When Calvinism Goes Bad, Hyper | Paul Washer | Subscriber Rebuke

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Great answer my brother, my soul fully opened to thise words. Thank you and Glory be to God for He is worthy.


Romans 4:5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.


What about hyper arminians. They are stage cage level??


Calvinism is the issue. Calvinism teaches that God does not love some but created them for damnation and destruction (limited atonement). Calvinism teaches that most cannot respond to the gospel (total depravity). Calvinism teaches that a few are saved not because they believe, but because God irresistibly caused them to be one of the elect (irresistible grace).

If someone calls upon the name of the Lord will they be saved? The Bible answers this question clearly. Or is one looking to their own "regeneration". We all are sinners, and we still sin, and we all need the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit every day!

Calvinism misuses the sovereignty to mean determinism (not all are determinists, but this doctrine comes primarily from Augustine and Calvin. Perhaps this is what you mean by hyper Calvinism. God is in control, and He uses the means He desires, and He reveals truth to us through His word. One must respect Calvinism first, and then read the Bible to defend these positions.
