they under divine influence or not? If they were, contradictions wouldn’t exist. If they weren’t, contradictions would be exactly what you’d expect, and turns out that’s exactly what you get. No one is claiming this disproves Christianity, but it sure throws some doubt on the whole ‘God’s Word’ schtick


-Why would god let his book be tampered?
-How is someone supposed to follow Christianity if the bible is incorrect?
-Jesus being the son of god ruins the idea of god in the first place.


Talk about defending a lost cause to the death. It’s called fundamentalism. And very worrying that people would try to justify something to the death to suit their own narrative.


Old Testament: No other gods before me.
New Testament: Worship Jesus.
