Reverse Diet Week 11, Day 2

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Reverse Diet Week 11, Day 2

I cannot wait to start my first week of bulking which will be next week! I am really looking forward to having a much-needed change and the variety of foods I’m able to eat on a day-to-day and meal to meal basis. Going through this ketogenic bodybuilding prep has definitely made me appreciate eating food and when I do eat, I am much more mindful of each bite of food that I take. I no longer take eating for granted. For those of you that struggle with either staying consistent with your diet or to eat “healthy food“, I highly recommend a breakfast lunch and dinner and eat the same meals for a 2 to 3 week period. I would recommend eggs, cooked and butter for breakfast ground beef cooked in either or beef towel for lunch and for dinner, some type of fish or seafood and some type of Christopher’s vegetable like broccoli. Do this for 2 to 3 weeks and you’ll watch your sugar cravings disappear, you will watch the fat melt off of your body, and overall feel and look better.

Please keep it locked in here on my channel and like and subscribe and continue to follow along with me as I now go through the servers diet following myogenic bodybuilding prep.

#bodybuilding #consistencyiskey #keto #ketobrick #ketogenicbodybuildingprep #reversediet #cardio #fasting #goals #youcandoit 
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