Understanding Darth Maul's Rage - Lonely Vengeance (Star Wars)

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Darth Maul (2017)
Age of Republic: Darth Maul
Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir

One Thing Lofi
Old Republic - Sith Theme
KOTOR: Rebuilt Jedi Enclave
Bastila Shan's Theme
Firelink Shrine (Dark Souls)
Majula (Dark Souls)
Coruscant, The Capital


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#starwars #darthmaul #obiwankenobi
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The writers took maul who was supposed to only last one movie and made him into one of the most depressing yet beautiful villains star wars has ever seen.


No matter how evil Maul was or how much blood he spilled. He was a 100% honest during the whole Star Wars franchise.


Darth Maul was that conspiracy theorist that no one believed until it was too late in Clone Wars.


In the Prequels, we were so hyped at him especially with his looks and lightsaber. We thought he was gonna be awesome but then immediately gets killed off. But here CW brings him back on screen and instantly gets the complexity we wanted and became one of the best fan favorite character in the franchise. They straight up saved his potentials from being wasted. Basically the definition of the “OH NO! anyway” trope.


To quote a line from Kung Fu Panda that I think fit's Maul: "The cup you choose to fill has no bottom"


He doesnt even say the chosen one will avege "me" as he is dying he finally understands that sideous was the root of his mistrust. He ways he will avenge "us" finally understanding his flawed logic.


In Star Wars Rebels, Obi-Wan finally freed Maul from all the pain and suffering he endured.


i can't believe the most complex star wars character is a horned demon guy named darth maul who had like 3 lines in his first appearance


"Through Victory *my chains are broken!*"
"....and then, *you* shall be broken."
I've loved Maul's story, from beginning, to end...the struggle of misdirected passions, of seeking solace in one's own darkness, only to bury themselves deeper into it....I love these stories.


One of the most tragic parts of their final fight is that Kenobi seemed to be trying to tactfully talk Maul down. He genuinely didn't want to kill him. But as soon as Maul figures out Luke exists, Kenobi ignites his lightsaber. Perhaps if there had been no Luke, no Chosen One, the two would have ended their days fighting together, instead of against each other.


His last words, how the chosen one would "avenge us" showed that, again, Maul knew exactly what would happen, but still saw through the lenses of the sith. Through revenge, and his last words were about revenge, I loved that detail


It was said that Maul's story can be compared with Sisyphus.

Sisyphus is cursed by having to push a giant boulder to the top of a mountain and if he fail he must push to the top over and over, symbolizing his arrogance in thinking he could cheat death and his pointless goal

Maul's desire for vengeance always leading him to his rise and downfall. So everytime he failed, he keep climbing to reach his goal over and over again.

Edit: thanks for the correction AwesomeChameleon


I loved the battle between Ahsoka Tano and Maul. The battle of Fallen Apprentices.


i believe that one of the main reasons Maul hung onto Kenobi for so long was because it was the longest and most consistent relationship Mauls ever had, and there's safety in consistency. Suffering the abuse and rejection that Maul has, trying to find safety in anything, Kenobi is the only constant in his life. Amazing video, really in depth and accurate. Maul has been my fave since the phantom manace (rule of cool) and with all the additions in the animated series and comics, he has become one of the most established and in depth characters in the entire franchise.


Sam Witwer is an immensely emotional VA, and I love him for it. He was perfect for Maul.


I really appreciate this essay's focus on his desire for companionship and loneliness, it often feels overlooked that he does seem to genuinely care about those he tries to take on as an apprentice; savage, ahsoka, Ezra. He desperately wants someone he can count on but it's warped through the abuse he suffered, making for a very compelling character.


Truly shows the tragedy of being raised as a Sith. He was a product of how he was raised and there was very little that could redeem him to the light. Anakin was able to return to the light and capable of returning to the light because he had people who loved him like his son. But Maul, he had no one. No friends. No love. Nothing. His whole life is a tragedy and shows the reality of being raised in evil


What makes Maul's final words better is the exact word he uses: avenge. Avenge is the more heroic version of revenge, meaning in that moment, he was finally free from the Sith way and could accept that for all the pain they all suffered, it would be worth it.


Maul was against The Sith, The Jedi, The Separatists, The Republic, Mandalore, The Rebellion, The Inquisitors, and deep down himself. He put up a damned good fight and can hold his head high, and imo he is the best character in all of Star Wars.


I really feel like if anyone had a chance of actually helping Maul was Savage. Like you said Savage only wanted to help his brother. At the end Maul didn't get to fully embrace that brotherhood. He probably wouldn't have gone full lightside but he would probably be... Happy... Or as much as he could be happy.
