Best ways to improve your builds - Space Engineers

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Hello everyone! Today I'm going to quickly run through a couple of the best ways to quickly get better at building in Space Engineers. Also showcasing how I went about improving my builds as well as fellow creators. If you enjoyed please like comment and subscribe for more!

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“There are only so many ways you can build a fucking doorway”
-Lunar Kolony 2023


I got a better way in general. Look up the "engineer design process" but to simplify it, goes Define, Think, Find, Refine, Select, Do, Test, Improve. Most of the time you will find this process as a circle. It's more like a web in actuality where you can start at any step in the process and you can come back to any step when needed.


Having your own private discord server and filling it up with inspiration pictures from other creators or even from pinterest i found helps out a ton. gives you an idea of what you can do with certain shapes and angles. And like Lunar said, its not copying


What i love about any kind of building in sandbox games is that. You start with a base shape, a brick. Add another brick. Modify that brick a little, detail that brick. And there you have it you got a beautiful brick mounted together.


This is why I love this channel’s tips. It’s practical with an emphasis on the rule of cool. It’s not purely form over function, but it’s also not like, say, Luca the Guide’s emphasis on sacrificing form for function (no shade towards Luca, great tips for more competitive pvp survival, just too “economical”)


One trick I learned was that you can put passage blocks in front of thrusters, been using it ever since.


"Theres only so many ways you can build a fucking doorway" 😂This is a prime example of why you're one of my favorite SE content creators!! Lol


there is no artist of any kind, who doesn't find inspiration in the work of others. Love the channel and also I especially enjoy the building tips. Keep coming back to the world motivation video and earlier ship building tips from time to time


I'm the kind of person who prefers to build from the inside out. I'd let the functional blocks dictate the ships overall design. As a result my ships were often ugly at first but because they put function first they always worked perfectly for me to the point i'd keep the blueprints and improve on them little by little, adding some extra features or moving things around to give it a better looking design. Eventually i'd reach a point where i felt like the ship both worked and looked perfect. It was common for a ship to take 3 blueprints to reach great functionality and have 20+ blueprint iterations and take months for the aesthetics to catch up.
My point being if you can't make a ship that looks good make one the works nearly perfect for it's intended use and you'll keep it around long enough to slowly make it look perfect over time.


5:12 youre describing a design language here, it can be better explained as "you're not copying their ship youre adopting and/or adapting their design language into your own", which is a really helpful creative tip and the insight was perfect for helping me get over a creative block, but i recognized a pattern in your description from other games and irl design and thought id mention the concept in case it helps you explain this kind of thing in the future


In summary: Get building, get better.


Great videos man. I haven't touched the game for about a year now but been getting the itch to jump back in.


newer space engineers been watching some of your tutorials and started your survival series, you're a great creator 👍


I absolutely love your content as I'm trying to build ships I'm proud of, I have trouble going from my mind to reality and find your videos rather helpful


loved it, nice video and informative on improving your builds.


Very informative video was showing to my wife who is new to the game you said what I told her already who cares what others think about you build it will evolve in time and you will learn to do more over the years


The mood board got me good bro. Thats genius and hilarious


Thanks lunar, am really needing this. Stuck for inspiration for my first ever large grid ship (new to SE btw)😅


I always use the stock keen ships to compare to usually for how many thrusters are required to lift and manoeuvre the ship but I do take little bits here and there I like the look of and put them onto my builds


Thank you, that video is what I needed!
