What Is Reverse Dieting? A Nutritionist Explains | #DeepDives| Health

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Reverse dieting is essentially what to do after a restrictive diet. Let’s say you’ve cut your calorie intake to a low 1,200 per day in order to lose weight, and you’ve subsequently shed some pounds. Proponents of reverse dieting suggest gradually increasing your calorie intake by 50–100 calories per week for about 4–10 weeks, rather than simply reverting back to your pre-diet eating pattern. People who advocate for this approach claim that it can help increase metabolism, normalize hunger hormones, and reduce the risk of binge eating or rapid weight regain.

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As someone who has yo-yo dieted and struggled with anorexia off and on for years (14 years) My metabolism is sloooowww. I can function off 800-1000 calories and be very active. Trying to rebuild my metabolism is tough, don't restrict and starve. Balance is key!


I can’t think of a less helpful video for someone who has stuck with a restrictive diet for a long period of time.


I was a boredom eater. Now, I boredom drink water.


This video was a bit off-topic. Most of what was discussed was rectricted dieting, while the subject should have been reverse dieting AFTER a restrictive diet.


Calorie counting works and teaches you how much food you’re really eating. I’ve lost 130 pounds and the only reason is calorie counting teaching me how much food I can really eat.


It’s actually works very well. I have worked with hundreds of clients using reverse dieting. It’s much easier mentally and physically. Insight from my experience for over 20 years.


Why are they talking like reverse diet is restrictive? It’s the opposite. It’s about recovering from your prior restrictive diet. I’m on reverse rn, and I’m eating way more than I did before, yet still losing weight. I’m on a 5 meal a day plan, protein, fat and carbs with every meal, 2068 calories, how is that restrictive?


What if a client comes to you and has been on a restrictive diet for years? A reverse is beneficial and does/ should introduce a balanced diet back into their regimen. That's the goal. Once the client is back to a healthy BMR, I agree it's important to balance and maintain to a degree. The RD states the reverse isn't necessary in the first place, but we often find ourselves or have clients that come to us already in that "first place". Isn't the RD's solution essentially doing the same thing a reverse does?? Just pay her to count the calories for you rather than teach people how to be able to do it themselves if they want. It's not stressful for all - knowledge is power! I feel like there was an agenda being pushed here.🤷‍♀


If one has issues with emotion-triggered overeating, restrictive dieting is a total mind-frack. It is stressful and kind of frightening. She made a good point about trying to find other ways other than eating to cope with emotions. But it’s not easy. Years of self-soothing with food … hard to rip out that wiring.


Well, you're not losing any fat if you're not restricting your calorie intake... it's just what it is. Even if you're slim now and eat "balanced" you can gain fat over the years if you're not paying attention. So, people should learn to cycle in and out of calorie restriction phases. That's especially true if you're trying to build muscle while staying lean.


I don’t think this info is useful for someone who’s already done that extreme diet, if they’re looking to reverse diet they know it did damage. Basically this video was pretty useless


Hi! Does anyone know if reverse dieting can work if my metabolism is broken not just due to dieting, but also taking antidepressants! These pills made me gain a lot of weight and when I stopped taking them, even though I'm eating very little, I have lost nothing


but dear Lord, what if I've already done that, done that for years and still can not lose weight? I eat healthier than anyone I know and I can not lose weight.


This is the dumbest video I’ve ever seen. I am a 58 year old man who weight trains an hour a day 5-6 days a week. I’ve successfully dropped 20 lbs and can see a six-pack over a 4 month period. I chose this video in my research on “reverse dieting” chose it because I’ve reduced my calories to 1900-2200 per day and would like to increase them as I like to eat. The dieticians dismissal of reverse dieting because it hasn’t been studied is ludicrous.


Trying to find a way to help someone who has already hurt their metabolism.
170 lb female that eats 1200 or less calories a day and doesn't lose weight or poop.


so my metabolism is just royally screwed?


As someone who did try to eat healthy to lose weight, cutting out only refined sugar and processed carbs, I would say this video is slightly bogus. I did that for four months - eating whole foods till full - and introduced exercise, but lost no weight. Maybe only w kilo or two. You don't want to restrict calories to unhealthy level, but naive to suggest people shouldn't consciously cut their intake at all. Might work for some, of course.


What a ridiculous video. Don’t restrict to begin? Well that’s already happened to many, so that’s your answer? Don’t do it to begin??// so typical of lazy traditional medicine that the researcher has no curiosity, that takes them outside the box. No mention of micro biome, hyeprinsulinemia. This channel would be the last channel I’d take any advice from, if I wanted to be HEALTHY.
